Chapter 14 - Learning to Carve the Straight Knife

Several days later, Ernst Institute.

In the morning, after Lin Feng finished his breakfast, he left for the back mountain to prepare for cultivation.

Walking on the road in the academy, the little Shadowmouse stood on Lin Feng's shoulder and looked around. There were many people who owned a beast in the Ernst Institute, so no one would care if Lin Feng owned a Shadowmouse. At this time — "That is Lin Feng, our first year's number one Magician." A clear sound came from a short distance in front of them.

Lin Feng looked towards the source of the voice and saw two cute little girls talking to each other quietly, occasionally looking towards Lin Feng. When Lin Feng looked over, the two little girls even covered their mouths and laughed.

"I've become famous too." Lin Feng mocked himself in his heart.

These past few days, whenever he encountered someone, he would often hear them discussing him. To be able to defeat Rand, who was the first in the year competition, Lin Feng was already considered to be the strongest warrior in the first grade.

"Ah, what's in front?" Lin Feng's gaze suddenly locked onto a thin and small figure in the distance.

With short golden hair and a body as thin as Lei Nuo's, he was cold as ice as he walked along the road coldly.

"Di Kexi?" When Lin Feng was together with Di Liya in the past, he had seen Di Kexi from afar.

Di Kexi was also nine years old now, and according to the monthly calculations, he was younger than Lin Feng by a month. But it was this nine year old child that was now a third level Magician. Although it was said that the higher the Magician, the harder it was to cultivate, but to be a level three Magician at the age of nine was still very astonishing.

"It's Di Kexi's, I heard yesterday's year-end test results, Di Kexi has already reached level 4 Magician." The seventeen or eighteen year old girls next to him were chatting amongst themselves.

In the Third Year, most of the students were over sixteen years old. Only Di Kexi, the super genius.

"Fourth level Magician?" At this time, he was already a level six Magician, but Di Kexi, who was known as a peerless genius as a level four Magician, was not only not shocked, he was even faintly pleased with himself.

Lin Feng walked out of the Ernst Institute's back door and directly entered the rear mountain. Quickly scurrying into the forest, De Linkewote suddenly said: "Lin Feng, get to a place near the mountain wall."

"Leaning on the mountain wall?" Hearing that, Lin Feng could not help but be happy, as he thought that the Grandpa Doehring was finally willing to teach him how to carving with the flat blade.

The back of the mountain was mostly covered with vegetation and weeds, there were all sorts of towering trees, but after a while, Lin Feng found a place that agreed with De Linkewote's request, and there was a protruding several hundred meters tall mountain peak, Lin Feng stood at the foot of the mountain.

"Grandpa Doehring, why did you ask me to come here?" Although Lin Feng knew the answer, he still had to say it.

Lin Feng sat cross legged, holding a straight chisel and a rock the size of his palm.

"Start from the basics and use this small stone to practice."

In the rear mountains of the Ernst Institute, Lin Feng was alone. Under De Linkewote's guidance, he began to learn more and more about sculpting, and as his understanding towards the sculptures became clearer and clearer, Lin Feng also understood why 'Straight Chisel' could increase one's mental strength to the mid to late stages.

With regards to the straight chisel carving, Lin Feng did not slack at all. He knew that it was because Lin Feng had learnt the flat blade carving that his mental strength had skyrocketed. The youngest person in the history of the Yulan continent to become a Saint realm master, had changed the history of the Yulan continent.

From then on, besides his previous training in magic and warriors, Lin Feng also had another lesson to learn: sculpting with a straight blade.

In the test at the end of the term, Lin Feng showed a bit of his strength and passed the level four Magician test. In a short year, he had already become a level four Magician. If Lin Feng showed his strength as a level six Magician without reservation, the whole school would have gone crazy.

When the school year ended, Lin Feng returned to Wushan township.

After the new year, little Wo Dun and big brother Lin Feng had only been together for a few days, and under the care of Housekeeper Hiri, they headed towards the O'Brien Empire. Lin Feng could only watch little Wo Dun leave reluctantly, before the crying little six year old Wo Dun and the ten-year old Lin Feng split up just like that.

Time flew. In the blink of an eye, more than a month had passed.

"Grandpa Doehring, why is it that even after I've been at the sixth level of Magician for so long, I still don't have any signs of breaking through?"

Lin Feng had reached the peak of the sixth level Magician long before the end of the semester last year, but even now, several months had already passed, yet he still did not feel any signs of a breakthrough, so Lin Feng could not be blamed for being anxious.

De Linkewote heard and flew out of the Coiling Dragon Ring. He looked at Lin Feng, stroked his beard and laughed: "Lin Feng, training in magic is not that simple, to reach level 6 and 7 is a bottleneck in the path of cultivation in Magician. Wanting to pass this hurdle, does not only require talent and hard work, it also requires luck."

"Opportunity?" Lin Feng was speechless, luck was luck, the most unfathomable thing.

"Right now, you have already reached Magician of the sixth rank and your warrior cultivation has also reached the fifth rank. It's time for you to go to the Mountain Range of Magical Beasts and try your luck.

"Going to the Magic Beast Mountain Range to train?" Lin Feng's eyes lit up. He had wanted to go to the Beast Mountain Range to train for a long time, but because Grandpa Doehring had not mentioned it at all, he could not bring it up on his own.

Seeing the rare embarrassed expression on Lin Feng's face, De Linkewote laughed involuntarily, "Just say whatever you want to say, I don't need to be pretentious about it with your Grandpa Doehring."

After organizing his thoughts, Lin Feng said: "Grandpa Doehring, I want to bring Di Liya to the Beast Mountain Range to train, is that possible?"

After looking at Lin Feng for a long time, he finally laughed out loud: "Lin Feng, if you want to bring your girlfriend along, then bring it along. It's just that I explained in advance that the Beast Mountain Range is extremely dangerous, and that girlfriend of yours has just barely reached the second stage of Magician. Even with your protection, it's hard to guarantee her safety.

Without waiting for Lin Feng's reply, De Linkewote continued: "And from what I know, you and that little girl Di Liya shouldn't have a definite relationship. You can guarantee that she'll agree to go to such a dangerous place like the Mountain Range of Magical Beasts with you?"

Lin Feng said with a face full of confidence: "Don't worry, she will definitely go with me."

Actually, the reason why Lin Feng wanted to bring Di Liya to the Magical Beast Mountain Range to train was naturally not because he couldn't leave Di Liya for even a moment. On the contrary, he did not want Di Liya to go to such a dangerous place. However, Lin Feng had learned from the original book that Di Liya's talent was limited, and it was simply impossible for her to become a god on the basis of her own talent, and he did not want Di Liya's future wife to become a god by refining a divine spark. Once she refined the divine spark, she wouldn't have much room for improvement. At most, she would just refine her Mid God grids and grimoires in the future, and become the lowest ranked existence in the Highgod. This was a situation that Lin Feng did not want to see. After all, for them, life would be limitless in the future. If there was no room for cultivation for them to improve, wouldn't that be boring to death?

That was why Lin Feng had decided to bring Di Liya to the Mountain Range of Magical Beasts to train with him through life and death, in order to help Di Liya so that she could become a god on her own in the future. In addition to his own protection, Di Liya had a large amount of time to comprehend the natural laws of heaven and earth, and become a god.

Furthermore, Lin Feng believed that with his protection, Di Liya's life would not be in danger in the Mountain Range of Magical Beasts.

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