Luo Chen's saying this makes Li Jiayi stunned at first. In Yanjing, even the rich second generation, the rich third generation, the official second generation and the red third generation of some big families will not be so shameless. Now a young woman from the county will not give her face?

Immediately, Li Jiayi was even more unhappy, not to mention anything else, just because of her beauty, she had never been so shriveled.

Is this guy on purpose?

And then you want to get your attention?

This way of picking up girls has been out of date for a long time, which makes Li Jiayi's impression of Luo Chen worse.

If Luo Chen behaves a little bit more honest, without so much flower heart, maybe he will have some good feelings for him.

With a sigh, Li Jiayi suddenly said.

"But I think I still need to tell you about you."

"I suggest you don't go to Aunt Yuelan." Li Jiayi suddenly said this sentence.

"That's my mother. Isn't it natural for me to go to her?" Luo Chen frowned.

"There are two reasons. First, although the Shen family is a big family, they strive for something through their parents and children."

"To put it bluntly, even if you go back to the Shen family, you will be looked down upon by others, because among the younger generation, their achievements are far beyond your understanding, and their circle is beyond your integration." Li Jiayi said it was very direct, but it was really direct.

Among the younger generation of the Shen family, which one is not promising and which one has already made some achievements, Luo Chen has no qualification to join the circle and can't compare with these people.

Don't say you're just from a county, you're from some rich families in the province, and the rich second generation will be looked down upon by the people in Yanjing circle.

The young people's circle here is worth a lot of money. A meal may be a month's salary for ordinary people. How can Luochen compare with others?

"The second is for the good of aunt Yuelan, because once you are looked down upon by others, aunt Yuelan will lose face with you, and you will be laughed at at at that time." Li Jiayi said the second reason.

"I think the world has the right to look down on me, really few." Luo Chen nods slightly, which can be regarded as refuting Li Jiayi.

This made Li Jiayi sigh to herself, knowing that Luo Chen probably didn't realize the gap between him and Yanjing young people or the older generation.

"Well, I didn't say that, but I still hope you think it over seriously. Unless you are the richest man, maybe no one dares to look down on you." Li Jiayi said.

"Maybe I am." Luo Chen shook his head.

"Well, you are." Li Jiayi rolled her eyes and felt that her kindness was regarded as a donkey's liver and lung.

Her original intention is to be good for Luo Chen and Shen Yuelan. Who knows that Luo Chen is so ignorant?

Li Jiayi shook her head and drove safely.

In the heart but calculate or forget, wait for him to thoroughly recognize the gap with others, see if he will say so at that time?

And some things can't be solved by your mouth. When you really need to face the reality, can you still be so stubborn?

The atmosphere in the car is very silent and awkward, but Luo Chen doesn't care at all. For him, these people in front of him are all mole ants and past clouds.

These people can only exist for a few decades, but they are different. They can last longer, hundreds of years, thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years!

What can these people be compared with?

Different state of mind, natural view of some things will be different.

This also makes Luo Chen lazy to explain, after all, summer insects can't speak ice.

The car soon came to the hospital. After Luo Chen got off the car, he was directly caught in the ward.

When Shen Yuelan meets Luo Chen and confirms his identity, she burst into tears and suddenly hugs Luo Chen.

How many years?

I look forward to it day and night and pray for my child every day. Until this moment, Shen Yuelan suddenly feels that even if she dies now, it's worth it.

Luo Chen was a little bit restrained. After all, he had seen Shen Yuelan before.

But Shen Yuelan doesn't know now. After all, she has lost all the memories about Xiangxi.

"Let you suffer, so many years, it's useless for mom, it's useless for mom." Shen Yuelan holds Luo Chen and pats Luo Chen on the back.

"No, Ma. Don't you think I'm ok?" Luo Chen comforts a way.

"By the way, is your father OK?" Shen Yuelan asked.

"It's fine. I'll pick him up later."

"Go out and cry." Suddenly a voice interrupted Shen Yuelan.

It was supposed to be the reunion of mother and son. When it was a happy time, someone suddenly said that, or on purpose.

"What did you say?" Luo Chen cold voice way.

"What do I say?" The man in a white coat, slightly older, is a nurse, but now his face is full of contempt."Are you a family member of the patient?"

"Go and settle the medical bill first, or leave immediately." The nurse snorts coldly. She has long been bribed by Shen Yucheng, deliberately trying to embarrass Shen Yuelan and others.

"If you don't pay the medical expenses, you're going to rush people?"

"What do you think?" The nurse crossed her waist and spoke, showing a dissatisfied look.

"Is a hospital a charity?"

"We all pay first and then cure. If you don't have money, we don't care if you die outside."

"Little nurse, I'm sorry, I'll call right away and ask people to"

"Mom, it's OK, you have a rest first, I'll solve it." Luo Chen patted Shen Yuelan on the shoulder.

"But Xiaochen"

just as Shen Yuelan wanted to remind Luo Chen, the nurse spoke again.

"Young man, I can remind you that we are a private hospital, and the price is not very expensive." The nurse sneered.

"Well, you say less, I'll pay for the medicine." Li Jiayi said.

This is what her mother told her to do today, for which her mother gave her a lot of money last night.

It's frightening to see a doctor here.

Most people really can't afford to come here, and this is not only a private hospital, but also a frightening background.

Don't say that Shen Yuelan is not welcome by the Shen family now. Even if she is welcome by the Shen family, she doesn't dare to fool around here.

Because the president behind this is special, he is an academician of the National Medical College.

This kind of person has a special status and enjoys some special treatment. Even the Shen family can avoid you.

"I'll do it. This is my mother." Luo Chen shakes his head and says.

This immediately made Li Jiayi frown.

Just wanted to say, can you afford it?

I didn't expect that the nurse next to me spoke first with a sarcastic tone.

"Well, are you coming?" "Can you afford it?"

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