
The average time has just passed in the first quarter. This is undoubtedly a very high score. Thanks to the amazing shooting percentages of the two teams, the audience was enthusiastic about watching it. This is a high-quality score. The scores of the two teams rose alternately, not to mention the canine teeth, the content of the game is also very exciting, there is a tacit cooperation, there is a sharp personal offense, there are also incredible three-point shots, and there are relatively rare dunks on the court of high school students.So although the game has just started half a quarter, it has already entered the ** for the audience.

In the corner of the auditorium, there were four or five stylishly dressed and brightly dressed girls who knew they were college students.There is a joke that the college students of this year are dressed like young ladies, but the young ladies are like college students.Although this sentence is very one-sided, it actually has a certain truth. Long wavy hair, flaming red lips, red orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple eye shadows in various colors are related to most people’s impressions of college students wearing glasses and ponytails. .

"Yingying, your junior brother is so handsome, can you introduce it to me?" A girl with her hair dyed orange asked her classmates expectantly.

Yingying is almost the most beautiful of them in public. She shook her head with a touch of eyeshadow and a bit cramped expression.

"Why?" The girl with orange hair was puzzled: "Didn't you say that he knows you very well?"

"Oh, Lulu, you are so stupid!" Another girl smiled and joked, "What do you think about the meat in the bowl? Yingying is still single now. Do you think she doesn't eat meat? People are waiting. , Waiting for her junior brother to grow up..."

"Lili, don't talk nonsense, okay!" Yingying's face flushed and stared at Lili: "He and I are one year old, but how many days is my birthday, OK?"

"Good, good!" Lili smiled and nodded: "He is not young, he and you are a pair of talents in the sky and a pair on the ground, OK?"

Yingying turned her head shyly, and then led her gaze to No. 4 who was wearing white clothes on the court.In her eyes, Shao Fei, fluttering in white, is like Ximen Chuuxue in a martial arts novel, unsmiling but invisible, lonely as snow but hot and passionate.The heart of a young girl has long been tied to him, because he is happy and joyful, because he is sad and sad.

"Tsk tusk, it turned out to be like this, then I am not being passionate again?" Lulu sighed, and sighed in infinite melancholy: "Why always fall flowers intentionally and flowing water ruthlessly? It is so difficult for this girl to have a love relationship. Huh?"

Lili smiled and said: "It's not that no one is chasing you, so you still don't want to sigh here to make us happy."

"Are you very happy?" Lulu asked staringly.

"A little bit." Lilith answered bluntly without paying attention to the threat in Lulu's eyes.

"What's so happy about you? Isn't it the same as me? You are almost 20 years old or an old virgin!" Lulu is obviously a straightforward girl, and the public will expose the girl's greatest privacy to the public. Up.

Lili hurriedly turned her head and pretended not to know her. It was really embarrassing. This girl didn’t have a door on her mouth. It’s too unsafe to sit with her. I don’t know when this guy can throw it out of her mouth. One stick comes.

The audience sitting around them heard some funny, curious, or playful eyes, but Lulu curled her lips unconsciously, "That number 11 is also good, or else the old lady will take second place, Yingying, you Introduce that number 11 to me!"

If Shao Fei looks like Ximen Chuuxue in Yingying's eyes, then the number 11 in Lulu's mouth is undoubtedly Ye Gucheng, who fought Ximen Chuuxue on the top of the Forbidden City. There is not so much clarity in the girl's heart. In terms of likes and dislikes, Shao Fei is the incarnation of justice in her eyes, so as Shao Fei's opponent, Yan Lingfeng naturally represents a lot of derogatory terms.She was drawing a circle in her heart to curse that Yan Lingfeng would end up injured. When she heard that her good friend turned out to be interested in the enemy, she was reluctant at that time, turning the angry bull to stare at Lulu coldly. Said: "I don't know him!"

Lulu has never watched a basketball game before. This time she came here because she was curious about the "little brother" in Yingying's mouth. How can she figure out whether No. 11 is an enemy or a friend in such a short time? Angrily, she shrank her neck and looked at Lili in confusion.

Lili shrugged a little innocently, and expressed deep sympathy for Lulu's ignorance.

"That number 11 is indeed very handsome! He can dunk..." Yingying was annoyed, but at this time, some people thought she was not angry enough, and agreed with the fire.

Yingying turned her head to look at another roommate, Xiaojiabiyu-like bamboo, and gave her a vicious look: "Handsome, handsome! What's the use of a handsome man? Can he be handsome enough to use his card on the street?"

"That's not possible." Bamboo shook his head innocently.

"Besides, we are so far apart, we must not see clearly, maybe he has a pocky face!" In order to bring these two apostasy roommates back to her camp, Yingying vilified Yan Ling. The wind comes but is merciless.

