In fact, Jinyu was a little angry. He tried to be polite and said.

"Mr. Luo, we are not going to travel this time. We are going to carry out the mission. We can even say that we are in danger of death. If you want the girl's safety, you'd better not take her with you."

"Well, I know that she has good strength. There will be no accident, and with me, she can't do anything." The light of Luo Chen's mouth.

This makes Jin Yu frown deeper.

"Mr. law, do you want to be clear?" Jinyu said again.

What about her strength?

What strength can a girl have?

And with you, she can't do anything?

Is that possible?

What ability do you have to say that?

The most important thing is that Jin Yu doesn't want to have another oil bottle.

After all, more than one means more danger, which will easily affect everyone.

But Luo Chen is very firm.

"It doesn't matter. One more, one more strength." Luo Chen opens his mouth again.

This makes Jin Yu almost roll his eyes, but he shakes his head and doesn't speak any more.

Forget it, since Luo Chen is going to take people to seek death, then it's better to seek death. At that time, let's leave Luo Chen alone.

"All right, let's go." Jinyu opened the door and then froze.

It's kind of embarrassing.

In principle, the co pilot should be seated.

But Huang Laoshen is sitting on the co pilot. He doesn't mean to get out of the way at all. It seems that it's not appropriate for Luo Chen to sit in the back.

Huang seems to see Jinyu's dilemma, so he rolls down the window and says.

"Excuse me, Captain Luo. I'm old and easy to get carsick. Why don't you bend down and squeeze in the back?" Huang Laopi said with a smile.

car sickness is just an excuse. He just wants to make sure that Luo Yang is clear. Even though Yang has arranged for Luoyang to lead the team, he still has the final say in the team.

"Never mind, we have our own car!" Luo Chen smiles.

Then a modified off-road vehicle has come over. Luochen sits in the back, with sofas, refrigerators and red wine in it, while the king of blood corpse drives in front.

Jinyu and yang are more and more upset when they look at Luo Chen getting on the bus. Where is the attitude of going to Kunlun?

This is clearly to travel!

Do you want to die like this?

And still as a captain, if they listen to Luo Chen's command, they are afraid that they will be annihilated as soon as they arrive in Kunlun!

But since the above has been arranged, this is an order, and they dare not disobey it, they can only go away with a look of unhappiness.

The car is luxurious, and it's always a place to rest on the road.

For example, in the road to eat a meal, almost all of them are big fish and big meat.

And they are the most expensive or characteristic.

Especially the girl next to Luo Chen, she is so desperate to eat that she can eat all the food at a table by herself.

Huang Lao and Jin Yu and others ate at another table alone.

Besides Jin Yu and Tang Hui, Huang's apprentice, there are four of them.

They have a table for seven and eat simple food, while Luochen has delicious food.

This made the group even more dissatisfied with the captain.

Luo Chen didn't mean to, but the blood corpse king was hungry, so he could only take these things to fill in.

But Luo Chen also knew that these things could not be compared with human blood.

Luo Chen is forcing the blood corpse King's nature to ban Zheng.

So every day the king of the blood corpse eats with all his strength.

Although the blood corpse king doesn't like it, in front of Luo Chen, he can only be obedient.

Soon, a week later, they finally came to the foot of Kunlun mountain.

In fact, strange things happen every day these days.

In particular, the closer to Kunlun, this mysterious strange thing is more clearly visible.

On the first day near Kunlun, when the sun was setting, Zixia appeared in the distance.

At first, people just thought it might be a natural climate phenomenon of nature, and they didn't pay attention to it.

But later, the closer to Kunlun, the more such things happened.

Zixia sometimes does not happen when the sun sets, but sometimes you can see it at noon.

After all, Jin Yu was engaged in this work. At first, he thought it was a natural phenomenon, but later he felt that something was wrong.

After all, where can there be purple clouds?

Jin Yu also inquired about the Tibetan people along the way.

According to Tibetans, this kind of purple haze used to appear, but it won't appear as frequently as recently.Occasionally, three or four times a year.

But I don't know what happened recently. There are more and more purple clouds.

And strange things happen all the time.

For example, all Tibetans raise cattle and horses. When some Tibetans are grazing, they will find that there are several more horses in their herd.

That kind of horse is not their ordinary horse. Instead, it is taller and bigger than the ordinary horse. Its mane is extremely beautiful, and it seems to have a sacred breath all over.

But it's strange that people can only see it when they are far away from the horses. When they go into the horses to look for it, they disappear.

This is a very strange thing. It can be seen in the distance, but it disappears when it comes near.

Some herdsmen don't believe it's an illusion. After all, it's impossible for them to hallucinate collectively, right?

So some people stand in the distance and stare at the horses, others go into the herd to catch them.

But it's a pity that the herdsmen standing in the distance clearly saw the horses standing there eating grass, while the people walking into the horses couldn't see anything.

After walking far away, when I looked back, I found that the horse was still eating grass there.

There has been such a legend before, that is, a horse made of gold was buried in the ground. After a long time, this strange phenomenon will appear.

However, this phenomenon is generally fixed in one place.

But this is a Tibetan area, and it's not fixed in one place. This kind of thing can happen in some places hundreds of miles away. Who will do this kind of thing?

This mysterious phenomenon even Luo Chen is frowning. It seems that time is speeding up.

He has to improve his accomplishments as soon as possible. He can't spend it like this any more.

Otherwise, his advantage will be lost in the future.

Jinyu asked for a long time, but he didn't find out why. Even many Tibetans regard Zixia as a miracle.

The group finally reached the foot of Kunlun mountain.

But just at the foot of Kunlun Mountain, an accident happened. Because it's dead!

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