Chapter 11 - Di Liya

When the two of them arrived at the dorm, they met their future boss, Ye Lu, who was also playing with the training equipment as stated in the original book.

Upon seeing Lin Feng and Lei Nuo, his eyes immediately lit up, and ran over excitedly: "Haha, you must be my roommates right? I've waited for a long time, and there's only me here now. Let me introduce myself, my name is Ye Lu and I can barely be considered to be a member of the Holy Union. "

"What do you mean barely being counted as the Holy Union?" Lei Nuo curled his lips, "My name is Lei Nuo, O'Brien Empire."

"Ah, Lei Nuo, Lin Feng, I'm so glad to see you. Ah, let's put those body tempering tools over there." Ye Lu turned his head and shouted at his servant.

"Physical training tools?" Lei Nuo blinked his eyes and stared at Ye Lu, "Ye Lu, what are you doing with those? Do you want to be a soldier? "

Ye Lu wrinkled his nose, laughed and said: "Although we are noble Magician, we still need to train ourselves to have a good body, if not how can we seduce beautiful women? There are a lot of beauties in Magician. Especially the Magician beauties. Not only are they beautiful, they also have a unique aura. If you go out and boast about your girlfriend, you will also gain some face. "

"Uh" Lei Nuo was speechless.

However, Lin Feng felt that it was kind of funny. A ten year old brat was actually talking about his girlfriend, which made Lin Feng, the Transcender, feel weird. However, he also knew that this was the world of Coiling Dragon, not Earth. There was no such thing as reaching adulthood here. As long as you had the ability, getting married at the age of three wouldn't be too much of a problem.

Lei Nuo and Lin Feng both reported their age, but when Ye Lu heard this, his eyes shone brightly. Ten years old this year. Haha, but it's not small at all. My brother broke it at the age of twelve, so I have to prepare it as soon as possible. "

"What's a hole?" The innocent little Lei Nuo asked a very foolish question, but Lin Feng was not as foolish as the original book. Although he had never talked about girlfriends and had retained his virginity before transmigrating, his understanding of flaws was not something that the people of this world could hope to achieve.

After the three of them chatted for a while, the second brother of the 1987 brothers, Qiao Zhi, also returned. Seeing Qiao Zhi's appearance, Lin Feng laughed. He did not expect the ten-year-old Qiao Zhi to be as tall as the eight-year-old Lei Nuo, being almost half a head shorter than him.

They had only chatted for a short period of time, but the relationship between the four brothers had become far more friendly.

The four bros in the dormitory 1987, along with the Godeater Rat, 'Bebe', had a fierce stroll around the academy. The four bros in the dormitory 1987, along with the Godeater Rat 'Bebe', had a fierce stroll around the academy.

The next day, February 9th. School officially started.

There were no classes that day. Only on February 10th did they officially start classes, and on the 9th, they just went to listen to the academy's leaders' coaxing. This group of children were at least six years old, and the oldest was only twelve years old, and they were staying in the classroom that could accommodate several hundred people.

The courses in Ernst Institute had been taught for the first 28 days of the month, except for the last two days.

Earth magic was from eight to ten in the morning, Fire magic was from ten-thirty to twelve-thirty in the morning, Water magic was from two to four in the afternoon, Wind magic was from four-thirty to six-thirty in the afternoon, Lightning magic was from seven to nine in the evening, and Light magic was from nine-thirty to eleven-thirty in the night. Because the Ernst Institute was a part of the Holy See, they didn't teach dark magic.

However, most students only had a single element. They only needed to go to class for two hours a day. Furthermore, you can listen to these classes if you want to, and you can also listen if you don't want to.

On February 10th, at 8 AM in the morning, Lin Feng arrived at the Earth Element First Year's classroom.

After the instructors introduced themselves, Lin Feng began his first class in Ernst Institute. However, after listening to a lesson, Lin Feng decided to never attend an earth element class again. Although the strength of the Earth Element's Magic Instructors were not bad, they could not compare to De Linkewote's. Their understanding and understanding of Earth Element Magic was not even on the same level. Furthermore, at this time, Lin Feng was already at the level of a level 5 Magician. It was like having a university student go to kindergarten with a bunch of brats. It was a feeling that was impossible to understand unless one was in the right place.

Lin Feng also attended the Fire and Water Magic Course, but he discovered that this magic was similar to the Earth magic. It was just that there were some differences in the Magic Department, as the basic principles of this magic could be understood with the atomic theory he had learned in university, and it was even more detailed and thorough than what his teacher had said.

Therefore, Lin Feng decided once again that he would only come here to listen to water and fire lessons from time to time. You don't have to be in every class.

Lin Feng left early for the Wind magic class. Lin Feng was a little excited, the original owner of the book was about to appear, and perhaps she would become his future wife. Thinking of this, Lin Feng felt a wave of passion in his heart, in his previous life, aside from studying, he had also been studying all day, and during his free time, he had only read online novels. However, in this life, in this《 Coiling Dragon》 world, Lin Feng was not that foolish.

