Rebirth of Basketball Boy

Chapter 236 The First Point Guard (7)

Xu Jianye is emphasizing defense. Coincidentally, King Ba also emphasizes the team’s defense. His downwind ear listening distance is not enough, so I don’t know that Yan Lingfeng will not play in the first half of the second quarter, so he His defensive tactics are still centered on blocking Yan Lingfeng. "Everyone did a good job defensively in the first quarter of the game, but obviously we still have room for improvement. Where is the room? It depends on the opponent. The first attack point is No. 11 Yan Lingfeng. I don’t need me to talk about it. I believe you will have a deep understanding of him after one game. Is he undefensible? Of course not. I have found the right method. I dare not say to block him, but At the very least, he can greatly limit his scoring. You listen to me, I have carefully observed it. At the opening impact, I am sure his right leg and calf must be injured. This is our chance. We are here The opening stage was actually very good, but I don’t understand why you suddenly turned into tortoises with your heads and feet tied, you dare not start, you dare not get up, why?"

Speaking of this, Wang Ba stared at his mung bean eyes and looked at his players from start to finish and snorted, "How many times have I reminded you that the basketball court is not a classroom, not a polite, gentle place! Here! It’s not a battlefield, but it’s even bigger than a battlefield. What is needed is hard work, and what is needed is men’s hard work! Bayonet sees red hard work! How do you play basketball? Resolutely stable, strikes relentlessly, strikes accurately, passes steadily , Remember these three things I said and fulfilled, we are the winners! Understand?"

What Wang Ba said was very straightforward, and he almost pointed his nose to ask them to go up and hug Yan Lingfeng.Although they understand, the team members are not cold-blooded butchers, nor are they murderous executioners. Good education tells them that it is wrong to follow Wang Ba’s words, but they dare not refute Wang Ba and can only face each other. He looked down and said nothing.

Wang Ba obviously also guessed the inner thoughts of the players, and sneered: "Do you think I am a bastard? Okay, I admit I am a bastard, but I want to tell you that if you want to win, you must be a bastard! Or else Hurry up and go home for milk, that gentle! Don't judge heroes by success or failure? Nonsense! Basketball games, especially a knockout game where the winner is the prince and the loser, we win, then we are the heroes. We lose Yes, then we are shit! How to win? You tell me how to win?"

The players are still silent. Of course, they are not unable to answer this question, but they know that it is useless to say it, because Wang Ba does not expect to hear their answer.

"I don't know if it's right?" Wang Ba's small eyes narrowed into a slit, and he said with a smile: "Four words, unscrupulous! I don't care what you think, but as long as you want to stay on the court, you want to win. If you do, then you have to do what I said. I will give you time for a quarter, but I also don’t care what you do, but I don’t want to see that 11th can stay on the court in the second half!"

Wang Ba has given the order to die, what else can the players say?They could only stand up with their heads drooped one by one, waiting for the start of the second quarter.

But soon, they swept away the haze and beamed their eyebrows, because they didn't see Yan Lingfeng appearing on the sidelines, that is to say, they don't have to carry on the wicked things with their conscience debts.In fact, Zhou Yu was also very disgusted by Wang Ba’s words, but out of the consideration of maintaining the authority of the coach and the unity of the team, he did not raise his own doubts, seeing that the opponent’s lineup did not include Yan Lingfeng and Zhou Yu’s. My heart was also loose, and he smiled and greeted his teammates to his side and said: "Well, everyone can play without burden, play hard, let us use our performance to prove that the coach's words are wrong."

The other four people nodded in unison, obviously in their minds Zhou Yu's words are more important than the coach.

Weifang, who was 2 points behind, took the lead in the attack. Zhou Yu did not greet his teammates for the pick-and-roll. Instead, he passed the ball to Liu Jianhui's hand with a diagonal pass. Liu Jianhui kept the ball and passed it directly from the baseline to catch it. Huang Fenglie.Fu Zijun, who replaced Yan Lingfeng on the field, is much worse than Huang Fenglie. Huang Fenglie has already received the ball, and his distance is still one meter away. Huang Fenglie is about to shoot. The action is very realistic. Fu Zijun can't think about it anymore. I was a little excited just after going on the court, so I jumped up and opened my arms to block.However, Huang Fenglie just made a fake shot, and after shaking Fu Zijun in the sky, he immediately retracted the ball and squatted and got under him.

Upon seeing this, Xu Zhong quickly moved over to make up the defense. Huang Fenglie was not afraid, pulling the ball is a change of direction and acceleration, abruptly along the bottom line to the other side of the basket, and at this time Gao Yang also raised his hands to make up for it, no way back and forth. , Just when everyone thought Huang Fenglie could only choose to pass the ball, Huang Fenglie stopped his figure, kicked his feet heavily on the floor, and pulled up on the spot, holding the ball away from Xu Zhong. The interference caused by smashing a small half circle and smashing it hard towards the basket.

Back to the carbine!

Huang Fenglie flickered in the small space. After two people connected for a moment, he cut a bloody path from the two insiders in Shuiyun No.1 Middle School. Feng Wu usually came back with a very difficult carbine for nine days.


