Rebirth of Basketball Boy

Chapter 219 Hard fight (8)

Xu Jianye's sudden madness not only caused the players of Shuiyun No. 1 Middle School to be at a loss, they were all stunned. The audience was also in an uproar. They did not understand what Xu Jianye was singing. You must know that the current leader is Shuiyun No. 1 Middle School. Well, even if he was dissatisfied with the players' performance, he wouldn't be so angry.

On the broadcast booth, Xiao Cui looked at Xu Jianye dumbfounded and murmured: "What is he going to do? Throw all the main players back to the locker room, is it possible that you don't plan to win?"

Song Taorao is well-informed, and was confused by Xu Jianye's inexplicable trick. "I don't understand, I don't understand! To be honest, Shuiyun No.1 Middle School is in the second half of the first quarter. The fight is indeed a bit random, but it won't bring five people into the pot."

Xiao Cui smiled bitterly and shook his head, "I hope he can calm down as soon as possible, and correct this kind of behavior of his loved ones who hurt their enemies and quickly."

In the dressing room, Feiying Sun was full of resentment. As soon as she entered the door, she flew up and kicked heavily on the wall, "Is this his mother's grandson wrong? We played well. Why is he? ?"

Zhao Senming didn't speak with a sullen face, and sat on the pier without knowing his eyes were cold.

Xu Zhong also did not speak. If he was in a high school, he would have led the team members to rise up because of his temper. Now he has no prestige, and Xu Jianye has always taken care of him, so he can only silently Endured.

Gao Yang walked at the end, his sullen face slowly spit out two words, "Huang Cheng."

Sun Feiying’s eyes lit up and he remembered the final about three months ago. At that time, the team’s head coach Huang Cheng was also fainted. Later it was confirmed that Coach Huang was under duress. Then he turned to think about it. How similar is Xu Jianye’s approach to today’s Xu Jianye?Thinking of this, Sun Feiying only felt that his forehead was congested, and she was about to go outside with her teeth and feet.

"Wait." Yan Lingfeng frowned and called to Sun Feiying, "What are you going to do?"

"You are nonsense!" The flushed Sun Feiying said loudly, "Xu Jianye made it clear that he was collecting black money, and I'm going to get him out!"

Yan Lingfeng sighed, "He's gone, who will direct the team's game? Are you?"

Sun Feiying was taken aback for a moment, looked at Yan Lingfeng suspiciously and asked, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, wait a minute. After all, we don't have enough evidence to prove that the coach plays a match-fixing. If we make a mistake, we will be passive." Yan Lingfeng pursed his lips and explained worriedly, although He said so, but he actually believed Sun Feiying's speculation somewhat in his heart.

"Ling Feng, don't you?" Sun Feiying looked at Yan Lingfeng's eyes even more puzzled. If the two of them hadn't been together almost day and night after coming to Jinan, Sun Feiying would be able to rush up and grab his collar and question him. Why betray the brothers and teammates with the coach.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Yan Lingfeng glared at him and then muttered: "I think I know the coach better. He is not a person who can be easily moved by money, and he is alone and others cannot be like threatening Huang. Threatened him like that, so why did he play a match-fixing?"

"The so-called loyalty is only because the chips for betrayal are not enough." Sun Feiying sneered: "Maybe our opponents used a lot of money this time?"

Yan Lingfeng shook his head and smiled bitterly, "First of all, I'm pretty sure that there is no betting interface for this level of competition. Then, our opponent is an ordinary high school just like us. How big is your so-called big deal? Five million? Or 1,000. Million?"

"I agree with Ling Feng's statement." Zhao Senming, who has been silent for a long time, lowered his head and said: "It is indeed us. No, it is my problem. You are all affected by me. I'm sorry..."

Sun Feiying seemed to have been moved by Yan Lingfeng. He hesitated at the door and stomped or walked back. "If you are a brother, don't say anything sorry, but Senming, don't blame me for speaking badly. You were a little too Desire to express yourself."

"Yeah." Zhao Senming rubbed his hair with both hands and nodded, "I don't know what happened to me just now. It's like being wicked. I am ashamed to think about it now."

When the five players in the locker room turned their attention to finding problems, Shuiyun Yizhong on the court was almost in desperation. Half of the second quarter had passed. The score on the court was 30:21. The leading one has been replaced by Hero Mountain Middle School.Li Xin, who was back on the battlefield, suffocated his firepower. As soon as he came on the field, he fired a three-pointer from the outside and then intercepted the ball from Huang Wenyi, assisting the king to score with a fast attack and counterattack.

On the other hand, on Shuiyun Yizhong's side, a gang of bench players were beaten up. They were like headless flies on the court, and Han Dengyun was able to make a bit of wind and waves in the interior, and the others seemed to be completely unable to play.

"Xu Jianye is fooling around! He did not do his own grave digging! I think if he can't wake up in time, Shuiyun Yizhong will lose the game!" Xiao Cui patted the table angrily and said loudly. Chu Li was angry. Seeing Shui Yun Yizhong fell behind more and more points, he couldn't wait to rush off the field to pull Xu Jianye away from his guest coach.

