Xu Jianye's scolding became more and more irritable. He was so dry that he was out of breath and finally stopped making noise. He whizzed his chest and panted, and asked with an urn voice, "Have you all remembered?" "

The players looked at each other. Xu Jianye's curse just now contains too much information. At first they listened very seriously, but then Xu Jianye became more and more ridiculous. From basketball to personality, from personality to life, I was really impatient to continue listening. Going down can only open the right ear at the same time as the left ear.Now I heard Xu Jianye's question, how could they answer it?

Xu Jianye seems to be aware of this, and he chuckled, "Okay, you can't remember what I said just now, it doesn't matter, but then you must keep my words firmly in my mind and take basketball seriously. Basketball rewards you with serious answers, and vice versa."

Yan Lingfeng, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke, "Coach, everything you say is fake now, it depends on our actions."

Xu Jianye squinted and smiled, "You little slicker, do you play smart with me?"

"Um..." Yan Lingfeng was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect the coach's brain to make money so quickly. What he said just now actually dug a hole. If Xu Jianye nodded and agreed, then it means that some of them can reappear. , But Xu Jianye didn't catch up, but broke his trap with a single word.

"I can give you the opportunity, but you must seize it for me! After losing the game, everyone walked back to Shuiyun with me. Have you remembered?" Xu Jianye's expression is very serious, and these words are nothing like It's joking.

Yan Lingfeng and the others held back the joy in their hearts and nodded heavily.

"You all come in too, put your heart in your stomach, I have no problem with you." Xu Jianye turned to open the door and shouted.

"Let's just say, the coach must be worried about these bastards, so he rushed back in such a hurry. Do you believe my magical calculations, right now?" Han Dengyun winked and patted his chest with a grin.

Xu Jianye glared at him, then turned to ask Gong Jingjiao: "Leader Gong, where is the tape I asked you to prepare?"

"Huh?" Gong Jingjiao was stunned for a moment. She had already guessed Xu Jianye's plan. She gave Han Dengyun an unbearable look, and slowly opened her handbag and found out a roll of tape.

"Got me his mouth and save me all day long!" Xu Jianye waved his hand and pointed at Han Dengyun.

"Coach, this way, okay?" Although Gong Jingjiao hesitated, she didn't move slowly, because she actually wanted to do this a long time ago. Now that she has Xu Jianye's will, she certainly won't be merciful.

"Farewell, coach, I promise you that I won't talk anymore, really, oh, I said you don't, uh..." Han Dengyun's eyes were wide and his mouth was taped, so he could only shake it. The head protested.

"Now it's all right, the world is much quieter." Xu Jianye spread his hands and shrugged. "What do you think?"

The dead daoists are not dead, and everyone is afraid that the beautiful lady Gong will find themselves, one by one nodded and said yes.

"Don't move!" Xu Jianye turned to look at Han Dengyun who was tearing the tape and threatened: "If you dare to tear it off privately, then don't think about future matches."

Suddenly, Han Dengyun nodded his head helplessly, but soon he expressed something "uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" "Don't howl, if you perform well, wait until the second half I'll tear it off for you."

"We are now 8 points behind. The difference is not big or small. Are you confident to fill this hole?" Xu Jianye asked calmly.

"No problem!" Sun Feiying said loudly, patted her chest, "Coach, don't worry, we will definitely lie down and try our best. We will kill them all by loosing their helmets and unarming, and they will be pissed!"

"The idiom is used well." Xu Jianye glanced at Sun Feiying and said, "In this case, I will set a goal for you. I will tie the score in the first half of the quarter, and win them by 8 points in the second half, okay?"

"Huh?" Sun Feiying was immediately dumbfounded. Although he said that he was full of confidence, he had to win the opponent by 16 points in one game. No matter how arrogant he is, this task is also very challenging.

"No problem!" The arrogant Sun Feiying shut up, but Yan Lingfeng, who has always been low-key within the team, stood up and watched Xu Jianye slowly and said: "I promise the coach that we will complete the task!"

"Okay!" Xu Jianye laughed loudly: "Then I will wait and see."

Throwing down these words, Xu Jianye turned and left the locker room. Sun Feiying tiptoedly walked to the door to confirm that he had gone away, then turned around and complained to Yan Lingfeng, "Ling Feng, are you crazy? 16 points! It’s not bad that we can score 20 points in one game, and if our opponents score two three-pointers, we are done."

"I'm not crazy, but I am going to be crazy again!" Yan Lingfeng's eyes shot a ball of flames, "In order to avoid walking back to the clouds, we must also win this game! For our dream, we I can't afford to lose, so brothers, go crazy with me! Use our youth and our energy to destroy our opponents, make them scared, stunned, and kneel under us begging for mercy!"

"Okay!" Sun Feiying shouted as if infected, "Be crazy, let's go crazy together!"

"Everyone is crazy!"


This is not garbled, but Han Dengyun whose mouth is sealed with tape, unwilling to be lonely and crazy.

