More than two hours later, the Shandong team relied on a counterattack in the fourth quarter and finally defeated the Bayi team.With the flow of people, Yan Lingfeng and Sun Feiying slowly left the Provincial Sports Center, Yan Lingfeng sighed before she even asked Sun Feiying: “I didn’t think I was so good on TV before, but I learned about CBA after watching the scene. The level of the game is still several levels higher than the games we played!"

Yan Lingfeng curled his lips, "Aren't you nonsense? How can I say that CBA is also the league that has transported the champion for the NBA!"

"Yes." Sun Feiying smiled, "I now finally know how to write the idiom sitting in a well and watching the sky. It's a long way to go. I will continue to struggle!"

The two people talked and laughed all the way and drove a car back to the hotel where they were staying, but soon they couldn't laugh because they clearly saw Xu Jianye waiting at the door of their room with a dark face.

The two people knew that they were wrong, so they moved their heads obediently and moved in front of Xu Jianye in small steps, and put on a posture of confession and repentance, letting you go.

"I'm back?" Xu Jianye's voice was calm, but also very blunt. It didn't sound very emotional, but it was a precursor to his anger.

"Yeah." The two squeezed a little voice from their noses, which was regarded as answering Xu Jianye's question.

Xu Jianye took a look at the two people, "Why did you go?"

Yan Lingfeng raised his head and was about to answer, but Xu Jianye waved his hand to stop him: "Don't tell me, go in!"

"Oh." Yan Lingfeng couldn't figure out what medicine Xu Jianye's gourd was selling. He nodded gently and opened the door and walked into the room. Sun Feiying who was following him was stopped by Xu Jianye's hand, "You are waiting here. Now."

It seems that Xu Jianye is going to play for real. This is to prevent two people from colluding confession!Yan Lingfeng walked into the room thinking wildly. The two of them were indeed violating discipline, but I believe Xu Jianye should not punish them as long as they tell the truth, at least not in a short time. After all, tomorrow is a crucial semi-final. At this time, he and Sun Feiying were put into the cold palace. As long as Xu Jianye wanted to win the championship, he would not do so.

But it’s not easy to say that Xu Jianye is moody and incomprehensible, just like the way the five main players rushed into the locker room in today's game is hard to understand.

"I can say now, where did I go?" Xu Jianye led Sun Feiying away from the door of the room and asked slowly.

"Look... I watched the ball." Although Sun Feiying was not afraid of the sky, she didn't have much confidence in front of Xu Jianye. After hesitating, she decided to tell the truth.

"Watching the ball?" Xu Jianye repeated with a frown, "What ball?"

"Basketball, Shandong Gold and Bayi Deer." Sun Feiying confided, since there is no way to hide it anyway, so I didn't intend to hide it at all, and spoke a lot more easily.

"Oh? Whose idea?" Xu Jianye ignored the "NOSMOKING" prompt above the corridor and took out a cigarette to light it.

"I...Ling Feng brought it up." Sun Feiying didn't lie. At first, when Yan Lingfeng asked to go to see CBA, he was not interested at all, but Yan Lingfeng made up his mind to go. , He can only die with the gentleman if he is bored in the room alone.

"Really?" Xu Jianye's face was still clouded, "Why don't you ask me for leave?"

Sun Feiying smirked very honestly, "We think the coach must be very busy, we don't want to interrupt your work, so..."

"Bullshit!" Xu Jianye was impatient to listen before Sun Feiying finished speaking. "You are not honest yet, right? Well, then I don't ask you, you can go back."

"Really?" Sun Feiying cautiously probed.

"Really." Xu Jianye nodded seriously, "but don't come out again after you go back."

"Huh?" Sun Feiying, who was secretly escaping from his ecstasy, was dumbfounded when he heard this. He could only turn his head and smile to please Xu Jianye: "Coach, you have a large number of adults. We are just confused for a while, but now I I've already lost my way and turned back, and I've reined in. The ancients can change after passing by. It's great, coach, I know you are a very kind person..."

"Then tell me the truth! What the hell are you doing!" The anger Xu Jianye had been holding back was finally overwhelmed. This roar could be heard clearly on the entire floor, but no one would be stupid until this point. Popped out to touch the coach's brow.

"We really went to watch the game. By the way, the coach. This is the ticket stub. It can fully prove our innocence!" Sun Feiying patted his forehead and took out the ticket stub from his pocket. He originally planned to bring it back to other people. The one showing off in front of him did not expect to save his life at this time.

"Oh." Seeing the ticket stub, Xu Jianye's expression eased a lot, and his voice became less irritable. "Then what do you gain?"

