Chapter 235 - The Castle of the Wind

Inigo, upon receiving the news from his subordinate, Vionnaz, couldn't help but frown. "I didn't expect that those two old fellows would actually invite such a powerful Fiend.

Inigo didn't dare to think about Seven Star Fiend.

This was because Seven Star Fiend was a title given to an exceptional Ranker, they did not lack money, and their demon rank was at the top as well. They would normally not accept missions.

"Inigo." The green-robed elder suddenly appeared within the courtyard.

Inigo, seeing this person, immediately stood up and said respectfully, "Teacher, the results for Vionnaz are out as well." Inigo immediately told the situation of the battle clearly to his teacher.

The green-robed elder frowned slightly. "Oh?" Cultivating the Way of Destruction and killing more than ten Highgod in a single strike? This kind of strength is indeed a little difficult. " Although the green-robed elder was somewhat worried about the power of his opponent, he didn't feel that his opponent was unrivalled.

"Teacher, are you confident?" Inigo said softly.

The green-robed elder muttered to himself, "Since he accepted this mission, then that demon shouldn't be a Seven Star Fiend." Since it's Six Star Fiend, I should be able to defeat him. However, judging from the power of that sword attack which you described, this Fiend's attack is too powerful.

"No need to go head to head with him. Teacher, you only need to kill those two old fellows." Inigo said hurriedly.

The azure-robed elder nodded slightly. "If that is the case, I have confidence. I only need to keep that Fiend trapped for a period of time."

"Then I'll leave everything to teacher." Inigo said gratefully.

The azure-robed man laughed calmly.

"Eh?" Lin Feng opened his eyes, "Why do I feel uneasy?"

Inexplicably, Lin Feng had a nervous feeling.

Lin Feng walked over to the window and looked outside. Right now, the region below the metallic lifeform was the boundless desert. The wild wind howled, and yellow sand flew everywhere.

"This is bad!"

Seeing the boundless desert below him, Lin Feng took a big stride to Di Liya's side, and pulled him into her arms.

Just as Lin Feng was about to send a mental message to ask Bei Bei to bring Ni Si to his side, suddenly … The yellow sand flew everywhere and completely covered the metallic lifeform. The Fiends within the metallic lifeform originally didn't care about the yellow sand at all, but as the metallic lifeform was covered by the yellow sand, the entire metallic lifeform suddenly …

It exploded!

The metallic lifeform exploded, and the Fiends who had been trapped within it were instantly surrounded by the endless sands of yellow sand. Each grain of yellow sand felt as though they were weighing a million kilograms, while Lin Feng and Di Liya were also completely surrounded by the sand, unable to escape.

"Damn it, it happened so suddenly." Lin Feng had the impulse to curse, but what made him fortunate was that Di Liya was still in his arms. It was not dispersed by the sky full of yellow sand.

Lin Feng, who was carrying Di Liya, tried to struggle free from the restraining force of the large amount of yellow sand. However, these yellow sand were all restricted by a strange power and were covered with yellow sand all over.

Suddenly … "Putong!" With a sound, Lin Feng and his wife fell to the ground.

Lin Feng and Di Liya stood up, and Di Liya looked around: "Lin Feng, this, what is going on?"

Looking at Di Liya who was unharmed, Lin Feng laughed bitterly: "We were trapped by an expert using this yellow sand."

"Expert?" Could it be an expert at the Seven Star Fiend level? " Di Liya said in shock. She understood Lin Feng's strength very well, anyone who could trap him should at least have Seven Star Fiend.

Lin Feng shook his head: "This person's overall strength is not even close to Seven Star Fiend, but his trapping skills actually far surpasses that of ordinary Seven Star Fiend."

Lin Feng knew from the original book that this "Ancient Wind Castle" was used by Inigo's teacher, but in the end, he was killed by Li Ermengsi who only had Six Star Fiend. It could be seen that the attack power of this old man who cultivated the Wind Elemental Laws was not good, but he was better at trapping people.

"Then what should we do now?" Di Liya asked worriedly.

"Let's find Bebe first." As Lin Feng spoke, he used his soul voice to contact Bei Bei. "Bei Bei, are you and Ni Si together?"

"Ah! Boss, where are you? I was with Ninny, but we were trapped." Bei Bei's surprised voice sounded out in Lin Feng's mind.

"Alright, protect Ni Si and stay there. Don't move, I'll go find you." Lin Feng instructed Bei Bei.

With a flip of his hand, he retrieved the adamantine heavy sword. With his other hand, he pulled Di Liya and walked in Bei Bei's direction.


Originally, there was a path in front of Lin Feng and Lin Feng, but suddenly, a wall rose up and blocked their path.

"Humph!" The adamantine heavy sword in his hand hacked down towards the wall in front of him.

"Rumble …" A sound rang out, and the wall in front of them was smashed apart.

Laws of the Earth was an expert in offense, not to mention the Laws of the Earth that was fused with four seed mystery s. It was a piece of cake to slash through the wall made of sand.

Lin Feng could have used his' Worldwalking 'technique to directly travel underground to find Bei Bei. But he had brought Di Liya along with him, so he could only follow the regular method.

