Time is precious, but Yan Lingfeng's confident breakthrough was hit by Liu Xiaoyu's head-on. When he had to turn around and don't leave, there was not much time left to attack.

Liu Xiaoyu did not become complacent just because he became Yan Lingfeng in his defense once. Instead, his defense became more active. His counter-passiveness was active. He stepped forward and opened his arms to defend Yan Lingfeng who was holding the ball. pressure.

Using the gentleman's revenge, the ancient motto that is not too late for ten years, comforted him. Under Liu Xiaoyu's pressure, Yan Lingfeng took two steps back and passed the basketball in his hand.After Wu Fengtao ran out from the inside line and received the ball, he didn't dare to delay any more. He turned around and jumped up with the ball in both hands without aiming at the basket. The open hand was just a cold arrow shot.

With a sound of "bang!", the basketball slammed into the hoop and bounced high. Zhang Wenbo got stuck and Han Ruhu picked up the board. The two people had a clear division of labor and worked together to protect the backboard.

When Han Ruhu was still in the air, he was already holding the ball with his hands on his chest, so Han Dengyun, who was waiting for him to steal the ball while Han Ruhu's landing was unstable, could only leave in disappointment.

Han Ruhu waited until all his opponents had withdrawn to the other half, then he straightened up and handed the ball to Liu Xiaoyu.In this way, they naturally have no chance of fast break, but Changchun 11th Middle School itself is a team that focuses on scoring in positional battles, so ensuring the safety of the ball is the most important.

Liu Xiaoyu dribbled the ball all the way to the half-time of Shuiyun Yizhong. He may have realized that the pace of the previous rounds was a bit fast. The initiative of the game had already unknowingly started to tilt in the direction of Shuiyun Yizhong, so he did not Anxious to launch an offense, but patiently kept the basketball in his own hands until 10 seconds of offensive time left, then the charge was sounded.

As soon as Liu Xiaoyu beckoned, his teammates immediately began to intersperse and move, including big center Han Ruhu, but his task is more to use himself as a wall for his teammates to cover.In addition to his short shots, Han Ruhu has excellent skills in other areas. The screen quality is very high. With his help, Jiang Jiajie successfully got rid of Zhao Senming's entanglement, just one at the bottom corner of the left three-point line. In the position, when he reached for the ball, he found that the basketball was already on the road.

It's not that Yan Lingfeng has never thought of blocking Liu Xiaoyu's pass. After all, if he can restrict Liu Xiaoyu's pass, then it is equivalent to stifling the opponent's offense in the bud, no matter how others run, it will be futile.But if Liu Xiaoyu's pass is so easy to block, then he would not be eligible to be called "one of China's most promising point guards."

Don’t worry about making more adjustments, because Zhao Senming has already bypassed Han Ruhu and is flying towards him. Jiang Jiajie’s shot is very characteristic, and his shooting hand is a bit like "Bearded" Baran Davis, butt. Pushed up high, arms outstretched are not so much shooting, it is more appropriate to "push the basket".It doesn't matter if the posture is weird, as long as the hit rate is good. I saw Jiang Jiajie's shot, which was almost flat in the air. After hitting the back edge of the basket, he bounced back into the net.


The lead of Shuiyun No. 1 Middle School was not retained for too long, and Changchun No. 1 Middle School surpassed the score again.After Jiang Jiajie watched the basketball get into the rim, he waved his arms excitedly and ran to Liu Xiaoyu's high-five to thank him. Even if Liu Xiaoyu was delayed for half a second this time, Jiang Jiajie would probably not have a phone call because he was playing basketball. As soon as he left his hand, Zhao Senming already swooped up.

Liu Xiaoyu has a reserved smile on his face. Such accurate and timely passing may be difficult for others, but for him, it is as simple as picking up chopsticks to eat.This is a talent and the result of countless hard work day and night.

Yan Lingfeng once again approached Liu Xiaoyu with the ball. An excellent athlete must have a character that must be reported. For example, Michael Jordan, or Kobe Bryant, maybe they are not a big deal in life. But on the basketball court, they are a typical example of revenge.Yan Lingfeng is also not a grudge, because he reported it on the spot.

Liu Xiaoyu's expression is no longer as enthusiastic as he was just now. He calmed down, like water, but it made Yan Lingfeng feel a little bit unable to speak.Nothing is more supple than water, and no one can win against the strong.In the martial arts novels, there are defensive moves such as the golden bell, iron cloth shirt and thirteen Taibao horizontal training, but it is recognized that the strongest defense is indeed Tai Chi.With rigidity against rigidity, over rigidity is easy to break, and softness against rigidity, Fang is king.And Liu Xiaoyu intends to use his softness to break Yan Lingfeng's rigidity.

Yan Ling did not move, and he did not move.Yan Ling's wind moved, and he was motionless.

Before confirming the opponent's purpose, any rash action will only add flaws to himself.Liu Xiaoyu knew this truth very well, so no matter how realistic and fake Yan Lingfeng made, before he unlocked the true face of Lushan, Liu Xiaoyu stood steadily there, and Yue Zhiyuan braked with silence.

It's not that Yan Lingfeng never thought of offering his ultimate move again, but after being defended by Liu Xiaoyu once, there was already a little shadow in his heart. After hesitating for a while, he suddenly turned sideways and used his shoulder as a The open forward went to kill Liu Xiaoyu.