"Big Brother Song, do you think that in the second half of the game, Xu Jianye will arrange Yan Lingfeng and the others to play again?" Xiao Cui asked worriedly. He wouldn't believe that Shuiyun No.1 High School could win the game with a team of substitutes.

"It should be." Song Tao nodded slightly: "As long as there is no water in his head."

"I hope so." Xiao Cui sighed and said immediately: "Big Brother Song, please comment on the performance of the two teams in the first half!"

"Yeah." Song Tao said after a little thought: "This is an unexpected first half. In the second quarter, Shuiyun No. 1 Middle School is playing with a substitute lineup, so now they are 8 behind. The points are not difficult to understand. Hero Mountain Middle School basically displayed their own strength. Li Xin and Wang Kai scored 13 and 18 points respectively, which together accounted for almost 90% of the team’s total points. It can be said that the two of them have basically exerted their full strength, even at a high level. If Hero Mountain Middle School wants to maintain the leading edge, then in addition to the continued outstanding performance of these two people, their other Players must also stand up to share the pressure of the backcourt with double guns. Basketball is a team sport, neither singles nor doubles. It takes five people to work together to win. As for their opponents, the biggest problem in Shuiyun No. 1 is not On the field and off the field, it can be said that the overall strength of Shuiyun No. 1 Middle School is significantly stronger than that of Yingxiongshan Middle School. If the coaches use their martial arts, they may be the leader now."

Xiao Cuishen nodded in agreement, "I hope he won't get convulsed anymore."

In the auditorium, "Sao Ren Zhang" hesitated for a long time and then suddenly stood up, holding a small notebook in his hand, leaving the seat and walking towards the exit of the dressing room.

"Sao Ren, the bathroom is over there, you have gone the other way!" His classmate reminded him kindly, but "Sao Ren Zhang" still ignored him and walked his own way firmly.

"Hey, Sao Ren, what are you going to do? Pay attention to the influence. It's illegal to scream anywhere." Another classmate stood up and grabbed his friendly reminder.

"Sao Ren Zhang" glanced at him innocently, and then slowly expressed his thoughts, "You let go of the bug, I am not going to pee, let alone making a fuss, I am going to sign."

"Signature?" Insect looked around in confusion, "It seems that there are no celebrities."

"Not now, but it will be in a few years." "Sao Ren Zhang" gently shook his hand away, then turned and moved forward resolutely.

"Rhubarb, did he take medicine before going out today?" Chong couldn't hold "Sao Ren Zhang", so he could only let him go, turning around and asking another classmate.

"How many times have I said that you are not allowed to call me Rhubarb!" Rhubarb was very angry, and stretched out his hand to grab the worm's neck.

The insect rolled his eyes, nodded and said, "Okay, it turns out that neither of you took medicine."

"Sao Ren Zhang" walked to the entrance of the dressing room without anyone else. His eyes suddenly lit up, he coughed lightly, then combed his sparse hair with his stubby fingers, and stepped forward two steps and said: " This beautiful lady is polite. May I be lucky enough to know your phone number?"

"Ah..." The beauty in the mouth of "Sao Ren Zhang" exclaimed, and she took a step back timidly as if she was scared, and shook her cute little head like a rattle.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything else. I just saw you ice and jade, bright and beautiful, flying pavilion, crooked brows and white teeth, orchid quality and heart... so I couldn't help but move Fan's heart and want to make friends with you, Wan Please don't think too much about it." "Sao Ren Zhang" said all the idioms in his mind, and then looked at the beauty expectantly.

What disappointed him was that, instead of appreciating his talents, Jiali wrote a magnificent legend of "Genius and Beautiful Woman" with him, but turned her head aside and moved her feet two steps away.

"Sao Ren Zhang" is very hurt, he is a very reserved man, so naturally he will not be like those unsentimental "beasts". He can only stand in place and chant "Those who abandoned me, don't stay yesterday." Up.

Recite the entire poem with eloquence, "Sao Ren Zhang" was disappointed to find that the beautiful lady was still not attracted by him, so she could only sigh "Jade covered dust and benevolence" very beastly and said again: "Then you tell me the name always Is it all right?"

The girl still didn't speak, but she told him the answer by taking two steps back.

"It doesn't matter if you tell me your name, you can tell me what you are doing here, right?" The enemy advances and I retreat, "Sao Ren Zhang" asked persistently.

"Wait for someone..." The girl finally spoke, her voice sweet and waxy, and it matched her pure appearance perfectly.

"Oh." "Sao Ren Zhang" finally got a response to his insistence, and asked with joy, "Then can you tell me who you are waiting for?"

The girl didn't speak any more, but the sharp-eyed "Sao Ren Zhang" saw the little book in her hand, and her eyes turned secretly and said: "So, like me, I want to sign, but I don't know which bastard can have this. Blessed?"

The second half of the game was about to begin. Under the leadership of captain Yan Lingfeng, the players of Shuiyun No. 1 Middle School walked out of the locker room with a murderous look. Although they said, "Heaven will let them die, they must be mad", but they hold back for a while. In this festival, they plan to go crazy once and for all, even if it is death, they must destroy the opponent first.

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