Rebirth of Basketball Boy

Chapter 249 Decisive battle (6)

From the middle circle to the top of the arc, Yan Lingfeng's figure flashed past, like a yellow lightning. Yan Lingfeng rushed into the inner line of Weifang No. 1 Middle School with a strong wind unstoppable, wind was blowing under his feet, and he rushed left. Suddenly to the right, evading Liang Junwei's block, and avoiding Wang Dong's block, a handy basket made the score 80:71.

From 10 points to 5 points, Weifang No. 1 Middle School used up two attacks, 30 seconds.

From 5 to 9 points, Shuiyun Yizhong also used two attacks, but it took a full 50 seconds.

Zhou Yu still didn't want to give up, but his body was already overwhelmed. The ball came to the frontcourt. He once made a jump shot from outside the three-point line, but this time he ran out of luck and jumped out of the basket. Not only that. Zhou Yu also fell to the floor uncontrollably as if he had burnt out the last trace of energy.

He gritted his teeth and wanted to stand up, he desperately wanted to continue fighting, but in the end his efforts and his struggles turned into vain. He was carried off the court by the team doctor of Weifang No. 1 Middle School, and Zhou Yu was full of faces after he ended. Tears.Men have tears and do not flick them lightly. Zhou Yu is a real man. His tears are full of unwillingness and regrets. He died before he became a teacher. This is a true portrayal of his game.

Zhou Yu's departure did not inspire the courage of the Weifang No. 1 Middle School team members to break the boat and fight their last stand. They were tired and tired, and they finally gave up.


The buzzer sounded and the game was over. The score of the two teams was finally fixed at 82:73. Shuiyun No. 1 Middle School defeated Weifang No. 1 Middle School in the final of the provincial competition with a 9-point advantage. Of course, they also paid a bitter pain. At the price of the price, the fighting behavior of the team's two main guards in this game cast a shadow on their finals. Almost everyone knows that these two people are already very difficult to appear in the finals.

The views of Xiao Cui and Song Tao on the broadcast stand were this point. Shui Yun won the game. Xiao Cui's face was full of excitement, but there was a faint sadness between his brows, "The news we just received On the other field, another semi-final Jinan Derby was not as popular as we thought. The score was 66:50. The Provincial Experimental Middle School won the game without blood. They talked about Shuiyun No. 1 Middle School in the final tomorrow. There was a showdown on the field to compete for the championship of the first Shandong Province'Sports Lottery Cup' High School Basketball Tournament! Brother Song, what do you want to say about this result?"

"This result should be expected by most people, after all, the level of the Provincial Experimental Middle School is significantly higher than their opponent Jinan No. 3 Middle School." Song Tao replied calmly.

Xiao Cui smiled helplessly, "If I tell you that Chen Xiaodong and Zhang Hanqi did not play, their other three main players only played 20 minutes in total?"

"What?" Song Tao said suddenly, "Impossible! How is this possible?"

Xiao Cui curled his lips, and a dense disdain flashed in his eyes, "What is impossible? Is there anything impossible in China?"

Xiao Cui's words immediately made Song Tao understand, frowning to understand the ugliness of this, gritted his teeth and shook his head in pain, muttering: "It's too much, it's too much! How can it be done? Do this? It's not fair!"

Xiao Cui squeezed his mouth, gritted his teeth and beat the table bitterly: "Fairness? Fairness of shit! I think we can now declare the champion of this competition!"

"No gifts for this year's holidays, but only melatonin!"

The broadcast footage of Yantai Life Channel flashed, the old man and the old lady began to dance, and the face of Xiao Cui on the broadcast stand became even more ugly, because he clearly heard the director remind him in the headphones, "You are all talking nonsense! If you don't want to do it, just say it! Don't you understand what should be said and what should not be said?"

Back in the field, despite the sparks splashing on the field, treating the opponent as an enemy, and even using all martial arts to solve the battle, after the game, the players of the two teams were still very friendly, and Yan Lingfeng even He also went to the rest area of ​​Weifang No. 1 Middle School to visit Zhou Yu. No matter what angle he looked at, he was a respectable opponent.

The tears on Zhou Yu's face hadn't been wiped off, and he straightened up with difficulty, staring into Yan Lingfeng's eyes and slowly said: "I lost in high school, but when we get to university, we will compare it!"

Yan Lingfeng smiled bitterly and rubbed his nose, "Then you have to wait two years before talking."

"What?" Zhou Yu asked with a look of surprise: "Aren't you a senior in high school?"

Yan Lingfeng curled his lips, "I don't look so old, don't I? Just like a freshman in high school, do I need to show you your ID card? Oh, sorry I forgot that I don't have an ID card yet."

"How is it possible? This, this is impossible." Zhou Yu stared at Yan Lingfeng with an incredible expression.

Yan Lingfeng patted Zhou Yu on the shoulder and whispered: "You are great, but our luck today is better."

"Hehe, you don't need to comfort me." Zhou Yu shook his head indifferently, "You should think about tomorrow's finals. Your opponents are not easy to deal with."


"What the hell is this? The coach is mentally disabled, isn't it? I'm so embarrassed to play this ball today!"

