At this moment, a will revived!

This will does not come from the statue, but from the whole eastern Holy Land!

Also at this moment, a strange light enveloping the whole oriental Holy Land suddenly shrinks!

This layer of light is like sunshine. For so many years, no one has noticed it, even the world leader has not noticed it!

But at this moment, the light of the whole eastern Holy Land shrank.

The whole eastern holy land was exposed in an instant.

At the moment when the light shrinks, everyone feels dizzy, even the world Master is no exception!

Heaven and earth have changed!

On the statue of the Hao clan, the light shrinks and finally condenses into a figure.

It was a virtual shadow!

The virtual shadow opened his eyes, looked around, and looked at Haoguang who was about to make his own decision.

Hao Guang has been fixed and can't make his own decisions!

The moment that the man appeared, the world was still, including the blood mist that was about to spread!

Including Emei, they are all settled!

In other words, at this moment, the whole eastern holy land has been settled.

There was a trace of surprise in the man's eyes.

He is dignified in all directions. He looks very similar to Haotian, and even can be said to be carved in one mold.

Long hair shawl, such as waterfall like flow, the whole body has a share of prestige and hegemony!

He stepped out and looked at Luo Chen in Hao Guang's surprised eyes.

"Give it back to you. It's the grudge of your Hao family!" Luo Chen closed his eyes and shaotian's body stood there.

But Luo Chen has returned to his body.

The man looked at shaotian's body, the cold body, the lifeless body, the dead body.

He closed his eyes and pointed at Hao Guang's eyebrows.

After his death, all the experiences of the Hao family came to his mind, including the death of Haotian!

Including the old grandmother!

Including just a moment ago, the Hao clan was slaughtered every scene!

Seeing all this, he opened his eyes, very calm, no anger, no anger!

He stepped out and stepped into shaotian's body. He entered shaotian's body for a short time. He wanted to borrow shaotian's body for a short time.

"Daddy Hao Guang can move, no longer be fixed, everything around is back to normal!

Haoguang's face is full of tears, and he is constantly in tears!

And the man stretched out his hand and handed it to Haoguang.

"Guanger doesn't cry. Let's go. Dad will take you to kill people!"

This sentence is very calm, very insipid, just like saying, go, dad takes you to dinner.

Haoguang stands up and reaches out his hand. Haoguang is led by Haotian!

There is no intention to kill, no terrible pressure, some are just ordinary, some are just light!

It's just one step up into the sky.

In the thunder sea, the dragon and the sky are startled. On the huge tap, Ju Xun stands there.

But just as he had just killed the haos with his eyes, he burst.

A generation of immortals, a generation of quasi world Master, so burst, turned into a blood fog!

And the next moment, Chen from burst, the whole person is still in consternation, directly burst!

On the horizon, the Taoist God butterfly's face suddenly changed.

But a hand pinched over, just a cloud hand.

He burst in an instant!

Finally, Haotian looks at Lan Shi.

"Uncle Hao, I"

"damn you!" A calm voice came from Haotian's body.

One word, you should die, says everything.

LAN poetry burst!

It's terrible. Killing the leader is like a local chicken!

The four would-be world masters came with the supreme power, but they also fell very fast.

"It's not just that you have people behind you." Haotian looks at Wang Zhen again.

Just a glance, what ares blood, directly burst!

"The gate of the Hao clan can't come as soon as you want to!" Haotian flies away.

Even though he is just a memory!

But he was the great spirit!

Over Emei, a huge circular funnel shines directly on everything!

But it was smashed immediately.

Heaven and earth are turning over!

The whole Emei was directly knocked out.

The fire is burning. It is obvious that the fire is fighting with the idea of the great spirit!

But the blood splashed in the sky, he was repulsed, with Emei instant escape!

And the headless knight side, was also caught, and then a hard hit!

This smash, directly hit the Luoxian lake!

Straight in front of the blacksmith!

Even the whole Luoxian Lake almost burst!"I only ask once!"

"Who just attacked and killed my Hao family?" Haotian's body once again came out the domineering voice.

The sound shocked all fields!

This is questioning the world leader!

No one dares to answer, no one dares to admit it!

"Well, no one admits it doesn't matter, that's all!"

Haotian steps out with Haoguang!

And in the void, a sword is gathering. It's the shadow of the sword, but the Qi of the sword is full of the whole eastern Holy Land!

It's a blue sky sword. It's all blue, just like sapphire, but it's on the road!

Ruyitian, the whole imperial palace of the Jiulong Dynasty burst at this moment!

Millions of people split in an instant and blow it up!

It's terrible. It's so powerful!

And a figure flew up in the palace, and the breath was terrible.

No one dares to go near there, because the smell of that place is so terrible.

Anyone who dares to get close will turn into looting ashes!

Great war, roar, shake vast!

Finally, Haotian goes away with Haoguang, and ruyitian, the leader of the Jiulong imperial court, is seriously injured!

Jiulong, which is proud of by the Jiulong Dynasty, was killed three times and abandoned three times!

Dragon corpse!

It's amazing!

Earth shaking!

At this moment, heaven and earth are shaking, it seems unable to bear each other's anger!

Da Luotian!


Someone saw it, and a huge figure was shot out, spilling blood all over the world.

A drop of blood is a vast ocean!

Overturn heaven and earth, Luotian main peak of Da Luotian is cut in half by a knife!

The Lord of Da Luo's heaven is seriously injured. With one blow, the death and injury of Da Luo's heaven exceed ten million!

There are many saints and immortals in it!

Dark sky, where itself is half flame, half ice!

But at this moment, the ice and fire blend, the world changes color, the flame goes out, the ice melts.

Everything is melting!

Xuanming heaven, everything is melting, xuanming heaven Lord was directly hit flying out, directly into the big Luo Tian!

In the sky of Qingxu, the sword Qi sweeps the sky, endless!

Huangdaozong sky!

"Well, why?" An old man looked at Haotian above the sky.

"When you do something, you have to give an account!"

"These two people have insulted you. I've got them back!" Qingxu emperor daozong the old man said.

"I'll ask someone to settle it, but I'm not here to settle it today!"

"Qingxutian didn't take part in it!" Now there is a figure standing in the void. "That has nothing to do with me!" Haotian's words are calm, but with supreme hegemony!

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