Rebirth of Basketball Boy

Chapter 225 Slaughter (5)

"Pretty!" Wang Kai staggered to the ground and backed for a few steps. Yan Lingfeng unexpectedly stretched out his hand, then stretched out his thumb and exclaimed.

Wang Kai looked at Yan Lingfeng suspiciously. He didn't know what medicine he was selling in the gourd. He pulled his hand back without a trace, barely squeezed a smile, and nodded stiffly.

Yan Lingfeng's expression is very sincere, "I really feel that you are very good, at least much better than your teammate. It is not lonely to have an opponent like you, otherwise the game will be too boring."

Wang Kai sneered, and then realized that Yan Lingfeng was treacherous and loyal, with a sincere expression but a bad stomach, clearly provoking the relationship between his teammates, so he didn't bother to talk with Yan Lingfeng anymore. Tossed his hand back to the backcourt.

Yan Lingfeng didn't feel annoyed, except that there was a hint of appreciation in the gaze looking at Wang Kai. Although he was trying to sow discord just now, he actually didn't lie, because at least from the perspective of this game, Wang Kai is indeed much better than Li Xin, at least his ability to fight is much better than Li Xin.

Halfway through the third quarter, Shuiyun No. 1 Middle School tied the score with a sharp counterattack. Wang Kai stepped forward at the critical moment and stabilized the situation with a difficult three-pointer. .

Clapping his hands with his teammates all the way, Wang Kai, who returned to the backcourt, felt a flame burning in his heart.Yan Lingfeng’s unmatched aura might make others scared, but he did not, not at all. What he felt was not trembling, but the same feeling and excitement as Yan Lingfeng, for having such a powerful opponent And excited.The reason why Duguqiu is lonely is because he has no opponents. The reason why Michael Jordan switched to playing baseball is because there is no more fun on the basketball court. There is no one invincible. This is actually not a kind of happiness.Real happiness should be like "Big Bird" Bird and "Magic" Johnson, with a well-matched opponent, this kind of basketball will be much more interesting.

"Brothers, there are 11 points left, it's time to work harder!" Although time is tight and the task is heavy, the expression on Yan Lingfeng's face is still very relaxed. Impact.

"It's not what we patted our chest to assure the coach that whoever caused the trouble is responsible. It is not a good comrade to shirk the responsibility." Sun Feiying shook his head with a smile, and put on a "It's nothing to do. "Attitude.

"Then you are free." Yan Lingfeng looked indifferent, "Anyway, you don't have much, you don't have too much. If you plan to stay here and take a guest post on the pole, please."

"Your uncle!" Sun Feiying smiled and shook his head. Although Yan Lingfeng didn't speak much at all, it was really rare to win a fight with him.The players of Shuiyun No.1 Middle School talked and laughed all the way to the opponent's half. Although they were still behind in the score, they seemed to be leading.

Yan Lingfeng bowed his waist and took control of the ball in the circle, still with that ugly smile on the corner of his mouth, "Is this a zone defense?"

Liu Xiaowei, who was beating left and right with his hands in front of him, was hot. They are not a team that has always been good at defensive. They rarely practice defensively during training. So in accordance with Li Chunguang’s requirements, they put out a joint defense formation. In fact, it is very non-standard, and has no meaning.

Yan Lingfeng shook his head. In general, he was disappointed and passed the ball. Xu Zhong took the ball with his back near the free throw line. First, he swayed left and right, making Zhang Zheng, who was defending him, nervous and then turned around. Come, take a false step with your right foot, lift the ball with both hands and make a shot.Xu Zhong’s fake action is actually very obvious and not realistic at all, but Zhang Zheng, who has become a frightened bird, was deceived. Before thinking about it, he opened his arms and jumped up, although Xu Zhong had nothing to do in this game. Excellent performance, but Zhang Zheng still dare not care, because he remembers clearly that the coach emphasized that before the game, you must be careful when defending him, because his defensive object can attack inside and outside. Especially comprehensive.

Seeing Zhang Zheng not eating so much, he flew up at once. Xu Zhong was stunned for a second time, but the opportunity was fleeting, and he would not be stunned for too long. He bowed his head and dribbled away from Zhang Zheng. On the way out, he rushed into the inside line, rushed to the basket with the ball in both hands, and slammed the ball with both hands before Jiang Teng came up to make up for the defense.

If it’s in another arena, Xu Zhong’s flirty dunk will surely arouse considerable repercussions and applause, but the spectators who came to watch the game today have been caught by Yan Lingfeng’s repeated dunks. What a big reaction.

Xu Zhong is not the kind of grandstander. Everything he does on the basketball court is to win. The reason why he chooses to dunk is simply because dunks are more secure than layups.Yun Danfengqing and Yan Lingfeng slapped his palms, and he pulled his feet back into the backcourt.

Yan Lingfeng was also retreating, but after the ball was delivered at Yingxiongshan Middle School, he suddenly stopped and turned and turned back. The hungry tiger pounced on Liu Xiaowei, who was holding the ball.

Liu Xiaowei froze for a moment, and then a knowing smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Wang Kai reminded him that he heard the pass, but he did not plan to do so, because he wanted to prove that he was not Li Xin’s "Wan Year substitute".

"Pass the ball quickly!" This was Wang Kai's anxious voice.

