Rebirth of Basketball Boy

Chapter 216 Hard fight (5)

Because there is Dong Lin, an "exotic" small forward with an offensive threat that is about zero, Yan Lingfeng can unscrupulously recruit the ball holders. Whether it is Wang Kai or Li Xin, Yan Lingfeng's defense has given them a lot. pressure.Don’t talk about attacking the rim, you have to be careful when dribbling the ball. This way their offensive efficiency can be imagined. Fortunately, Wang Kai still has the touch. Although the offensive is sluggish, he still wins. Before the offensive time ran out, he shot the ball from a long distance outside the three-point line to the basket.

After the goal, Wang Kai still didn't have any excitement on his face, but a fluke on his face. Unlike the previous three-pointer, he didn't have half-point confidence when he shot it. The reason why he was able to get the ball into the basket, Of course, it is inseparable from the blessing of Goddess of Luck, but it also has a lot to do with the feel he has developed over the years.

Pitchers are not born, no matter how talented they are, if there is no mechanical and boring repetition over and over again, they are nothing but a "injury", and people like Wang Kai who are called "genius pitchers" are often Those that repeat the most.

Wang Xinli knew very well that the mysterious and mysterious things like luck couldn't stay on him forever. This time he could throw the ball in, but what about next time?Next time next time?If you don't want to break the situation on the offensive end, if you can't attack, you can't defend Hero Mountain Middle School, the hope of winning is very slim.

Li Xin obviously thought of this too, and looked up and glanced at the sidelines with a solemn expression. Li Chunguang knew the problems that the two of them could see, but he was still hesitating, plus the current score. It hasn't been pulled away yet, so he decided to wait and see.

Once he was born, the second was familiar. The members of Shuiyun No.1 Middle School who had been bombed by Wang Kai once in a long distance seemed calm after the second round of artillery fire. They also understood. When there is misfire inaccurate.In the competition, we still have to fight with real swords and guns.

The ball arrived in the frontcourt, and Yan Lingfeng received the ball again. Dong Lin actually has no confidence in defending this agile and cunning opponent, but his responsibility lies. Although he is playing drums in his heart, he still bites his head. Up here.In fact, the best way to deal with this kind of arrow character that is difficult for one person to fight against is to double-team defense like Shuiyun Yizhong, but Yan Lingfeng dared to double-team.It is because it is clear that Dong Lin has no offensive ability, his possession is very bad, and his shooting is even worse. Even if he is given an open field, it is difficult to grow good crops.Hero Mountain Middle School dare not do this because the opponents on the field do not have a soft persimmon, and the consequences of missing one will be very serious.

The enemy advances and I retreat. Every time Dong Lin approaches, Yan Lingfeng takes a step back. Like the previous time, Yan Lingfeng retreats to near the center line and can no longer retreat. This is the last fight that suddenly speeds up the dribbling frequency. Change direction, right direction for a while, and double change direction for a while. Yan Lingfeng's skillful ball-handling skills ensured that he would not be slammed by Dong Lin to steal the ball. Of course, Dong Lin did not have the courage.

Yan Lingfeng pays great attention to cultivating his right hand ability. He often trains his right hand in his spare time. Although shooting and layups are not very reliable, his right hand dribbling ability is still very good, not as good as his left hand. It's not far off.Like a marionette, Dong Lin followed Yan Lingfeng from left to right, his brain was already muddy, except that his eyes could barely keep up with Yan Lingfeng's dribbling movement, his movements were already much stiffer.

Yan Lingfeng's dribbling frequency was getting faster and faster. Dong Lin only felt a flower in front of his eyes. He rubbed his eyes subconsciously, but found that Yan Lingfeng had disappeared under his eyelids. He made a bad sound and hurriedly turned his head back. But seeing that Yan Lingfeng had calmly rushed into the inside, facing Jiang Teng who came forward to make up the defense, he did not rush to pass the ball from behind to Han Dengyun, who was undefended under the basket, and Han Dengyun succeeded.

Dong Lin looked at all this incomprehensibly, and there was a ridiculous illusion in his heart, as if this man was not a player but a magician. If he hadn't made magic, how did he pass himself just now? ?

Of course, Yan Lingfeng will not be able to make magic. The method he used to pass is actually very simple. Just like the "man ball passing" commonly used in football matches, Dong Lin has already been dazzled by his dazzling dribble. After fighting, Yan Lingfeng dribbled the ball with his left hand and shook slightly. The basketball flew behind Dong Lin silently, and then Yan Lingfeng twisted his body and flashed, dodges Dong Linfeng and swept away from him. Then, slightly bowed and copied the basketball in his hand to complete the breakthrough.


Li Chunguang on the sidelines gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and finally made up his mind and generally requested a timeout.There is an unwritten practice on the basketball court. Coaches seldom do anything before the opponent requests a timeout, because this is not only equivalent to admitting that they are not as good as others in disguise, but also has a bad effect on the morale of players.

Of course, Li Chunguang is unwilling or willing to admit that he is not as well-planned as his opponent's coach. After all, Wen has no first and no second, no coach wants to admit that he is inferior to others.But he sees very clearly that the team has fallen into a crisis, and if you do not hurry up and adjust in time, it may cause irreversible consequences.Compared with the team's victory or defeat, the personal honor and disgrace are really unbearable. After all, the coach and the team are closely related. Only when the team achieves good results is the true honor.

