Chapter 223 - Di Liya, Highgod

"Boss, it's really comfortable to be rich in the Infernal Realm!" "When we were at home, how could we have eaten these things?" Bebe felt extremely blissful. He loved to eat.

Lin Feng, however, was looking out the window.

The metal walls of the restaurant were translucent, allowing one to see everything on the street outside.

"The city is the only safe place in the Infernal Realm." Lin Feng said softly, "When we are in Rainbow Leaf City, we can very easily sit here peacefully and enjoy delicious food. However, many people without money could only live outside the city. At such a dangerous time, who knows when you might die. "

The enormous Nightblaze Prefecture had a circumference of a billion kilometers.

But there were only ten cities.

It could be seen that in the Infernal Realm, virtually all experts lived in danger. Only a very small number lived a comfortable life.

"Even if you want to be at ease and comfortable, you still need a huge amount of wealth as a precondition." Lin Feng understood that this Rainbow Leaf City was very comfortable, but the rate at which the money was spent was also very shocking. It hadn't even been a day since they arrived here, but four to five hundred million inkstone s had already flowed out like water.

The dishes came up, and Lin Feng and the others enjoyed these exquisite dishes.

"Yes!" Bebe ate until his eyes were closed.

Di Liya and Lin Feng also felt that this delicacy was indeed an extreme pleasure.

"Howl." "Boss, after eating this, in the future, I won't be able to eat any of the dishes in our hometown. "Ah, this is too delicious. It is definitely a wonderful enjoyment." As he spoke, Bebe continued to eat while praising.

Lin Feng could not help but laugh.

"Lin Feng." Di Liya lightly touched Lin Feng.

"Eh?" Lin Feng looked over with doubt and softly said, "Lin Feng, look outside the window."

Lin Feng immediately looked outside, only to see the bustling crowd on the street outside, some of them looking towards the dining hall with a hint of envy.

"That's normal, many of them probably just entered Rainbow Leaf City." Lin Feng said softly, "Di Liya, it's the same as when we entered Rainbow Leaf City this morning and saw all sorts of places, isn't it the same?"

The Infernal Realm was very cruel.

You have money, you can enjoy all kinds of delicious food.

However, in the Infernal Realm, even more people were struggling for their lives.

But of course, the most miserable ones in the Infernal Realm were the Saints. Many Saints had come to the Infernal Realm from material planes, but only now did they realize that they were only at the lowest level of existence. They didn't have the right to enter the city, nor did they have the right to join any tribe or clan, much less enjoy all kinds of delicacies. They were only existences that were like ants. What they wanted the most was a set of Demigods.

A single Demigods point was not even as expensive as the table of dishes in front of Lin Feng and the others.

"Brother, congratulations on becoming a demon." Today, we will celebrate together. " A voice came from the table behind Lin Feng and the others, especially the word 'Demon'. They couldn't help but listen carefully to it.

"Haha, this time is also very dangerous. Fortunately, I'm an expert in Wind Elemental Laws." That rough voice rang out, "Only a few brothers who were on good terms with me have all failed. "Sigh, before this, we even said that everyone had succeeded and we celebrated together." He lowered his voice.

When Lin Feng and the other two heard this, their emotions also sunk a little.

The Fiend trials were very cruel.

The success rate was less than 10%.

"Di Liya, once you have refined the Highgod and become a Highgod, we can then participate in the Fiend trials. At that time, even if you meet with danger, you will have more confidence in staying alive." Lin Feng was most worried about Di Liya. Even though he was an expert of the Seven Star Fiend level, it would be difficult for him to protect her safety in this perilous hell. Only by increasing her own strength would she have the right to do so.

"Right." Di Liya nodded lightly.

As for Bei Bei's strength, Lin Feng was a little confident in his heart.

In the blink of an eye, thirty-two years had passed in the Infernal Realm.

