Just as Shi Yihua rushed in, he found that the Shi family was empty and there was no half figure.

Not at home?

Shi Yihua looks at Han Yangtian.

Han Yangtian frowned, then a vast aura wave spread.

"Over there." Han Yangtian looked southeast of the village.

And Shi Yihua is a face of anger toward that direction.

And now in front of widow Zhang's house.

Zhang ruoxian sat down on the ground with tears on her face, surrounded by the crowd.

"What are you doing?" Shi Rui's voice rang out in the crowd. Now Shi Rui was holding the baby in her arms.

"Shi Rui, don't mind your own business. This woman is a slut and has given birth to a monster. Now Mr. Mo is just killing people." A strong man in the crowd accused.

Today, the village head called everyone together. Mr. Mo wanted to get rid of the monster in the baby monster. As a result, Shi Rui was just holding the baby when he went to catch someone.

As a result, Shi Rui refused to give up the baby.

"What do you have to do with him?" Shi Rui scolded.

"Mr. Mo said that he is a monster. If the monster is not executed, the whole village will be killed." One of the aunts said.

Mr. Mo's words for the whole village, that is the will of God, no one to doubt.

And a baby, just a month can speak, really not like a normal baby.

"I don't care. You must not hurt this child." Shi Rui always protects the baby in her arms.

In Shi Rui's eyes, this is a baby, no matter how can not give to this group of people.

"Shi Rui, if you want to do this again, we are not welcome. If master Mo comes later, you will"

"you are not welcome to show me?" Suddenly a cold voice rang out.

This is Shi Yihua's voice.

Seeing Shi Yihua coming, Shi Rui's look eased down a little.

After all, Shi Rui is still a girl, so many people around her, although she tried to keep calm, but in fact her legs have been shaking.

The most important thing is that she has seen the old man around Shi Yihua. Even Shi Hu can clean up. She is absolutely not an ordinary person.

"Give you a chance to get out." Shi Yihua was furious and wanted to settle with Luo Chen.

As a result, when I saw someone bullying my sister at this time, my anger immediately shifted to this group of people.

He came to pick up his sister back to Baodao, but it turned out that he was not going well again and again. Before, his sister was nearly locked up for half a month. Now, if he was bullied again.

Let alone go back and tell his parents that he can't pass the test himself.

"Who are you going to let go?"

Shi Yihua's words fell to the ground, and the crowd automatically separated. A man in black came up with his hands on his back.

This black robed man is Mr. Mo naturally.

"Give me the baby." Mr. Mo opened his mouth indifferently. Although it was just a word, Shi Rui was so scared that her hair almost stood up.

Even the baby in her arms panicked.

"Well, there are so many bloody people who want to die." Shi Yihua saw that Mr. Mo ignored himself and immediately became angry.

When he came to the mainland, he didn't follow Luo Chen.

He is the kind of person who covers the sky with one's own hands. He has never been ignored like this.

Suddenly Shi Yihua really had a heart to kill.

"Mr. Han." Shi Yihua turns his head and looks at Han Yangtian.

And Han Yangtian stands with his hands down and looks at Mr. Mo with both eyes.

"Give you one last chance to get out, or you'll die!" Han Yangtian said in a deep voice.

"I'll give you one last chance, too." Mr. Mo's hoarse voice rang out, cold without emotion.

As soon as this word fell to the ground, Han Yangtian was really angry.

Over and over again.

Before Han Yangtian, he was flattered by a young man surnamed Luo. Now in this small village, even an old man dares to ignore him like this?

It seems that if we don't teach these people a lesson, will it be true that the era of Han Yangtian has passed?

As soon as Han Yangtian raised his hand, there was a gust of wind around him, and he held out a hand to Mr. Mo!

In the past, as long as Han Yangtian grasped it like this, any practitioners under the awakening would turn into flesh mud in an instant!

But at the moment, he did.

Mr. namo sneered and waved his sleeve robe.

Suddenly Han Yangtian obviously felt that a force directly blocked his just technique!

"Practitioners?" Han Yangtian was surprised.

And Mr. namo gave the same sneer.

"Hum, I can't imagine that there is a Dharma practitioner hidden in this broken place. It's no wonder that there is a lush aura here." Han Yangtian doesn't care."But what if you were a practitioner?"

"I can only die in front of Han Yangtian!" As soon as Han Yangtian's words fall to the ground, raising his hand is a jerk.

This time was different. This time, a big hand appeared in the void.

All of a sudden, they were so frightened that they quickly backed out.

This is one of Han Yangtian's unique skills, heavenly hand!

The hand of God is not to crush a monk, but to crush a mountain.

When it comes to the hand of God, it can be said that no one in the whole world knows it!

Shi Yihua had witnessed Han Yangtian's hand, which made a truck into a fist sized iron.

I have also seen that the explosion shock wave of a small missile is pinched by this God's hand!

This kind of technique can be called miraculous!

But just when the God's hand pinched Mr. namo.

Mr. Mo suddenly gave a sneer and waved his sleeve robe to the magic hand that day.

All of a sudden, the hand of God made a click sound, just like the sound of glass breaking.

Han Yangtian's unique skill, the handbrake of God is fragmented!

"How dare you show off this kind of insect carving skill in front of me?" Mr. Mo sneered.

And Han Yangtian suddenly looks surprised. He knows more about the power of his heavenly hand than everyone else.

But at the moment, it was broken by the local government?

"Wind and water rise!" Although Han Yangtian showed a startled look, he didn't panic and drank directly.

Han Yangtian soared up in the air, showing his unique style.

All of a sudden, the whole stone village was shaken, the earth trembled, and the roar continued. In an instant, a galloping river was cut off.

Everyone's eyes trembled with horror.

This is the galloping River 30 miles outside the stone village. At the moment, it was cut off by Han Yangtian, which led the river to the sky above the stone village.

If this falls down, the whole stone village will be destroyed in an instant.

Even Shi Rui was silly.

Is this an immortal?

It was a roaring river.

But now it is like a dragon in the void!

"Brother, what's this Shi Rui looks at Shi Yihua in amazement.

"Don't worry, with Mr. Han here, no one can hurt you today!" Shi Yihua said confidently.

He has seen Han Yangtian's methods.

It's not boasting to say it's heaven and man.

Han Yangtian has been in the Dharma circle of treasure island for one hundred years, and has never been defeated!

The technique attainments have already reached the peak!

I've killed many talented people. They are famous overseas.

Not to mention a big river, even a sea, Han Yangtian can cut it off.

This is no longer human!

"Now you know how stupid you were that day?" Shi Yihua sneered and looked into the distance. Luo Chen is coming slowly in the distance at the moment.

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