Lin Feng knew that this castle made of yellow sand was not a maze at all. The internal structure of the castle was controlled by its master and could be continuously changed.

As a result, Lin Feng headed straight for Bei Bei's direction, not caring about the walls or the passageway at all. If it was a tunnel, then he would walk straight through it. If it was a wall, then he would cleave it open with his sword.

When Lin Feng broke through another wall — "Wow, boss!" Bebe's delighted voice rang out.

"Bebe, are you alright?" Lin Feng pulled Di Liya along to the front of Bei Bei and Ni Si, and asked with concern.

"I'm fine." Bebe shook his head. "Right. Boss, what's going on?"

"We're trapped." Lin Feng laughed.

Seeing that Bei Bei and Ni Si were fine, Lin Feng relaxed.

"Trapped by someone? "Then how do we get out?" Bebe asked.

"Why are you going out?" Lin Feng glanced at Bei Bei and said, "We will stay here. In a while, someone will naturally rescue us."

Outside the castle of wind, more than twenty people were gathered, with Inigo and his teacher in the lead.

"Teacher, to cultivate the Wind Elemental Laws to your level, I'm afraid there aren't many people in the entire Infernal Realm!" Inigo was all smiles as he flattered.

The old man in green robes laughed, "Stop flattering me. I'm only strong at this level." In terms of pure offensive power, there are two Fiends amongst them who are even more powerful than me. "Tsk tsk, they really are powerful. They were able to break through the walls of my 'Castle of the Wind' with a single sword blow."

The azure-robed elder knew exactly what had happened within the 'Castle of the Wind'.

"So what if it's split? Teacher, you can change it anytime you want." Inigo knew exactly what his teacher was planning.

Seven Elemental Laws, four rules.

Among them, the Wind Elemental Laws was related to space. Especially the profound mysteries of the 'Space of the Wind' within the Wind Elemental Laws. In addition, the 'Windwalk' technique, the 'Dimensional' technique, and even the 'Fast', 'Slow', 'Sound Wave', and 'Music' profound mysteries were all more or less related to space.

Therefore, people who trained in Wind Elemental Laws had a slightly better grasp of space compared to people who trained in other laws and rules.

The green-robed elder laughed calmly. "Inigo, take your men and begin." I'll cooperate with you guys. "

"Yes, Teacher." Inigo immediately led his men out.

Inigo and the other twenty plus Highgod easily advanced. Even if there was a wall in front of them, as they approached, the wall would naturally open up a path. As for Inigo's group, they weren't able to stop them at all as they walked through the castle.

In addition, there was also the cooperation and guidance of the azure-robed elder.

Lin Feng and the rest stayed where they were, no one coming to disturb them. Looking at how Lin Feng had split the wall previously, the green robed elder knew the approximate strength of Lin Feng. Although he was confused as to why Lin Feng had only displayed the level of Mid God, he knew that there was no one capable of killing Lin Feng on his side. With that thought, the green robed elder sealed off the space around Lin Feng. He did this not to protect Lin Feng, but to protect Inigo's subordinates.

Compared to Lin Feng's comfort, the old man at the Black Cove was not much better at the moment.

The azure-robed elder stared calmly at the black-horned elder in front of him. It's one thing to take away the enormous wealth of the Boyd clan with your brother, but I didn't expect that after so many years, the two of you would actually dare to turn back.

The black-horned elder's face changed, and then he laughed casually. "In the past, when my big brother and I fled the Jadefloat Continent, we believed that no one had discovered us. This time, it was only out of caution that they invited so many Fiends. I didn't expect that you would still come! "

The green-robed elder let out a disdainful sneer.

"You want the fortune of the Boyd clan?" "Haha!"

The black-horned elder suddenly raised his head and laughed loudly, then stared at the green-robed elder. Since the two of us dared to come back this time, we naturally made preparations beforehand. Even if you kill the two of us, you won't be able to acquire the fortune of the Boyd clan! It's impossible for you to obtain it! "

The green-robed elder's face suddenly turned gloomy.

He had followed his disciple, Inigo, from the Jadefloat Continent through the Starmist Sea to the Redbud Continent.

"Hmph, we'll know after we kill you." The green-robed elder waved his hand, and a longsword that looked like a silver thread appeared within it. This was also a flexible sword. It was just that this flexible sword was thinner and thinner than Lin Feng's' Bloodviolet '.

"Prepare to die." The azure-robed elder cared deeply about his status. Before killing someone, he had first told them about his identity.

When the black-horned elder saw the 'Castle of the Wind', he immediately understood what level of training this person had.

Although he was also in the Highgod, the difference between him and the person in front of him was truly too big.

"You want to kill me? I will make you pay. " A black greatsword appeared in the hands of the black-horned elder with a roar. Instantly, the space around the black greatsword began to twist and distort, and black streaks of light shot out in every direction.

Hou Hou, there are only 11 days left in this month, and tomorrow at the fourth to fifth fragment. From the day after tomorrow until the end of this month, every day there are three finishes.

Thank you!

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