In these thirty-two years, Lin Feng had absorbed all the soul essence within the Coiling Dragon ring and strengthened his soul. After that, Lin Feng's original body had always been helping the Divine Wind Clone who was far away in the Yulan continent to cultivate the Wind Elemental Laws.

"Phew, the Wind Elemental Laws has finally fused with the Seven seed mystery. My Wind Elemental Divine Clone's strength has at least reached the peak of the Seven Star Fiend, so it should be more than enough to deal with Odin. "

"It's just that the remaining 'Space of the Wind' and 'Dimensional' seed mystery are not low level profound mysteries. It'll probably be much harder to fuse them."

The seven profound mysteries that Lin Feng had fused with were all low-grade. As for the remaining two 'Space of the Wind', they were of medium profound mysteries, and 'Dimensional' was the only one of a high profound mystery within the Wind Elemental Laws. The difficulty of this fusion was much greater than it had been in the past.

In addition, fusing the profound mysteries was getting harder and harder the further one went. To fuse two seed mystery s, he just needed to fuse the two seed mystery s once. But fusing three profound mysteries required the fusion of all three seed mystery s, which meant that the fusion had to be done three times.

Currently, Lin Feng had already merged with the Seven seed mystery on the Wind Elemental Laws. If he wanted to fuse another eight seed mystery, he would have to separate the eighth seed mystery and the seven seed mystery, and that was seven times.

Just the thought of this difficulty was enough to stun anyone.

If not for the fact that during the early stages of cultivation, Lin Feng had deliberately comprehended and fused while at the same time, and had the other eight seed mystery s fuse with the most basic 'Essence of the Wind' when he was still in the Absolute Monarch Sanctuary, no matter how much of a genius Lin Feng was, it would be impossible for him to fuse seven different kinds of profound mysteries of the Wind Elemental Laws within a hundred years.

"Right now, I am mainly relying on my divine earth clone and my wind-style clone. The other divine clones are still very weak, and it won't be too long before I can improve them." For the time being, I'll focus on training in a single style, and then reach the level of Paragon before I say anything else. "

With this thought in his mind, Lin Feng's original body closed his eyes again and threw himself into the comprehension of the Wind Elemental Laws.

Lin Feng was prepared to cultivate his Wind Elemental Laws to the Great Perfection in one go, and then summon the Great Perfection's Law of Heaven and Earth. At that time, not only would the soul of the Divine Wind Elemental Divine Clone be baptized and transformed by the laws of heaven and earth, Lin Feng's True Body would also receive a qualitative increase. At that time, no matter if it was Lin Feng's original body comprehending the laws or fusing the profound mysteries, all of them would accelerate.

Within the courtyard.

Wearing his straw hat, Bebe muttered with a pained look on his face, "Di Liya is focused on fusing with the divine spark, while Boss is also working hard in his training. It has been thirty-four years, why is he still not out yet?! "

Over the past thirty years, Bebe had trained a few times, but each time, it hadn't been long. In less than a year, he'd come out of seclusion, unable to endure the loneliness.

"It's fine for Di Liya to refine the divine spark, but my lord and the original body already have five clones that have come to the Infernal Realm. I'm going to die of boredom. " With a flip of her hand, she retrieved a divine spark of Mid God, then tossed it into her mouth and swallowed it.

"Grandpa Bei Lute was the same as well. He gave me a pile of divine sparks to eat up everything, but the speed at which the divine sparks were digested is extremely slow."

Bebe let out another long sigh.

"So many divine sparks? How long will it take me to eat them?" Bebe muttered.


A clear voice entered Bebe's ears. Bebe turned his head, only to see a pink-robed woman walk out of the room. It was Di Liya who had isolated herself for more than thirty years.

"Haha, Di Liya, you have finally come out." Bebe was overjoyed.

When Di Liya came out of seclusion, that signified that his boring life was about to end.

"Alright, Di Liya has also refined her divine spark and reached Highgod." Lin Feng also walked out from his room and smiled at Di Liya.

