
After the start of the second quarter, Yan Lingfeng took the lead. After scoring two points, the gap between the two teams was already 5 points.

"People who are like dogs are angry, when did you get so low?"

Guo Wei walked to Liu Xiaoyu’s side and asked with a sneer. He saw clearly from the side that Liu Xiaoyu was completely defeated by Yan Lingfeng. The rookie knew that the risk of grabbing in the game was very high. As the most promising "young point guard" in China, how can Liu Xiaoyu fail to understand this?

Liu Xiaoyu didn't say a word, and didn't know if he had listened to Guo Wei's advice. He turned around and received his teammate's bottom line serve, and sprinted towards Shuiyun Yizhong's halftime.

It was not Yan Lingfeng who was waiting to defend Liu Xiaoyu outside the three-point line, but Zhao Senming, who only played in the second quarter.Although compared with Liu Xiaoyu, his height, weight and speed response are all at a disadvantage, but Zhao Senming is still fearless and fearless.Xu Jianye once said that defense does not require high physical talent. As long as there is a flexible mind and a positive attitude, anyone can become a defense expert."The Beast" Artest's defense is more dependent on his strong body, but "Three Noes" player Sean Battier can also become the nightmare of NBA forwards swingers, and what he relies on is keen judgment and positive attitude.

attitude decides everything.

In 2005, the enthusiasm that Milutinovic brought to the Chinese people has faded a lot, but just three or four years ago, his words filled the streets of China.Because it is this unremarkable sentence that helped the Chinese national men's football team to make a historic World Cup.Although he was eliminated in the World Cup group stage in three battles and eliminated nine bullets, this sentence has become the motto of many people.And Zhao Senming is one of them.

Liu Xiaoyu, who was in a rage, had already lost his eyeballs. The dissatisfaction of the coach and the complaints of his teammates had all been forgotten by him. At this time, the only thing he wanted to do was to score points. Only in this way can that annoying guy shut up.

After changing the direction of the crotch twice in a row, Liu Xiaoyu was surprised to find that he hadn't got rid of the unassuming No. 5.Liu Xiaoyu's breakthrough is not as fast as Chen Jianghua, nor is he as gorgeous and unpretentious as Su Mo, and it is difficult to distinguish between reality and reality, but his sense of rhythm is very strong, and his grasp of time difference is even more precise.He originally thought that besides Yan Lingfeng in Shuiyun No.1 Middle School, no one would be able to defend him, but Zhao Senming gave him a surprise and forced him to calm down.

After taking a step back from the dribble, Liu Xiaoyu, who broke through blocked, did not continue to be violent, but gradually calmed down. Shuiyun No. 1 Middle School is definitely not a weak team that can be squeezed, nor is it that Liu Xiaoyu can kill anyone at any time. Seven-in and seven-out fish belly.Fighting for a moment is not good for the overall situation.What Liu Xiaoyu said is that he is about to become a professional player, and his psychological control ability is still very strong.

Realizing that Qiangtu will not have any good results, Liu Xiaoyu did not go to the black, shaking his hands and crossing, the basketball accurately fell into the hands of Jiang Jiajie on the flanks.

Jiang Jiajie seemed to be very jealous of Yan Lingfeng's defense. He didn't dare to dribble through or even dribble in front of Yan Lingfeng, so he could only pass the ball back to Liu Xiaoyu.

The living cannot be suffocated by urine. Jiang Jiajie couldn't penetrate the opponent's defense. Liu Xiaoyu immediately transferred the ball to Guo Wei on the other side.

Guo Wei's height is about 1.95 meters, almost the same as Wu Fengtao, and his body shape is also very close. The match between the two men is the pair with the smallest height difference in this game.

Guo Wei flicked the ball in both hands, and Wu Fengtao naturally wouldn't be fooled easily. He stood firmly with his feet, just reached out and interfered.After Guo Wei tried two more times, his brows frowned. Before the game, he knew that this game was not easy to play. He also knew that Wu Fengtao, who was against him, was good, but he was really on the court. Only later did he realize that he expected difficulties in this game, but did not expect the difficulties to be so great.

Wu Fengtao has outstanding physical fitness and rich experience. Guo Wei knows that it is difficult for him to break through successfully, so he pulls the ball back and beckons his teammates to come forward and help.

As soon as he saw Guo Wei's gesture, Wu Fengtao understood that his opponent was going to play a pick-and-roll.Defensive pick-and-rolls, the most important thing is to defensively change positions in a timely manner, and try not to give the opponent a chance to dislocate, because whether it is a big hitting a small or a small hitting a big, it is beneficial to the offense.

Zhang Biao walked out almost sideways, and Wu Fengtao didn't wait for him to come closer, and rushed towards Guo Wei.Unlike Liu Xiaoyu's previous grab, Wu Fengtao left enough for himself, even if the grab was unsuccessful, he would not give his opponent a good chance to attack the basket.

Guo Wei followed the military strategy of "the enemy advances and we retreat", backed up two steps, and after avoiding Wu Fengtao's forcing, he crossed his feet and changed the direction of the dribble. He actually did not evade and greeted Wu Fengtao. Go up.