"It's really unwise." Song Tao followed with a sigh, "If this is an insignificant group match, he would be forgiven for doing this, but this is a knockout game that is determined to win or lose! What a pity! ,what a shame."

Xiao Cui said angrily when he found his soulmate: "One will be incompetent and exhausted! If Xu Jianye cannot rein in the cliff in time, he will definitely become a sinner in Shuiyun and even the whole of Yantai!"

At the beginning of the second quarter, Xiao Cuihao maintained a certain degree of restraint. He called Xu Jianye "Coach Xu" or "Coach Xu", but as the scene of Shuiyun No. 1 Middle School became more and more passive, the more lagging scores became. The more he came, he also hated Xu Jianye and began to call Xu Jianye by his name very rudely.

"Actually, I might be able to guess his thoughts." Song Tao groaned and continued: "But there are too many examples of playing with fire. Anyway, I am not optimistic about the prospects of Shuiyun Yizhong. "

With the effort of two people talking, Yingxiongshan Middle School completed another attack. Wang Kai got rid of Tian Baiwei's defense by flexibly interspersing and running, and went to the three-point line to catch Li Xin's passer and hit another three-pointer. The score difference widened to double digits, 33:21!Hero Mountain Middle School leads by as much as 12 points.

Xu Jianye stood on the sidelines with his arms folded indifferent eyes, as if he could not see everything that happened on the court. No one knew what he was thinking, but everyone looked at him with weird eyes.

Han Dengyun watched helplessly as the basketball passed through the net, stomped his feet severely, turned around and opened his mouth and cursed: "Fu Zijun, you're a fucking coward!"

The score is so much behind, everyone feels uncomfortable, Fu Zijun is already awkward enough, Han Dengyun’s scolding immediately seemed to light a barrel, Fu Zijun cursed unwillingly, "I rely on your uncle, you What qualifications do you have to scold me?"

"I don't scold you who you scold? That grandson wouldn't allow you to shoot three-pointers, wouldn't you dare to vote?" Han Dengyun had already reached Fu Zijun's side at this time, and his voice was much lower, so he was not worried about being "grandson". To hear.

Fu Zijun raised his eyebrows, gritted his teeth and said, "How do you know I dare not? I did it because I didn't have a good phone meeting."

"Okay, then you find a good place to wait. I will take care of passing the ball. If you still don't dare to vote, you will be raised." Han Dengyun dropped these words and ran to the front court. , Who said his brain is simple?Han Dengyun forced Fu Zijun to the corner, but he stood firmly in an invincible position.If Fu Zijun waited a while, if he made the investment, it would have contributed to him. If he couldn't make the investment, Xu Jianye would blame him, it would not have much to do with him.

Fu Zijun was clear about Han Dengyun's careful thoughts, but now that he has no way out, he can only grit his teeth and follow.

Tian Baiwei and Huang Wenyi shielded each other, and they managed to get the ball to the front court before the 8 seconds violation. Zhao Senming was not there, Bi Xiangyang was injured, and Wang Hanbo did not sign up. Shuiyun No. 1 Middle School had the most abundant staff. Point guards are unavailable for a while, which is also a very important reason why they can't organize a smooth offense.

With the help of strength and height, Tian Baiwei barely avoided Wang Kai's interference and passed the ball inside. Han Dengyun caught the ball with both hands and held it above his head. He looked around, and he was about to attack.Almost without hesitation, Zhang Zheng and Sun Zhongping came together in double teams. They have become accustomed to the offense of their opponents. In the second quarter, Shuiyun No. 1 seems to have only this kind of play, so they didn't have a trace of double-teaming Han Dengyun. The psychological burden of Han Dengyun is not worried at all.

But unexpectedly, the "black hole" Han Dengyun actually passed the ball. Fu Zijun really received the pass from Han Dengyun outside the left corner of the three-point line. Although there was no one in front of him two meters, Fu Zijun hesitated. After a moment, he turned his head and gave Xu Jianye a careful look.In order to avoid discrediting his mother, he clenched his teeth and jumped up with a basketball.

Not fighting for the steamed buns, Fu Zijun tried to throw the ball in, even if he was scolded by Xu Jianye for it, he recognized it. The basketball from his hand flew straight to the basket with a high-speed spin, and then fell straight up and down. In the basket, it fell to the floor without even occupying the net bag.

"Pretty!" Fu Zijun held the shot's right hand and waved.

"Pretty!" Xiao Cui on the broadcast booth also waved his fist.

"Pretty!" This is the true thoughts of the expressionless Xu Jian in the industry.

"Okay!" Han Dengyun rushed over and hugged Fu Zijun with a brilliant face. He knew very well in his heart that once Fu Zijun was on the outside with fangs, he would not dare to double-up him with the gesture like before.

"You bastard!" Fu Zijun also smiled and lightly hammered Han Dengyun's head.After the ball was scored, he was worried about another thing. He was actually calculated by this single-celled animal. It would be ashamed if it were passed on.

"Hehe." Han Dengyun didn't get angry, and took Fu Zijun up and turned around twice before putting it down.

33:24!The point difference returned to single digits. More importantly than this, Xu Jianye actually broke his promise. He did not switch Fu Zijun off the court because he violated his instructions. This completely relieved Fu Zijun, who was a little bit worried.

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