In the locker room of the visiting team in the Shandong University Comprehensive Gymnasium, the main center of Jinan No. 3 Middle School, the grumpy Zhuang Zhiming, dropped his wet jersey on the floor as soon as he entered the locker room. He tried his best in this game, but the coach was helpless. His teammates were also convulsed. He was desperately working on the court, but he didn't get a good result. You can imagine the distress in his heart.

"Makko, don't say it." His good friend, Wang Xiao, who is also the main scorer of Jinan No. 3 Middle School, shook his head helplessly, and pulled him to sit down and whispered: "We can be considered defeated. , The school won't say anything."

"Rong? Rong shit, Rong!" Zhuang Zhiming has a barrel-like temper, he has to make a noise when he has nothing to do. Of course, he can't hold back the fire in his heart. He flew and kicked on the wall with a face. The ferocious roars: "People have hidden all the main lineup, and we still lose so many. I can't imagine how many points would we lose if they were on the main force. 50 points? 100 points? I really don’t understand the big guys. What's the matter? Could it be that I ran it all night last night?"

"You fucking shut me up!" The coach of Jinan No. 3 Middle School, Wang Chenghu walked in with a sullen face, "From now on, everyone will shut up for me, don't force me to apply to the school for punishment of you!"

Following Wang Chenghu, the other players from Jinan No. 3 Middle School also walked into the locker room silently, and they changed their clothes without taking a shower without saying a word. It would be hard for everyone to lose the game, but more What made them feel awkward was the way they lost the game. Except for Zhuang Zhiming, who was straight, everyone else more or less guessed what happened behind the scenes of the game, but they didn’t say anything and couldn’t say anything, they could only be unwilling. Accepted the result reluctantly.

Zhuang Zhiming wanted to say something, but Wang Xiao desperately stopped him. Obviously, the coach was under pressure. He was not willing to do this in his heart. Therefore, the frustration in his heart is estimated to be greater than all the players combined. After all, being able to break into the semifinals step by step, no one is willing to give up the game.

Won the game, but Xu Jianye and his team members did not appear very excited. They had already received the result of another game. Xu Jianye's face fell on the spot. It was obvious that this was a conspiracy against Shuiyun Yizhong. , Some people don't want to see Shuiyun win the championship, so that's why such a weird situation appears.

"This fucking nakedness is a conspiracy!" Sun Feiying originally expected the organizing committee to be able to pardon him for his crimes. Now it seems that this is simply a wishful thinking and can let Jinan No. 3 Middle School take the initiative to release the water. Naturally, the energy is not generally large. In this case, how can the organizing committee show mercy to Sun Feiying and Zhao Senming?

Yan Lingfeng also had a green face. Sometimes, the world is so unfair. They worked hard and tried their best to finally defeat Weifang No. 1 Middle School and enter the finals, but the Provincial Experimental Middle School was not bloody and easy. The ground lifted his heels, one sweaty, and the other was a feather fan. As Xiao Cui said, now it is basically time to declare the ownership of the champion of this competition.

The time and place are right and the people are in harmony. Shuiyun does not account for anything, so what else do you use to fight a powerful opponent?There is only this dead word.

After taking a shower and changing his clothes, Yan Lingfeng frowned and walked out of the locker room. The thing had already happened. It would be meaningless to worry about the reason and course of the thing. Now he is thinking about tomorrow’s final. The strength of his body is concentrated in the palm of his hand. He is not a person who likes to challenge the power, but when the power is pressed on him, he will never succumb to the power. He has to resist, and he has to give those who are waiting to see the water. The one who made the joke slapped heavily!

"What are you thinking about?" Yan Lingfeng lowered his head and walked out, not paying attention to bumping into someone. He shouldn't have made such a low-level mistake, but there are always very few people in the locker room, so he didn't. Beware, fortunately, the visitor was not hostile, and gently reached out to support him.

"It's you?" Yan Lingfeng raised his head and took a look, surprised.

"Yes, it's me. Why? Was it surprising?" The person came and said with a smile: "Remember the words I said to you back then?"

Yan Lingfeng smiled bitterly, looked at the familiar and stranger in front of him, and shook his head gently, "Did you go to the provincial experiment?"

The person here is no one else, but Wu Fengtao, the former defeated player of Yan Lingfeng and the former "Basketball Prince" of Shuiyun.Wu Fengtao pursed his lips and nodded, "I think only in the provincial experiment, I have a chance to beat you, right?"

Yan Lingfeng nodded silently, "Yes, it's not wrong at all, you are too right!"

There was a trace of anger in Yan Lingfeng’s expression, a trace of unwillingness, and obvious resentment. Wu Fengtao thought about it, and suddenly understood, and sighed: “I think you’ve misunderstood. Although we don’t have a deep friendship, it has been I treat you as a friend. You can ask Xiangyang, when did Wu Fengtao do sorry to my friend? Never, I didn’t come to show off to you, I just came to say hello to you. That's it."

"Hehe." Yan Lingfeng took a deep breath. He realized that he was a little gaffe, and he barely pulled out a smile and waved his hand: "I understand. Sorry, my emotions may be a bit wrong, please bear with me. ."

"Do you think we don't want to have a fair and just contest with you? We think more than anyone else, I, Xiaodong, Hanqi, we all want! But unfortunately, this kind of thing is beyond our control, I am here It means that my teammates say sorry to you!" Wu Fengtao's emotions seemed very excited, and his eyes were full of unwillingness with clenched fists.

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