God tea helplessly looked to Luo Chen.

The Dharma of dragon and tiger mountain is the most magical one in heaven and earth, and there are not only monsters but also great relations with the underworld.

The power of the underworld itself is extremely terrible.

There are ten halls of Yama in Xumi mountain, Fengdu ghost emperor in China, the legend of Mount Tai, Lucifer in the west, and the God of the Nile.

It can be said that if that force can be suppressed, it will be suppressed. Otherwise, once it is born, the celestial burial star will no longer be the two major forces of archaic alliance and terror game.

There is a fairyland outside and a horror game inside. If the forces of the underworld come to the surface, I'm afraid that the flowing water will be completely disturbed.

And the key to all this is Luo Wuji!

This is the place where Shencha feels helpless. Otherwise, it's just a human race. Where is the qualification to talk to them?

"Then talk about it!" Guangmu binocular still reflects the soul stirring intention of killing, and the momentum is compelling.

"Tell me, how can I go?" The general of Guangmu is still aggressive even if he stops.

After all, he's a God. He can't keep a low profile.

"Talk?" Luo Chen sneered.

"About what?"

"Now you are not qualified to talk to me."

"Do you really think I can't kill you?" In a word, Guangmu was enraged again, and the divine power swept all directions in an instant!

"Come on." Luo Chen sat on the rooftop and didn't take a look.

"It's too strong, isn't it?"


"Enough!" The tea gave a cold hum.

And Guangmu finally gave up.

"Say the terms?" Shencha also looks at Luochen in anger.

"Guangmu asked me to go to Xumishan to make amends for Shenxiu, right?"

Luo Chen sat there and spoke slowly.

And Shenxiu's face changed.

"Now, make amends for me!" Luo Chen made it clear today that he was going to liquidate.


But Shenxiu was furious, but after seeing Guangmu, he finally went.

He's not the kind of person who can't hold it.

It can even be said that Shenxiu itself is not important for dignity and everything else.

But even so, in front of the world to make amends to Luo Chen, God show how much heart is still a little depressed.

"In the past, I have offended many people. Please forgive me." Shenxiu bows.

He is very clever. He can make amends if he says so. There is no more words.

Otherwise, Luo Wuji will be embarrassed.

"I can't help it. If I don't kill you today, I'll keep you." Luo Chen looks at the show.

"But there's someone else to settle with you." Luo Chen a word, let God show heart suddenly a tight.

"Come out." Luo Chen called.

"Feng Shui takes turns." The elder martial brother came out of the building with no expression on his face, but he was holding a sea god needle in his hand.

"You can do anything but kill him." The light of Luo Chen's mouth.

But this lets the God tea still have the broad eye complexion suddenly a burst of gloomy.

"Don't go too far." God tea cold mouth way.

"Fight hard." Luo Chen suddenly opens a way, a word of apparent God tea lets Luo Chen change an idea.

"Dong!" When he swung the dinghaishen needle, the elder martial brother directly hit it with a stick, and it was facing his head.

Strictly speaking, the current senior brother is not the rival of Shenxiu.

But now Shenxiu can't do it or hide!

If you hit it with this stick, it will be solid.

The elder martial brother didn't speak hard, nor did he have any angry or happy expression.

Only indifferent expression, a word does not say, swung the Poseidon needle is crazy smash!

All the anger is in the dense falling sea god needle.

Even if Shenxiu has the aura of protecting his body, he can't do it now. In the face of this intensive smashing, he can't carry it.

The world is quiet.

Shenxiu is no weaker than any other Shenzi.

But now, they can only be beaten there!

This scene is shocking, especially the dense falling of the dinghaishen needle, which is almost like fighting to death.

Two gods came and suffered losses, especially the prince Changqin, who lost not only his face but also his lining.

Here comes Zhu Rong. He's dead!

Here comes Nan Zhan Hou, kneel down!

Come to Shenxiu and get beaten.

Today, it can be said that Luo Wuji has bowed his head to all of them.

Look at his face.

This makes the shenchao and Beidou Tiangong old immortal cool behind them.

Since Luo Wuji was attacked secretly, it is said that the situation of Luo Wuji has gone. How long has it been to clean up these talents?After today, no God can cover the light of Luo Wuji.

After all, today's scene can't be done by any God, even the emperor.

This is already a kind of arrogance.

He didn't kill anyone, but he killed himself.

And from beginning to end, you don't have to do it yourself.

At this time, the old immortal and other talents secretly congratulated, compared with the present situation, that day offended Luo Wuji was punished, that is good.

In the end, the elder martial brother was tired.

But Shenxiu is smart and doesn't say a word.

"If you're tired, take a rest and play again." Luo Chen sneered.

"Is that all right?" Shencha's voice is much better this time.

"I'm not from China."

"Then give me Zhongzhou."

"Since I'm not from Zhongzhou, let Zhongzhou be mine." Luo Chen spoke.

This is tantamount to self-reliance as a king, or even getting involved in the major forces.

"It won't work." The face of the tea changed.

Are you kidding me? If Zhongzhou gave it to Luo Wuji, how could it be?

"Then don't talk about it." Luo Chen's tone is indifferent.

But the God tea complexion is gloomy, after pondering for a while, has made the concession.

"It's negotiable."

"But it has to wait for a while."

It's too much involved. It's not a trivial matter.

And Luo Chen did not refute, after all, he has his own plan.

Now it's a hot potato to take Zhongzhou directly.

"And more!"

"Give me men to attack the Nordic fairyland." Luo Chen said another condition.

Originally, Luo Chen planned to take his own people to fight, but now it's unnecessary. After all, that place should be extremely dangerous.

It's not cost-effective in case of casualties.

"That's not a good condition." The tea's face sank.

Nordic fairyland that place, even if those big people are not there, but that place is also extremely dangerous.

"Then you can go back." Luo Chen doesn't give in any more.

The tea hesitated for a long time, and finally said.

"I can give you people." In the end, Shencha compromised. Anyway, give some people whatever they want. If they die, they will die.

"I don't want anyone else." Luo Chen looks at the show. "I want the gods to follow me to attack the Nordic fairy palace." Luo Chen a word, let the world once again suddenly surprised.

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