At this moment, on the court, Shao Fei broke through again and was blocked. In desperation, he could only retreat and turn over to shoot a jumper. In order to avoid Yan Lingfeng’s cover, he tried to lean back a bit, but his luck was good. The basketball hit After the rebound, he bounced into the basket.

At the end of the first quarter, with Shao Fei's buzzer shot, the Texas No. 4 Middle School regained the lead after being overtaken by the score.At 23:22, the two sides entered the inter-junction of the first quarter.

In the rest area, Zhang Degui and Shao Fei’s faces are full of gloomy clouds. Although they are still ahead of their opponents, anyone who knows a little basketball can see you. Texas Fourth Middle School is at the end of the game at this time. In the second half of the competition, Shao Fei’s physical condition obviously went wrong. The most obvious thing was that he rarely used speed to force his opponents. Although this had something to do with Yan Lingfeng’s tight defense, it was even bigger. The reason is that Shao Fei did not dare to exert any effort.

The Texas Fourth Middle School scored a total of 23 points, but Shao Fei alone took 20 points. Except for Wang Yong’s lucky three-pointer, all the remaining points in the Texas No. 4 Middle School were obtained by him. You can imagine The thing is, the later the game, the more difficult it will be for him to score. If no teammates come forward to help him by that time, then the failure of the Texas Fourth Middle School will be inevitable.

Zhang Degui sighed slightly. He thought that Xue Zang and Shao Fei could numb the opponent by showing the enemy's weakness, but he did not expect that the opponent's coach would not be recruited. Except for the two attacks in the opening, Shao Fei was affected at other times. Keep a close watch, Shao Fei has to do his best for every point he scores. In this case, Shao Fei's physical performance seems to be inevitable.

"I want to ask, have you all given up this game?" After a short silence, Zhang Degui slowly said. Although he did not name him, all the players except Shao Fei understand that the coach is asking himself .Zhang Degui has nothing to do. Shao Fei has tried his best. At this time, he can only tap the potential of the other players. Please don’t be as aggressive and cheer up with the other players who beg grandpa to grandma, instead of scolding them. It might be able to trigger their small universe while releasing oneself.

The players bowed their heads in silence. They didn’t want to come forward to help the team through the embarrassment, but once they were used to handing over the ball to Shao Fei, they stood on the side and watched the excitement. His own abilities are limited, but he has the intention to kill the thief but is unable to recover.

With a bunch of stuffy gourds under his hand, Zhang Degui's words seemed to hit the cotton ball. He sighed and put on a stern expression and said sharply: "Answer me! If you don't want to win, then I can now go to the competition. The organizing committee proposed to abandon the game! I don’t have to watch you embarrassing Texas on the court!"

"It's the bastard who doesn't want to win!" Du Zhenghui finally couldn't help but said: "But coach, we are at this level. What do you want us to do?"

"What to do?" Zhang Degui sneered, "Did you blush when you said this? You touched your conscience and asked if you really tried your best? You are all high school students, I believe you Do you understand the meaning of the word desperately? Okay, let me tell you what desperately means! Desperate refers to doing your best and giving your life to one thing! Can you tell me you have such an idea? Maybe your skills Can’t match your opponents? But what about your hard work? It’s okay if your skills are not as good as humans, but you have to fight for me! Take out the strength of knocking out your teeth and swallowing into your stomach! Our opponents are not terrible, they are just like you Students! If you work hard, they will be afraid. When they are afraid, aren't they let us kill them!"

The players fell into silence. Slowly, there was a ruthlessness on their faces. Zhang Degui's words stimulated them and inspired them. They seemed to understand how to play on the court.

"You remember, a civilized basketball game only exists in friendly matches that do not count on victory or defeat. This game is not a friendly match! This is a knockout match where life and death are higher than life and death! If we win, we will continue to advance and continue to glory, and we lose. We will have nothing! Go back to the house dingy!" As if infected by the team members, Zhang Degui's eyes flashed a vicious look, "This is not just a game, it is also a war! As long as it is a war , Then there is only one purpose, to win! In order to win, you can do everything you can. Your hands, legs, feet, and even teeth are all your weapons! Do you understand?"

"Understood!!" This time the players answered very loudly and neatly. Although the coach didn't say it clearly, they already understood what the coach meant. The coach who said this was a bit crazy, but they didn't mind. Because they plan to go crazy with the coach!

The short rest period passed quickly, the referee blew a whistle, and the game restarted.

Shuiyun No. 1 Middle School made two substitution adjustments. Han Dengyun replaced Gao Yang, Fu Zijun replaced Zhao Senming, who had already fouled twice, and Yan Lingfeng moved to the position of the point guard against Shao Fei, Fu Zijun He is a small forward.

The audience can clearly feel that the re-playing of the Texas Fourth Middle School is completely like a change of team. They did not change, but their aura has changed drastically compared with the first quarter.

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