Liu Xiaoyu and body type, similar to Yan Lingfeng, are not the kind of "muscle sticks". The physical confrontation between the two of them is not as intense as the previous confrontation between Zhang Biao and Xu Zhong. It looks like strength on the surface. The confrontation is actually a confrontation of brains.The two were testing each other, and neither of them used their full strength, Yan Lingfeng wanted to worry about Liu Xiaoyu's sudden retraction, and Liu Xiaoyu was also worried that Yan Lingfeng would seize the opportunity to wipe it away.While the two were constantly probing, Yan Lingfeng approached the basket step by step. After all, Liu Xiaoyu's physical strength still lags behind him.

Zhang Wenbo, the new power forward of Changchun 11th Middle School, is not inferior to the main player Zhang Biao in terms of physical aspects, but his game experience is much less than Zhang Biao. With a bloody courage, he can still compete with Xu Zhong. After a contest, when Xu Zhong moved to the outside line to give Yan Lingfeng a screen and roll, but suddenly turned back and ran back to the basket, he couldn't react enough. He was not so flexible when he was tall and fat. Turning around was not so flexible. Miao, I was praying that Xu Zhong would just run in the air. When Yan Lingfeng could not pass the ball, the orange basketball just flew past his eyes...

A coldness rushed from the top of his head to the soles of his feet. Zhang Wenbo shivered fiercely. He stared at Xu Zhong, who jumped high and slammed into the basket with both hands in the air. He swallowed his saliva and couldn't believe it. Rubbed his eyes...

Yan Lingfeng's field vision is so broad. Although he wants to single Liu Xiaoyu, when his teammates qualify, he still passes the ball without hesitation. This is an instinct, an instinct that a point guard should have. .

If you want to be an excellent point guard, you must have the consciousness of first and foremost. At least from this point, Yan Lingfeng is still qualified enough.

In order to save energy, after Xu Zhong pushed the ball into the basket, he quickly let go of his hands and landed lightly on the floor, still giving Yan Lingfeng a grim thumbs up, if he didn’t treat him Those who know will definitely not know that his gesture is not a mockery, but a real gratitude.

Naturally, Yan Lingfeng wouldn't be angry because of Xu Zhong's debt-collecting expression. He smiled nonchalantly and waved his hand, turned his head and walked to the backcourt.

"If you want to pass the ball, please don't twist around in front of me in the future." Liu Xiaoyu's cold voice came from behind, and Yan Lingfeng couldn't help but smile.Liu Xiaoyu played psychological tactics with him. It can't be said that it was a big axe in front of Lu Ban's door, but at least it was a big knife in front of Guan Gong.It's not that Yan Lingfeng's psychological quality is good, but he will live ten years longer than Liu Xiaoyu after all. He sees and listens a lot, and his mentality is easier to calm down.

"Coward!" Yan Lingfeng did not stubbornly. Liu Xiaoyu was obviously unwilling to hit the cotton with his full punch. After gritting his teeth and protruding these two words, he took the basketball from his teammate, as if he imagined basketball. He became Yan Lingfeng's head and smashed it hard on the floor before he began to dribble the ball to the front court.

"You seem to look forward to being ravaged?" Yan Lingfeng, who returned to the backcourt, asked Liu Xiaoyu with a serious face.

Liu Xiaoyu was startled and couldn't help thinking of the bullfight in Dongdan yesterday. Wu You quickly flashed through his mind. He sighed slightly. Liu Xiaoyu also sternly replied: "You think you have the qualifications for that strength. ?"

"Come on then." Yan Lingfeng laughed: "I hope you don't regret it."

Liu Xiaoyu snorted coldly, and stopped talking to Yan Lingfeng. The argument of tongues was futile. Only the confrontation under his hands could see the truth.

He patted the ball unhurriedly and walked around in the half-time of Shuiyun No. 1 Middle School. Liu Xiaoyu's glasses seemed to be slightly closed and indifferent to everything, but in fact it seemed like a pair of radars. The wind and grass couldn't escape his eyes.

Jiang Jiajie is still running tirelessly, Zhao Senming who defends him is miserable, but he can only follow his ass back and forth and run back and forth.Why did the former Reggie Miller and the current Richard Hamilton become the most difficult player to defend?It is because they are always in constant running, irregular running, and passive running, which is tantamount to the greatest suffering in the world for defenders.

Hand up, pass!

Liu Xiaoyu's movements were very concealed, and suddenly, even though Yan Lingfeng had paid much attention, he was still helpless.Liu Xiaoyu's physical strength may not be outstanding, but his wrist strength is absolutely superb.

The audience and the players naturally turned their eyes to Jiang Jiajie, who was still running non-stop. Under the influence of psychological hints, they all assumed that Liu Xiaoyu's ball would be passed to Jiang Jiajie, otherwise, he did not have hyperactivity. Why keep running?

Yan Lingfeng thinks so too, so at almost the same time when Liu Xiaoyu passed the ball, Yu Guang noticed that Jiang Jiajie had already thrown Zhao Senming away for a certain distance, so he slapped away and strode towards Jiang Jiajie with open arms. .

Basketball is getting closer and closer to Jiang Jiajie, and Yan Lingfeng is getting closer and closer to Jiang Jiajie.Yan Lingfeng believes that he will definitely interfere with Jiang Jiajie before receiving the ball.Although basketball will run faster than humans, it seems that Yan Lingfeng, who is swift and fast, can hardly be classified as a human being.

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