Rebirth of Basketball Boy

Chapter 171 Campus Slam Dunk Tournament

Zhao Senming, who had been discharged from the hospital but had been making excuses to recuperate at home, finally returned to the campus on the first day after the monthly exam. When he limped and sneaked into the classroom, it was the time for self-study before class. It was quiet inside. If it weren't for the sharp-eyed Han Dengyun who uttered a cheer, few people would know that he had returned to school.

His appearance turned the originally quiet classroom into a vegetable market, and Qin Xuedan was so excited that she couldn't help but tears flowed down uncontrollably. Since this time, although Zhao Senming has sneaked into the school to have a tryst with her , But Qin Xuedan always felt that it was unreliable like an underground party joint. Now that Zhao Senming has returned to the classroom, her heart that has been hanging in the air has fallen into place.

Zhao Senming hesitated, but boldly walked over and took out a tissue from his pocket to wipe her tears, and comforted her softly, "Don't cry, am I not good?"

Qin Xuedan just sobbed, but ignored him.

"Since you see that I am upset, then I'll go!" Zhao Senming actually wanted to leave after saying this.

The simple Qin Xuedan didn’t know that Zhao Senming was retreating. He panicked and ignored the kind ridicule of his classmates. He stretched out his hand and grabbed Zhao Senming’s sleeve. Are you upset? I'm so happy..."

"Oh! Yeah! A kiss!" Sun Feiying, who is not afraid of the excitement, stood up and slapped her hands and shouted loudly.

Although Song Deming wanted to stop him, he was still very clever and did not speak after assessing the situation. In most cases, Sun Feiying and others still gave him face, so Song Deming, who knew how to advance and retreat, didn't mind giving them some face at this time.

Yan Lingfeng's mouth smiled and pulled Zhao Senming forward and said: "You bastard can be regarded as coming back. Do you know how bitter you hurt me? I patted my chest and packed a ticket and said you will be sure within five days. Will be back, but your kid has been drowsy until today."

Zhao Senming rolled his eyes and said nonchalantly: "Am I begging you to pack a ticket for me?"

"Do you know that there is a saying called "It's difficult to raise only villains and women!" I promised Xuedan that you will be back within five days. How can I know that you, a shameless fellow, actually took a break? For three or five days, Xue Dan also told me bad things for ten days!"

"Yeah, yeah! Senming, don't you know how embarrassed Ling Feng is when you're not here these days, just put it politely, he is incarnate as the mainland's'Rabbi Cai', haha!" Sun Feiying laughed loudly and roared.

Xiang Qingyun stood up lonely and yelled: "Smate Zhao Senming, I tell you, you can escape everything without an excuse to heal your injuries. You can escape the monthly exam, but I promise you will not escape from my clutches, I will give you Three seconds to make up for my long late birthday wishes, otherwise..."

"Otherwise, what about it?" Qin Xuedan asked Xiang Qingyun, staring at Xiang Qingyun like an old hen protecting a calf.

Xiang Qingyun, who has always adhered to the principle of "good men don't fight women," shrank her neck, and reluctantly changed her words: "Otherwise, I have to extend these three seconds to three minutes!"

Zhao Senming smiled, ignoring Xiang Qingyun, but blessing Xiang Zi Yan: "Happy birthday, I wish you more and more beautiful, and academic performance is also steadily high!"

Fragrant Ziyan smiled implicitly, "Thank you! I hope you won't get hurt anymore, and we can worry about breaking our Xue Dan these days."

Fu Zijun, the liveliest and most troubled person, did not seem to have seen Zhao Senming, who had been missing for a long time. There was such a big noise in the classroom, but he still sat in the seat blankly, his hands resting on his jaw, his eyes staring blankly. Outside the window, the bleak scene in early winter was in a daze.Zhao Senming walked suspiciously to Fu Zijun, patted his table and said, "Zijun, I'm back!"

"Huh?" Fu Zijun came back to his senses like a waking dream. He turned his head with difficulty and turned his gaze to Zhao Senming. He reluctantly squeezed a smile from the corner of his mouth and said: "Simming, you are back!"

After Zhao Senming circled him suspiciously, he touched the back of his head and returned to his seat. He turned to ask Yan Lingfeng, "What's wrong with him?"

Yan Lingfeng also looked suspicious, shook his head and said: "I don't know, I was fine when I got up this morning!"

Throughout the morning, Fu Zijun looked like the end of the world, silent, silent, motionless, as if he was frozen, without thought or expression.Yan Lingfeng and the others racked their brains and used all kinds of methods to make him happy.

It was already between the third class in the morning. While Yan Lingfeng and others were still discussing Fu Zijun’s illness, Tian Hui walked over and asked Fu Zijun a few words at random, and she said without a word: "Nothing else, it must be feelings. something is wrong."

Just as the so-called waking up the dreamer, Yan Lingfeng patted his forehead and said: "Yes, it must be because of Liu Zhiwei."

"Could it be that the spring is full of gardens, and a red apricot comes out of the wall?" Han Dengyun shook his head and guessed.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Zhiwei is not that kind of person!" Fu Zijun, who had been dumbfounded like a wooden person, suddenly broke out, patted the table and stood up suddenly, staring at Han Dengyun with wide eyes. The anger was burning.

After Sun Feiying gave Tian Hui a very concealed look, she smiled and stood between Fu Zijun and Han Dengyun and persuaded: "He is not talking nonsense for a day or two. Why are you angry with him? There is no need for this."

