Shi Yihua dragged Shi Rui in, and a group of people immediately joined the gang.

Luo Chen took a look and shook his head, but Luo Chen didn't go in.

It's very smoky. For practitioners like Luo Chen, they really don't like it.

Moreover, Li Bing's seal hall was dark and unlucky. It was easy to be implicated when he stayed with that kind of person.

So Luo Chen frowned at the first sight of Li Bing.

Just just went in less than half an hour, Luo Chen brow once again a wrinkle.

Because a car a car all of a sudden around the club to a tight.

Then there were a lot of special police officers breaking into the house, and 500 people came.

Luo Chen looked at it and sighed.

And in the imperial club, the most luxurious big box.

"Come on, brother Yihua, here's to you." Yang Fei holds a glass of wine and smiles.

Although he doesn't know the background of Shi Yihua, after all, Shi Yihua is Shi Rui's elder brother and naturally needs to curry favor with him.

"By the way, what about the boy outside the door?" Yang Fei frowned.

"A hillbilly. Don't worry about him. It's bad for us." Shi Yihua sneered.

"Also, he doesn't think about it. With your elder brother Yihua and me, Yang Fei, what can happen?"


The door of the box was kicked open as soon as the sound came to the ground.

Everyone suddenly turned around and saw a black barrel.

"Hold your head in both hands and squat on the ground for me."

A group of special police officers burst in directly outside the door.

"What are you doing?" After a few glasses of wine, Yang Fei has gone a bit.

"Hands on your head!"

"Squat down!"

A special police officer held Yang Fei directly.

And then more than a dozen swats rushed in.

All of a sudden, the students were shocked. After all, not everyone has the support behind them.

Li Bing, in particular, woke up more than half in a moment!

And Shi Yihua is also stunned. If he is a group of thugs, even if the local underground forces make trouble, he will not be afraid, or even the police, he doesn't care.

But it's Swat, and it's a group of real people, which is a big problem.

After all, everyone knows what SWAT stands for.

"Let's cooperate first. We can sing and drink normally. What's the problem?" Shi Yihua is also the first time to encounter this kind of thing.

After all, they used to go out to play, and the relationship between the owners of the venue was very hard. It was the first time that they encountered this kind of investigation.

"I hope you just sing and drink normally."

"But you can't go to KTV for singing and drinking?"

"Must I come to such a place?" One of them sneered.

"Go to the toilet, cooperate with the urine test." The leading opening way.

The students were naturally frightened. Where have you seen this scene?

Soon someone went to the toilet and cooperated with the urine test.

Generally, a urine test is a drug test.

And Shi Yihua is constantly give Shi Rui a reassuring look, this is just ordinary inspection, nothing will happen.

The results were found in Li Bing, and the urine test came out.

"Take it all."

Take it?

Shi Yihua and Yang Fei were stunned.

It's a real hassle to take away.

"Sir, you're a little"

"don't talk nonsense, I said, take it all away."

"But what are you doing?"

"Thanks to you, you are still a group of students. If you don't study well, are you learning to come to such a place?"

"And some of you have been found to have taken drugs. Now all of you will go back to the bureau with me and accept the investigation."

As soon as the words came out, everyone was confused.

After all, no matter how stupid you are, it's a big deal to take drugs.

"Sir, I'm Shijia in Baodao"

"shut up, I don't care what you are. Shijia in Baodao or Li family in Baodao, even if you are the king of heaven, you have to go with us today." The leader's attitude is very tough and he doesn't give any face.

A group of people were all taken out of the box. Today Shi Yihua came alone, and he didn't bring Han Yangtian.

Moreover, it is Han Yangtian who comes here. When he encounters this kind of thing, he can only cooperate with the investigation.

After all, this is not a treasure island. It can't be solved by one phone call.

Shi Yihua whispered that it was bad luck. He just let the words out, and he was responsible for something. As a result, he met this kind of thing.

It's also very troublesome. If drug abuse is found in their box, they must be investigated.

Especially for a group of girls, it's about reputation. If it's spread, it's not sure what it will look like.Shi Yihua, in particular, is an outstanding young entrepreneur in Baodao. If he is caught in the club, his reputation will be ruined.

If you go to Baodao, you'll get into a big trouble, especially in Shi's family.

Shi Yihua quickly and secretly called Han Yangtian.

After all, Shi Yihua thinks that this kind of thing, spend some money to protect it.

Han Yangtian's brow is also wrinkled.

If it's on the other side of the island, under the influence of the Shi family, it will be done by one phone call.

But this is in the mainland. They have no such relationship in the mainland.

But Han Yangtian still began to call the contact person. After all, it's not a big deal to spend some money.

And Yang Fei also began to call here.

Soon, a group of people were taken straight away.

To the Institute, a group of students, several girls have been scared to cry.

Shi Rui is about to cry.

"It's OK, Xiao Rui. I've already called. We can go out in a moment." Shi Yihua comforted.

And Yang Fei also opens his mouth.

"Don't worry, brother Yi Hua. With my brother and I, this little thing can be done." Yang Fei is not very flustered.

After all, his brother is doing well in the entertainment industry. He knows a lot of people, and it's not a phone call to find a relationship?

Soon, Han Yangtian arrived.

But with a serious face.

"How is Mr. Han?" Seeing Han Yangtian coming, Shi Yihua naturally feels that this matter is easy to settle.

But Han Yangtian shook his head.

"This matter is troublesome. It involves a transnational case." Han Yangtian says helplessly.

They've found all the relationships they need to find.

But this time, Li Bing, one of them, was not only involved in drugs, it is said that he had several cases on his back.

And this time, it is said that someone from above came to check directly, and that group of special police officers were directly transferred from above.

"But it really has nothing to do with us. Except for Li Bing, we have no problem, and we don't know him." Shi Yihua frowned.

"I can't help it. I can only hurt you for a few days." Han Yang says helplessly.

It is said that this matter involves a lot, and the people involved will be seriously investigated.

"How long will it take?"

"At least half a month, at most a month." Han Yangtian sighed.

When he heard this, he was in a daze.

And Yang Fei got the call.

"What's the matter with you son of a bitch?" Yang Qi yelled on the other end of the phone.

Yang Qi knows the top leader in this city, but it's useless to call him.

"Brother, can't we go out?"

"Go out and fart. There's nothing we can do in the province." Yang Qi made a phone call to find a relationship. As a result, this matter involved a big case in the golden triangle.

It's bad luck to get involved in any relationship. It's necessary to strictly investigate.

"But brother, my side"

"don't talk nonsense. Be honest and stay inside. This matter is not as simple as you think. You can't get out of the big relationship."

"Cooperate with the investigation." Yang Fei's phone has been hung up.

On hearing this, Yang Fei knew it was over.

It's going to have to cooperate with the investigation and stay in it. "Brother, I want to go home." Shi Rui, after all, is still young and big. It's the first time she's met with this kind of thing. At the moment, her eyes are full of tears. When she hears that it's going to take at least half a month, she's scared of any transnational case.

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