"Hello everyone." A handsome, golden-haired youth said with a smile, "I'm Trey, a sixth year student of the academy. From today onwards, I will be in charge of your wind magic tutelage, and I'll be staying in room 0298.

A sixth grade student was a sixth grade Magician, someone who could apply to graduate at any time. They were qualified to teach the students of their age.

"Before that, let's all introduce ourselves first." Trey said with a smile.

As the students went up on stage one by one, Di Liya, who Lin Feng had been hoping for, finally went up on stage.

A sweet-looking blonde girl slowly walked up to the podium, gently stroking the hair that was in disarray at her temples, and said with a smile: "Hello everyone, my name is Di Liya, I'm from The Yulan Empire."

After a short introduction, she walked down the stage, but Lin Feng's gaze followed her as she slowly moved, until she reached her own seat.

At this time, Di Liya was the same as Lin Feng, and was still a child that had not grown up yet. However, her appearance was very beautiful, and her features were delicate and cute. Especially when she had stepped onto the stage just now, that flirtatious touch of stroking her hair made Lin Feng immediately make up his mind: Di Liya, just you wait, I'll definitely catch up to you.

Perhaps it was fate that when Lin Feng, who shared the same body and different soul, first met Di Liya, he discovered that he actually liked this young girl. Could this be love at first sight? It felt good.

Di Liya had also naturally noticed the gaze that Lin Feng was casting on her. Following the direction of the gaze, the moment she saw the owner of the gaze, Di Liya suddenly had a very strange feeling. She felt that she would never be able to escape his grasp in this life.

The moment she felt this ingenious feeling, Di Liya's beautiful face instantly flushed red. She lowered her head and pretended to be shy.

Seeing Di Liya's performance, Lin Feng couldn't help but laugh. As expected of a immature little girl!

In this lesson, Lin Feng and Di Liya quietly passed by. Seeing that Di Liya was a shy girl, Lin Feng started to become playful. He continuously used his gaze to tease Di Liya, but Di Liya was extremely curious about him due to the previously senseless feeling. Even though she was very shy, she still mustered up the courage from time to time to look at Lin Feng.

decided that it would be better for him to take the initiative to attack a pure and innocent girl like Di Liya. After all, he was a man, a man with a brain of around twenty years old. Furthermore, since he had already decided to marry Di Liya as his wife in the future, there was no need for him to experience the bumpy marathon love relationship between Lin Feng and Lin Feng in the books. Although Lin Feng was not prepared to learn from his big brother, Ye Lu, to make things difficult for him at the age of twelve, it was still okay to establish a relationship with him before the age of twelve.

Although Di Liya was bashful, and was stunned by Lin Feng's boldness, she, who was kind-hearted, had a good or bad impression of Lin Feng, hence after a slight struggle in her heart, she shyly extended her delicate hand to shake Lin Feng's hand.

"Hello, my name is Di Liya."

"We'll be good friends from now on. I'll take a seat for you in class tomorrow." Lin Feng shamelessly made the relationship between him and Di Liya, who was meeting him for the first time, into that of a good friend.

Lin Feng had only announced it, it was not a discussion, after saying that, he left, leaving the astonished and embarrassed Di Liya standing in place.

"How can he be like this? He doesn't even ask if I agree. I … should I listen to him or not?" Di Liya was at a loss, "Forget it, that is tomorrow's matter, let's talk about it tomorrow!"

The Di Liya who had no other choice left the question to the next day as if she was trying to avoid it.

As for Lin Feng, who had already strode out of the classroom, he secretly laughed in his heart: "Heh heh, a good friend and girlfriend is only a single word away from each other. Di Liya, oh Di Liya, you are destined to not be able to escape from my grasp."

Spring left and autumn came. In the blink of an eye, Lin Feng had already stayed in the Ernst Institute for more than half a year.

In this half a year, Lin Feng's strength had increased by leaps and bounds, and both his magic and his battle spirit had improved by leaps and bounds. After half a year of painstaking cultivation, Lin Feng's magic had already reached the sixth level, but there was still a large gap between it and the seventh level. But in terms of battle-qi, it was a bit worse than magic. He had only advanced from the third rank to the fourth rank.

Of course, during this half a year, Lin Feng's greatest gain was not in personal cultivation, but rather in his relationship with his. Because of Lin Feng's deliberate proximity to his, and Di Liya's curiosity towards his, the relationship between the two of them went from day to day, and after half a year of hard work, the relationship between the two of them was basically set in stone. Lin Feng believed that as long as he opened his mouth and took Di Liya as her girlfriend, she would definitely agree.

Ever since De Linkewote gave the instruction, De Linkewote entered a state of insane closed-door training. He would only come out occasionally during this half a year and give some pointers to Lin Feng while he cultivated, not revealing himself during the rest of the time. This caused Lin Feng to feel helpless but at the same time, he felt fortunate. If no one cared about him, then he would be able to unrestrainedly * * Di Liya while he was cultivating.

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