Li Chunguang waited silently for the players to sit down, and then slowly said: "Dong Lin, take a break and you will go up in the middle review. I don't ask you to perform well in defense, but I hope you can Make your contribution on the offensive end, understand?"

The backup small forward of Hero Mountain Middle School, No. 5 Sun Zhongping nodded with excitement, "Coach, don't worry, and promise to complete the task."

Sun Zhongping is about 1.9 meters tall, with long hands and long legs, but his body is slightly thinner. Naturally, his defensive ability can't be compared with Dong Lin who depends on this to eat, but his offensive ability can throw Dong Lin a few. Go to the street.Of course, I am afraid that most people can do this, after all, Dong Lin's offensive ability is really bad.Li Chunguang also understands that leaving the defensive champion Dong Lin on the court can't prevent the opponent's No. 11. If this is the case, then simply ignore him. If you can't prevent it, don't defend it. Open the battle and the opponent. The offense is good. Sun Zhongping's shooting and ball-holding breakthroughs are fairly good. Putting him on the court can at least ensure that Yan Lingfeng will not dare to double-team his "double shots in the backcourt."

Dong Lin, who was replaced, had no opinion either. He was already shocked by Yan Lingfeng's ghostly breakthrough. Instead of staying on the court and continuing to play as a background, he shouldn't look at other backgrounds ashamed.

Li Chunguang turned his attention to the second "Huh Ha" on the inside again, "Zhang Zheng, Jiang Teng, you must pay more attention to screens for your teammates, and you must also ensure the rebounding of the team. Rebounding is the survival line of a team. Only by protecting the rebounds, we will have the hope of winning, understand?"

Zhang Zheng and Jiang Teng looked at each other, thinking that their opponent's shooting percentage is still 100% so far. If this shooting percentage is maintained, what rebounds and offensive rebounds should they grab?Think that your height, strength, bounce, and consciousness are not as good as your opponent's, so forget it!

Li Chunguang didn’t know what the two brothers were thinking, but he didn’t have time to ask in detail. After a hurried sentence, he turned his attention to his two lovers, "Li Xin, Wang Kai, let me be honest with you. The performance of the two previous games was very disappointing. The strength of Shuiyun No. 1 Middle School is very strong, and it is definitely not comparable to those of our previous opponents. If you two are not defending in such a game, then we can all clean up in advance and wait. Go home after the game!"

A trace of guilt flashed across Wang Kai's face, and he bowed his head silently.Li Xin shook his head nonchalantly, "Coach, I admit that our previous performance was really bad, but please believe us, just like the previous four games, the victory must belong to us!"

Li Chunguang was not too angry. After all, it is not a matter of two people being lazy in defense. But Li Xin's words made Li Chunguang angry, "Why do you say this without shame? Kung fu to recruit three-legged cats? A joke! Shuiyun No. 1 Middle School may not be the strongest, but their strength is definitely above us! This is not because I am arrogant, but the fact is the fact, not something that you can change with a few big words. I don't want to talk with you anymore. I will give you another 3 minutes. If you still can't correct your attitude and strengthen your defense, then don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Li Chunguang seldom gets angry on weekdays, just like his name, the spring is warm, so when he sees his face covered with frost, Li Xin suddenly felt a chill from head to toe, and he couldn't help but shiver. Li Xin shrank his neck and nodded, "I see."

"In general, everyone played very well, so I won't be too much, just keep it up." Xu Jianye was obviously satisfied with the content of the game, and after two steps with his hands behind his back, he said: "I guess the opponent It is likely that you will change after this timeout, so Ling Feng, you should pay attention to it when you are defending. You must maintain the defensive pressure on Li Xin and Wang Kai, and you can no longer ignore your defensive players as you did just now."

"Oh." Yan Lingfeng pursed his lips and nodded. There is nothing to say for those capable.

"In addition, I want to give special praise to Han Dengyun. You have done a good job in these two minutes, but don't bend your braids and keep it going." Xu Jianye praised Han Dengyun rare, and his eyes were full of encouragement.

"Oh, don't worry, coach, I don't have braids, I can't lift up even if I want to." Han Dengyun nodded seriously and replied.

Xu Jianye was almost suffocated to death when he didn't come up in one sigh. He was in a good mood and immediately turned cloudy. He gave Han Dengyun a fierce look and ignored him.

The timeout ends and the game restarts.

Yan Lingfeng saw that the opponent's coach really changed Dong Lin, and couldn't help but look back at Xu Jianye. Unexpectedly, this shabby old bachelor, who was in his 30s and still alone, really had a few brushes. The change of the opponent's coach was his In addition to the calculation of Shuiyun No. 1 Middle School's strength, the suspense in this game seemed to be a little smaller.

Li Xin dribbled the ball into the frontcourt with a serious face, his mouth was tightly closed, and his eyes stared at Zhao Senming in front of him like electricity. He was blocked by Yan Lingfeng and even made 2+1. He didn't care, but the coach just now made him care. As long as he still wants to win and wants to stay on the court to contribute to the victory, then he must get serious.

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