The audience was still immersed in the battle between Yan Lingfeng and Zhou Yu in the first game, but Huang Fenglie turned out to steal the spotlight and won a full house with a wonderful turn over and dunk with both hands, telling the audience that they have good physical fitness. Yan Lingfeng is not the only one who can use Feikou to ignite passion, and he is also Huang Fenglie!

The players in Shuiyun No.1 High School obviously did not expect that Huang Fenglie, who was bullied by Yan Lingfeng and was like a child, had such abilities. The three of them were able to chase and intercept, but Huang Fenglie was still able to find it. The opportunity to complete a slam dunk, which is still a great blow to their morale.

Huang Fenglie was suppressed by Yan Lingfeng for too long. He hung on the basket and made a long whistle and was reluctant to let go. In the end, Zhou Yu stepped forward and forcibly pulled him down. Zhou Yusheng feared that the referee would be impatient to wait. , It is not worthwhile to give him a technical foul.

Although Huang Fenglie left the basket, he was still excited, slapped his chest and screamed and retreated to the back court. The audience also cooperated with him to make waves of people.

Zhou Yu followed Huang Fenglie and shook his head with a wry smile, but he didn't stop Huang Fenglie. He knew that this elementary school boy needed catharsis too much now. Before this game, Huang Fenglie had always stubbornly believed that Yan Lingfeng was not as good as him, but it was the first quarter of the game. After that, he froze. Facts speak louder than words. Yan Lingfeng used breakthroughs time and time again to tell him a truth. There are people outside, never think that the world is invincible.

Zhao Senming had a sullen face and stopped at the top of the arc to dribble. Xu Jianye's remarks hurt him during the inter-junction break. He almost pointed to his nose and told him that if it wasn't for no one to use, I would have replaced you. Down.

For a long time, Zhao Senming, like Huang Fenglie, has strong self-confidence in himself, but the provincial basketball game has entered the knockout stage. Zhao Senming has continuously played against top-notch point guards. Whether it is Shao Fei or Li Xin, they can easily beat them. He, this made Zhao Senming question his own strength, so when he met Zhou Yu, who was more famous and stronger in this game, Zhao Senming was already timid before the fight, so he would be a good one in the game. Passing the ball in the second half is also based on the mentality of "don't ask for past, but ask for no past", because he actually has no courage to confront Zhou Yu.

After being ridiculed by Xu Jianye, Zhao Senming no longer intends to pass the ball. He wants to use his performance to prove that he, Zhao Senming, is no worse than these legendary "four major point guards". He just didn't find the status. When he found In the state, the so-called "big four point guards" will break like a bubble.

Zhou Yu didn’t know what Zhao Senming was thinking, and he didn’t need to know. He just stared at Zhao Senming like a cunning fox, staring at the basketball in Zhao Senming's hands. He didn't say a word or moved like a mountain. His steps were not fast, but The judgment was accurate, and he was confident that Zhao Senming's breakthrough would be killed.

Zhao Senming approached slowly, watching the running position of his teammates while dribbling the ball forward. Xu Jianye asked him what the responsibility of the point guard was. Zhao Senming angered and replied that he didn’t know. Of course he knew it. An excellent ball control. Defenders, the biggest responsibility is to ensure the fluency of the team's offense and assign the ball to the position that poses the greatest threat to the opponent.Zhao Senming thought so and did the same, so he did not choose to force Zhou Yu, but after attracting Zhou Yu's attention with a fake dribble, he slid the ball to Xu Zhong, who was inside.

Yan Lingfeng is not on the court, and Shuiyun No. 1 Middle School’s offensive is undoubtedly the strongest point of Xu Zhong. As a great man who once played a big battle with Yan Lingfeng, Xu Zhong has never been able to join the Shuiyun No. 1 basketball team. What a special performance, the first reason is of course because Yan Lingfeng's existence deprived him of a lot of opportunities to attack with the ball, and the second is also related to the overall basketball played by Shuiyun Yizhong. It is the fluency and speed of offense, so it rarely gives Xu Zhong the chance to create inside singles.

Xu Zhong blocked Liang Junwei with his back, jumped up on his toes and caught the pass with one hand. After pushing his back twice, he stepped back and turned around, using two pass fakes to prevent his opponent from double-teaming. Staring at the basket and lifting the basketball to make a gesture is to shoot.

Liang Junwei's defensive experience is very rich, so naturally he will not be fooled by his fake moves. Instead of jumping off, he opened his hands and moved his footsteps to stick.Xu Zhong was taken aback for a moment, but soon he took the ball back, dribbled the ball shortly, moved his left foot one step horizontally, and changed the direction of the dribble with his right hand beforehand. He actually caught the loophole in Liang Junwei's movement. Drilled on the right side of his body.

Xu Zhong’s combination of man and the ball is very good. Liang Junwei’s reaction is not unpleasant. He was already prepared to prevent his breakthrough when Xu Zhong received the ball, but he did not expect that Xu Zhong’s speed was too fast and it was almost there. Before he could stop Xu Zhong, he rushed over.Liang Junwei knew very well that Wang Dong had been pulled to the outside by the opponent's center forward, and his back was empty at the moment without any obstruction, so he immediately pulled out his hand and pulled Xu Zhong's jersey fiercely.

"Shit!" With a cry, Liang Junwei stared at the jersey fragments in his hand with a stunned expression on his face in disbelief.

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