Tian Hui understood, and took Lu Yunxue's hand to go to Class 6 to inquire about the situation. Now that they have figured out the crux of the matter, as good friends, they certainly can't bear to watch Fu Zijun continue to suffer.

Yan Lingfeng and Zhao Senming also followed to persuade them to suppress Fu Zijun's anger.

The class bell rang for a long time, before Tian Hui and Lu Yunxue hurriedly returned to the classroom, with unconcealable sadness on their faces.

The two notes were passed to Yan Lingfeng and Sun Feiying in a short time. What Yan Lingfeng saw was "Zhiwei was crying very sad, and she asked her why she didn't say it." What Sun Feiying saw was "I guess It's not because of a broken relationship, Zhiwei is very disgusted with me for talking ill of Fu Zijun."

The two looked at each other, and both felt a puzzle that Monk Zhang Er couldn't figure out. If it wasn't because of emotional problems, why did the two men become like this?

The morning class soon ended. Yan Lingfeng winked at Zhao Senming. Zhao Senming nodded knowingly, and then said to Fu Zijun: "Zijun, I have been injured for so long. I haven't touched the ball for a while, you If there is nothing else to do, will it feel okay to accompany me to find it?"

"Sen Ming, I'm sorry I might..." Fu Zijun was stunned for a moment, and instinctively just wanted to reject Zhao Senming but didn't give him a chance to continue, "Why? Don't you treat me like a brother?"

"Sen Ming, I..." Fu Zijun gaped, and nodded helplessly after hesitating for a while. "Then, okay!"

Yan Ling's mouth was filled with a tricky smile. He took out the very precious headband from Fu Zijun's table hole and forced it on his head, then took the basketball on the floor and walked out of the classroom.

I ran into Wang Hanbo on the road. Yan Lingfeng dragged the senior to the basketball court involuntarily. He had a way to make Fu Zijun forget his troubles for the time being. To implement this method, he needed someone’s help. On Wang Hanbo, I can't miss it naturally.

A group of seven people arrived at the basketball court. Yan Lingfeng turned the basketball on his fingertips and smiled to Fu Zijun: "Don’t you have always been unconvinced with my dunk level, do you want to try it with me? How about today I will give you a chance to challenge me?"

"Not very good." Fu Zijun smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I'm not convinced, but I still know how many kilograms I have, so let's forget it!"

"Then how can you do it! Could you be Cheng Zijun, have you practiced on dogs a while ago?" Han Dengyun and Fu Zijun never knew how to write the word "Polite" when they opened their mouths, regardless of Fu Zijun now. The mood is beautiful but not beautiful.

Although Fu Zijun tried to control his emotions and didn't want to get angry, Han Dengyun's words still made his anger rush up uncontrollably, glaring at Han Dengyun and said: "If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb!"

Han Dengyun smiled nonchalantly: "But if you dare not fight, then we will treat you as a coward!"

"You are a coward! Your whole family is a coward!" Please be more aggressive, Fu Zijun's eagerness, which was covered by sadness, was finally picked up by Han Dengyun. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, staring at Yan Ling. Slowly nodded and said: "Okay, then let's compare!"

When Yan Lingfeng was studying in retreat, Fu Zijun naturally did not idle, but Yan Lingfeng was working hard in the classroom, but he was sweating on the basketball court.His height, wingspan and jumping are enough to ensure that he can complete some difficult dunks, so in the face of Yan Lingfeng's challenge, he still has certain confidence in his heart.

"Okay, then we will imitate the NBA dunk contest. Humber, Feiying, Senming, Dengyun and Qingyun are five referees. The full score is 10, and the sum of the five people's scores is the number of dunks. Well, we How about a total of two deductions. After two rounds, the person with the highest score wins."

"Okay!" Fu Zijun nodded quickly, "ComeOn! Baby!"

"Yes, that's right, if you want to have this domineering, you will know if it is a mule or a horse drawn out for a walk!" After Wang Hanbo was pulled over by Yan Lingfeng, he had been in the cloud and mist for a while, but now he heard it. Watching the dunk game, I was suddenly happy and forgot that he hadn't eaten lunch yet.

"Then let go! You first, me first?" The basketball was still turning obediently on Yan Lingfeng's fingertips, hiding his face behind the basketball, Yan Lingfeng smiled strangely.

"You go first." Fu Zijun waved his hand. Although Yan Lingfeng hasn't touched basketball for two weeks, the pressure he put on Fu Zijun on basketball for a long time has not diminished, so Fu Zijun plans to observe first. Let's talk about the situation of the opponent.

Yan Lingfeng nodded, took off his jacket, took the ball and walked to the right side of the 45° three-point line. After a little activity, he warmed up and took a deep breath with the ball on his chest. The basket rushed.I saw a blue light passing through the sky, Yan Lingfeng's bounce speed was very fast, and he flew faster in the air. After gliding for a long distance with the ball in one hand, a tomahawk smashed the basketball into the basket. in.

8 points, 9 points, 9 points, 10 points, 9 points, a total of 45 points, this is a very good compliment for Yan Lingfeng, who has abandoned basketball for a long time.

Fu Zijun picked up the basketball from the basket, raised his right thumb and gestured to Yan Lingfeng. Although they are now opponents, they are more often brothers, so he doesn't hesitate to praise him.

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