In these thirty odd years, Di Liya had absorbed a large number of Golden Soul-Beads, strengthened her soul, and sped up the process of refining the divine spark. Otherwise, it would have been impossible for him to refine the Highgod in such a short time of thirty odd years, and reach the Highgod realm.

"Boss, when are we going to participate in the Fiend trials?" Bebe urged frantically.

Bebe had been waiting for this day for a long time.

"When?" Lin Feng looked at the sky outside and laughed, "There's no rush, it's not even noon yet. We're going to have a meal in the dining room now to celebrate. It won't be too late to go to the Fiend Castle after eating. "

"To the restaurant?" Bebe's eyes instantly lit up.

When Lin Feng and the other two came out of the restaurant, it was already evening. However, there were people welcoming them at night at the Demon Castle, so Lin Feng and the others immediately headed towards the Demon Castle. When they arrived at the Fiend Castle, there were quite a few people present.

They entered the main hall of the first floor of the Fiend Castle.

Lin Feng and the other two immediately walked towards the counter. Behind the counter stood a female Mid God, which was precisely the service personnel responsible for taking part in the examinations on the first floor of the Fiend Castle.

Lin Feng replied politely, "Nice to meet you, Miss. The three of us would like to participate in the Fiend trials."

The service personnel looked at Lin Feng and the other two, and nodded: "Alright, we will pay ten thousand inkstone s each, and the three will pay thirty thousand."

With a flip of his hand, Lin Feng took out three long azurites from his spatial ring.

Receiving the three azurite strips, the service personnel took out three badges with the pattern of a demonic eye and handed it over to Lin Feng and the other two.

The staff member had a professional smile on his face, "Oh right, tell me the address you are staying at, I'll record it down."

Lin Feng had already told Di Liya and Bei Bei about the process of participating in the Fiend trials. Thus, the three of them left behind the address of their residence and left the Fiend Castle.

Lin Feng and the other two would be waiting peacefully at their residences.

Rainbow Leaf City, in the quiet little courtyard where Lin Feng and the rest were staying, the blood colored sunlight shone onto the courtyard.

"The Boss' defensive power is already far superior to that of a God-level defensive artifact. He's still continuing to improve."

"The fruit wine in the Infernal Realm is fairly cheap. One inkstone can buy ten bottles of it, and when you drink it, it's much better than the fruit wine that the Yulan continent is boasting about."

Bei Bei was not like Lin Feng.

Lin Feng spent most of his energy on cultivation, while Bebe spent it on food, drinks, and entertainment. The roiling earthen yellow aura around Lin Feng's body stopped rolling, and transformed into a set of earthen yellow clothes.

Earth-style magic included the 'Sacred Earthguard Armor' type.

As for the Sacred Earthguard Armor, once it reached the level of Demigods, just by relying on its powerful spiritual energy and divine power, it would be able to form adamantine armor. However, this sort of Sacred Earthguard Armor was only the simplest and most primitive type.

The defensive power of the Pulseguard Armor surpassed that of a God-level defensive artifact. It had reached the level of a Higher-level defensive divine artifact. After constant modifications, the defensive power of the Pulseguard Armor became even more astonishing.

The earthen yellow clothes that Lin Feng was wearing was in fact the Pulseguard Armor.

If magnified a million times, one would be able to discover that extremely minute earthen yellow divine power ripples were intertwined and intertwined, combining into a perfect whole according to unique laws. Countless divine force ripples finally formed the set of clothes on Lin Feng's body.

"This is the power of fusing profound mysteries!" Lin Feng felt a wave of joy. "If I hadn't fused them, even if I had comprehended the Throbbing Pulse of the World and the Essence of the Earth, my defense would still be much weaker than it is now."

"It's a pity that both 'Worldwalking' and 'Profound Mysteries of Strength' don't have any increase in defense and can't be used on the Pulseguard Armor, otherwise," Lin Feng thought with some dissatisfaction in his heart.

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