"Yes!" Sun Feiying nodded hurriedly: "Coach, you must believe us. We watch the game with a learning attitude. We have learned from our predecessors the spirit of fighting and not giving up and not giving up no matter how sinister the situation is. The spirit of perseverance, I believe that such an experience will definitely help us to perform better in future matches."

"Hmm..." Xu Jianye nodded noncommitantly. In fact, the reason why he discovered that these two uncomfortable guys had slipped out was purely accidental and wanted to talk to Yan Lingfeng for a few words, but he kept knocking on the door and no one ignored him. I was anxious. If something happened to the two of them, Xu Jianye’s trouble would be great, but he couldn’t find Jinan so much. He could only wander outside the door anxiously. He had even made up his mind. At ten o'clock the two rascals have not returned, he will call the police.Now that he heard Sun Feiying's remarks, the anger in his heart had been subtracted by seven or eight points, and he nodded and said: "You go in, and call out Yan Lingfeng by the way."

"Oh." Sun Feiying, who is good at observing words, knew that she had escaped the disaster, and quickly ran back to the room, Nu Nuzui whispered to Yan Lingfeng: "To be honest, I feel like I should be fine."

"Yeah." Yan Lingfeng nodded and walked out. He squeezed a flattering smile from afar, "I'm sorry, coach, coach is not angry, coach, your big belly can tolerate the anger of the world, you will definitely not be with us. General knowledge."

"Shut up!" Xu Jianye glared at him unceremoniously and interrupted: "Tell me, who are you?"

"Huh?" Yan Lingfeng's mouth opened in a daze. Could it be Xu Jianye's anger that caused brain congestion and memory loss?But it doesn't look like it, Yan Lingfeng can only answer cautiously: "I, it's me..."

Xu Jianye had a stern face and planned to show Yan Lingfeng some color, but he could not help but almost laughed, so he couldn't help but laugh and cry. He said, "I'm asking you, are you the captain of the team?" "

"Yeah!" Yan Lingfeng is still confused, Xu Jianye's problem is so terrible, is the coach really amnesia?Just when Yan Lingfeng was about to fight 120 for help from the Angel in White, Xu Jianye suddenly changed his face, "Is that how you are the captain? Ah? What does the captain do? The captain is the leader of the team! But what about you, the captain? Don’t talk about taking the lead in violating discipline, and urging your teammates to accompany you to violate, Yan Lingfeng, you disappointed me too much!"

What else can Yan Lingfeng do?I can only honestly dispel unrealistic thoughts and stand in front of Xu Jianye with his head down like a good baby.

"You speak! Can't you speak? Huh?" Xu Jianye raised his hand to strike, but after staying in the air for a while, he took it back and walked with his back for two steps before saying: " There is no rule without rules. Since you have violated the rules, you must be punished. Do you accept the punishment?"

Xu Jianye's words have already reached this point, what else can Yan Lingfeng do?I can only nodded weakly, "Acknowledge..."

"Very good!" Xu Jianye raised a sly smile at the corner of his mouth and patted Yan Lingfeng's shoulder lightly. "I will give you the opportunity to choose. The first punishment is that tomorrow's game must score at least 50 points. The second punishment is to be responsible for the smelly socks of the team. I believe they must be happy to let you do it. Choose one of the two options. I am actually very democratic."

"Democracy, your sister!" Yan Lingfeng cursed in his heart. He always knew that Xu Jianye was shameless, but he didn't expect the coach to be shameless to this point. This is a threat of naked red!Both choices are extremely difficult for Yan Lingfeng. His highest score in a single game so far is only 26 points, which is a full double the distance from 50 points!Wash socks?This is disgusting enough to think about.Yan Lingfeng struggled and asked, "Is there a third choice?"

"Of course, no!" Xu Jianye said with a smile: "You have to know that you only have the right to choose the first or the second, not the right to refuse!"

That's it, the man made a knife and I was a fish, Yan Lingfeng sighed helplessly, "I choose the first one, isn't it 50 points? Done!"

"What if I can't get it?" Xu Jianye asked desperately.

"If you can't do it, then you can't do it. What else can you do?" Yan Lingfeng also planned to shame. Anyway, Xu Jianye didn't make it clear, so he would not be wrong if he agreed first.

"No!" Xu Jianye smiled gloomily: "If you can't get 50 points, then I will tell the school leader that you violate the law and discipline and go out clubbing privately."

"Oh my God! You kill me!" Yan Lingfeng sat down on the ground, Xu Jianye intends to push him on the road of absolutes!

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