Wu Fengtao secretly said a bad cry. Obviously, Guo Wei was not eager to come head-to-head with himself. The reason why he did this must be because his support was killed.Sure enough, when Wu Fengtao wanted to change direction with Guo Wei, his body seemed to hit a rock, and he snorted, almost screaming in faceless pain.

The team members of Changchun No. 11 Middle School still cooperated very well. Just as Zhang Biao stood and blocked Wu Fengtao, Guo Wei had already launched an attack in stride.Zhang Biao's screen quality is still very high, although Wu Fengtao tried hard to bypass him to defend Guo Wei, but Zhang Biao stood firm and refused to give him this opportunity.

Watching Guo Wei dribble and rush over, Wu Fengtao was helpless and could only pin his hopes on Xu Zhong, who was inside.

When Zhang Biao went out to cover, Xu Zhong did not follow. For him, guarding the three-second zone is the most important task. Of course, this is also because he knows that Guo Wei's mid- and long-range shooting is not reliable, if he holds the ball. He was replaced by Liu Xiaoyu, and he had already rushed out.

After the dribble rushed into the three-point line, Guo Wei was taken aback. He didn't seem to expect Xu Zhong to be able to hold his breath under the basket, but now he is already riding a donkey and has to send the arrow on the string. The chances are often flashes. However, even if his shooting is unreliable, he has no other options at this time.

He stepped on the paint zone and jumped up with the ball in both hands. Because the mid-range shooting percentage was generally not high before, Guo Wei seemed to hesitate to some extent. That is, this moment of hesitation was sharply caught by Xu Zhong. In Guo Weishuang At the same time as his feet were off the ground, he suddenly threw out his arms with a tiger roar.

With no defense, Guo Wei might still score a goal, but after Xu Zhong defended suddenly, his heart and hands were all panicked.Shooting, there is no confidence, passing, there is no good target.In desperation, Guo Wei could only drive the ducks to the shelves and force a shot.

Jumping to pass the ball is a taboo on the basketball court, especially in this case, if Guo Wei passes the ball to his teammates, he will most likely be intercepted midway by a player from Shuiyun One.

"Bang!" With a crisp sound, Guo Wei shot the basketball with a high and partial arc, and bounced high after hitting the ring.

"Mine!" Han Dengyun smiled, opened his arms and jumped up to greet the basketball in the air. His position is very good, and the basketball is falling at high speed and falling towards his hands.But at this moment, the sudden change occurred, Han Dengyun only felt that his eyes were dark, and then his body seemed to have been hit by a truck, and he fell uncontrollably toward the bottom line.

Behind Han Dengyun, the center of Changchun 11th Middle School Han Ruhu descended from the sky and succeeded in overtaking from the rear with a height of ten centimeters higher than Han Dengyun. His long arms were raised high to control the ball before Han Dengyun. When he landed on the ground, the tiger roared and rounded his arms, holding the basketball tightly and smashing it towards the basket.

The reason why Xu Jianye excluded Han Dengyun from the starting lineup for a long time was not because of his technical problems, but because he was not as "hard" as Gao Yang, an inside player, if he did not knock down his teeth and swallowed hard in his stomach, then he Never become an excellent insider.

Why Charles Barkley and Ben Wallace were able to play a piece of sky in the NBA's longman Rulin's inside line and grab a rebound, not because of the springs in their soles, but because they are tough enough, also Smart enough.As for Han Dengyun, the technique at the basket is fine, his footwork is solid and flexible, and he has made great progress even in his mid-range shooting.But what made Xu Jianye most dissatisfied was actually Han Dengyun's carefree character.For an inside player, the first task is not how many rebounds or points to score, but to protect the basket from start to finish.

With a loud bang, Han Ruhu, who was like an ancient beast, arrogantly slammed the ball into the basket, unwilling to defy his anger, Han Ruhu hissed and screamed.As for Han Dengyun, he was already lying on the floor at this moment, but he fell so hard that he didn't get up groaningly.


At the same time that the point difference returned to three points, Changchun 11th Middle School also succeeded because of Han Ruhu's very domineering make-up this time. The morale was greatly boosted, and the previous confusion was no longer lost. One of them counts as one, whether it is on the court or on the court. Down, his face was full of strong murderous aura.

The referee couldn't help but want to give Han Ruhu a technical foul, so he was reluctant to let go of his hands, and said "Boom!" on the floor with a thick carrot finger pointing at Han Dengyun and loudly warned: "Little B boy, please listen to me! When you stand under the basket in the future, you must think clearly and see clearly."

Han Dengyun was ashamed, but he did not fall lightly during the fall, and he ignored Han Ruhu's warning, clutching his butt and grunting in pain.

Yan Lingfeng walked to Han Dengyun's side with a sullen face, kicked his ass unceremoniously, and said coldly: "If you are a man, get me up!"

Han Dengyun glanced at Yan Lingfeng aggrievedly, and then slowly stood up, the surface still looked painful, but he didn't hum anymore.

Yan Lingfeng knows him too well. He has thick skin and thick skin. This will not make him unable to stand up at all. Of course, pain is inevitable, but among the ten people standing on the field, who has never experienced injuries? The pain?

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