"Pass the ball! Pass the ball fast!" This was Li Chunguang's grumpy voice.

"Pass, you pass!" This was Yan Lingfeng's teasing voice.

Liu Xiaowei put all the voices behind, he put all his attention on the basketball and Yan Lingfeng in front of him. Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. Of course, if you want to win, you must rely on everyone’s efforts. Wang Kai used his shots to boost the team's morale, but Liu Xiaowei planned to use his skillful ball handling skills to humiliate Yan Lingfeng and slap his opponents in the face.

Liu Xiaowei's ball-handling skills are indeed very good. This is inseparable from his years of hard training. You must know that he keeps the ball in his hands during school and after school.Yan Lingfeng was not in a hurry to grab, but rather cautiously slipped back to follow Liu Xiaowei's dribbling rhythm. He has always done things like this, calm as a virgin, like a rabbit, or not moving, as long as he makes a shot. It is necessary to pursue the effect of a one-shot kill, otherwise it will only startle the snake.

As soon as the two men advanced and retreated, six seconds have passed since the attack time, but he was still about two or three meters away from the center line. Liu Xiaowei didn't panic, and the corners of his mouth with a low growl were a series of dazzling people. In the ball control show, seeing that Yan Lingfeng's footsteps were completely disordered, he estimated that he could not find the south, east, west, northwest, and then rushed from Yan Lingfeng's side after a big change in the direction of the ball.

Liu Xiaowei is not a mindless person. He also suspected that Yan Lingfeng might be showing weakness, so he chose his right hand as the breakthrough direction, because most people's left hand is not so flexible, and he pays attention to it. , Even if Yan Lingfeng dug a trap for him, it would be difficult to succeed.But he overlooked one thing. Li Chunguang told Li Xin, told Wang Kai, and even reminded all the main players, but he didn’t tell him that Yan Lingfeng’s left hand is not worse than his right hand, and even requires flexibility. Much better than his right hand, because he is left-handed.

In this game, Yan Lingfeng made very few shots. Liu Xiaowei, who had been sitting on the bench, thought he was just a bit weird in his shooting posture, and did not think deeply.

"Crap!" At the moment when he passed Yan Lingfeng, he suddenly said badly. The empty basketball in his hand has been intercepted by Yan Lingfeng, but he subconsciously reclaimed it and pulled it blank, and raised his head. When I look at it again, Yan Lingfeng has strode the ball and rushed to his own basket.

There was no one in front of him, and the pursuit of soldiers was still far behind. Yan Lingfeng had enough time and space to complete the attack. Because of the rest of the second quarter, his stamina was still very strong.Yan Lingfeng decided to give the audience a surprise. He only lowered his speed a little bit and rushed in from the front with a big stride. Just after his feet crossed the free throw line, he jumped and flew high into the sky, his eyes kept looking straight. Facing the front, his legs spread out and slightly arched, and the basketball that had been hidden around the waist changed from the left hand to the right hand from the crotch, and then dazzled the ball towards the basket with both hands holding the ball in the middle of no time.


The basketball hit the floor straight up and down and bounced more than a meter high.

"Cow breaking! Too damn handsome!"

"I X, dunks under the crotch, I'm not dreaming, am I? Ah! It hurts..."

"You are not dreaming, nor am I dreaming. We did see a slam dunk that can only be seen on TV!"

At the beginning of last year, China's "Carter" Huguang won the CBA All-Star Dunk Contest in one fell swoop, allowing people to see the style of Chinese dunkers. Now Yan Lingfeng uses a slam dunk that is no less difficult than Huguang. Tell the audience that there are many Chinese people who can fly, but most of the time these people cannot find the soil suitable for their growth.

Yan Lingfeng let go of her hand and landed gently on the floor like a feather, with a smug smile on the corner of her mouth, carelessly raised her hand and blew it, which even aroused the cheers of the audience like a tsunami. For a moment, Yan Lingfeng was the king in their hearts, not one of them.

Dunk is always the most exciting and most emotional way to score in a basketball game. Yan Lingfeng told his opponent with a difficult dunk that he can't conquer with all his might.

Liu Xiaowei has never given up the idea of ​​breaking the ball back. Yan Lingfeng, who has been following, followed his inside line, but when Yan Lingfeng jumped up high, he wanted to understand that some people really can't provoke. Yes, unless you are ready to pay the price.


After catching up for most of the game, Shuiyun No. 1 Middle School finally surpassed the score. This made the members of Hero Mountain Middle School suddenly lose the courage to fight, including Wang Kai, facing the crazy Yan Yan. Ling Feng, all they can do now is to resist.As for regaining the score, it is okay to think about it, but it is extremely difficult to do, after all, it is impossible for Wang Kai to have the goddess of luck with him all the time.

Hero Mountain Middle School, who struggled to play half the game, finally lost the belief and confidence to resist with Yan Lingfeng’s dunk. However, Shuiyun Yizhong did not stop because of the opponent’s surrender. The rest of the third quarter became their performance time. Yan Lingfeng continued to breathe fire, and Sun Feiying rushed from left to right to inflict damage to his opponents. Xu Zhong and Fu Zijun were unwilling to be lonely. They each used a precise three. The split ball sprinkled a handful of salt on the wound at Hero Mountain Middle School.

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