Chapter 261 - Truth

Lin Feng and the rest flew towards the outskirts, and immediately, two black-robed men came forward to welcome them. One of them glanced at Di Liya in shock, especially the Demon medallion on Di Liya's chest — It was a Highgod Demon! It was rare for a Highgod Demon to enter the Fog Sea to collect amethysts.

"Four sirs, where are your keepsakes?" One of the black-robed men said.

"We entered without buying the keepsake." Bebe replied.

"Oh." "Yes," the black-robed man replied in a very natural manner. The old rule is that each person gets three amethysts, while the four of them get twelve. "

Di Liya immediately took out five purple crystals, and said: "My luck is better, so I'll take five purple crystals. The three of you. Bebe, it seems as though your luck is the best this time.

"Oh, I'll give the other seven." Bebe chortled as he took out seven amethysts as well.

Receiving the twelve purple crystals, the two black-robed men suspiciously looked at Di Liya for a moment before nodding their heads in the end, "You may leave." Clearly, this black-robed man didn't want to be too nosy.

Lin Feng and the other three laughed as they flew away. The discussions of the two black-robed men could be heard from behind.

"That Highgod Demon also went in to collect purple crystals. Is she sick?"

"Who knows? Maybe that woman reached the Highgod realm during the process of harvesting the purple crystals."

"Yes, it's possible. After the Fog Wave, it's only been a few decades since we've harvested amethysts. That skinny kid's luck is pretty good, he's actually able to produce seven. "

After hearing a few words, Lin Feng and the other three flew far away. In the distance, Lin Feng and the other two took out their metallic lifeforms and entered them. The metallic lifeform immediately transformed into a ray of black light, quickly disappearing into the eastern horizon.

Amethyst Mountains, deep underground, in a cave.

"Mother, why do you think so highly of this Lin Feng?" Lei Sijing who was still a juvenile amethyst beast puzzledly looked at the beautiful woman who was lazily lying on the bench, and said: "You even gave him the pair of earrings that father gave you back then, I really can't figure it out."

The cave was silent for a moment, then a voice came out. The beautiful woman sighed: "They are both gone, why do I still have the earrings? So many years had passed, and what should be forgotten had long since faded. Furthermore, I owe the patriarch of the The Four Divine Beasts clan a favor. "

Within the metallic lifeform.

Lin Feng looked through the transparent metal at Amethyst Mountains, who was shrinking rapidly in his eyes. But in his heart, he was very satisfied with this Amethyst Mountains trip. Although he did not learn Lei Sijing's ultimate move, the benefits he obtained far surpassed his imagination.

In the Amethyst Mountains, his fate and the two divine clones of Earth had both broken through to the Highgod realm. Not only did Bei Bei gain a wind-type Demigods doppelganger, her divine darkness doppelgänger also broke through to the Highgod realm.

In addition, Lin Feng and Bebe's divine clones had gone to the Amethyst Devil Cave to gather amethysts for many years. By the side of the Amethyst Demonic Cave, one could gather millions or even tens of millions of amethysts a day. Lin Feng had never calculated it, but it was definitely not less than ten billion purple crystals. If it were to be converted into a inkstone, it would at least exceed a hundred billion.

To think of over a hundred billion inkstone s, it was enough to cause one to tremble.

Of course, the biggest benefit that the Amethyst Mountains had was that Lin Feng had 'sold' his divine earth clone in exchange for a pair of Sovereign artifact earrings.

The Sovereign artifact Earrings which combined both soul defense and material defense was something that Lin Feng had never thought of before.

Now that Di Liya recognized the pair of earrings, it was equivalent to him becoming immortal. As long as the Sovereign didn't act, even if he was exiled into chaotic space, he wouldn't be like a King of Destruction, instantly torn to shreds by that savage, savage energy.

When Lin Feng came out, he suddenly thought of something. Why didn't he ask the Redbud Sovereign for Sovereign power s? Seeing how much she took care of him, and gave him a pot of every Sovereign power, there shouldn't be too much of a problem, right?

Of course, no matter how much he regretted, it was impossible for Lin Feng to return to the Redbud Sovereign to ask for the Sovereign power.

"Lin Feng, where are we going next? Go straight to Bluemaple City, then cross the Starmist Sea, to the Indigo Prefecture of the Bloodridge Continent? " Di Liya asked.

"No rush, there are many good places in the Infernal Realm that I haven't visited before." Because Lin Feng was a Transcender, he knew that his soul and body were not related to the The Four Divine Beasts clan in the slightest. Hence, he was not as passionate as Lin Feng in his original novel about going to the The Four Divine Beasts clan. From his point of view, going to the The Four Divine Beasts clan was just to awaken his Inherent Skill and help the The Four Divine Beasts clan overcome his difficulties. Furthermore, the The Four Divine Beasts clan had indeed gone overboard in the past. Right now, the eight great families were surrounding The Four Divine Beasts clan and attacking him from all sides. From Lin Feng's point of view, it was repayment for each and every one of them, and there was no right or wrong. In addition, as long as he didn't show up, the eight great clans wouldn't act rashly. Therefore, Lin Feng was not in a hurry.

"Boss is right, we should hurry and find a nearby city to stay for the night. I still need to buy earrings for Ninny." Bebe suddenly said.

"Who wants you to buy me earrings?" Ni Si scolded.

"Uhh …" Bei Bei looked at Ni Si in astonishment. "Didn't you say it yourself?

"I was the one who said that, but I didn't ask you to buy it, did I?" Ni Si said: "Now that you are also a Highgod, I want you to refine one for me yourself so that I can feel comfortable wearing it."

"About this, although I am a Highgod, it would take me a very long time to keep a set of Highgod." Bebe said rather helplessly.

"Hehe, it's alright. Ten thousand years, I can wait too." Ni Si squinted her beautiful eyes into the shape of a crescent moon, looked at Bei Bei, and said: "When you've succeeded in nurturing me and put it on for me, I'll agree to marry you."

Bebe, hearing this, immediately had tears flowing down his face.

"By the time we reach the nearest city, my divine clone will be leaving as well." Lin Feng suddenly said after drinking a mouthful of fruit wine.

"Leave? Why?" Di Liya asked.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Bei Bei and Ni Si who were bickering at the side also temporarily shifted their attention to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked at Di Liya and said, "All these years that you were away from Yulan continent, you don't even know what our precious daughter has become like."

"What happened to Suo Suo?" Bei Bei asked curiously: "Could it be that Suo Suo that little girl is also married off?" When Suo Suo, Tai Le, and Xi Ni were still young children, Bei Bei often brought them to play. This uncle of his was much more competent than his father (uncle), Lin Feng.

"Marry?" Lin Feng shook his head: "If she's really married, then that's good. "It's just that she doesn't seem like she wants to get married."

Towards this Suo Suo who seemed to be the daughter of Big Brother Lin Feng, Ni Si had never heard Bei Bei about him before, so it was not good for him to speak.

"Bei Bei, Di Liya, what kind of girl do you think Suo Suo is?" Lin Feng said as he looked at and Bei Bei.

"Suo Suo is just like her mother, very gentle and quiet, and also very sensible." Di Liya gave her own evaluation.

However, Bei Bei gave the opposite answer: "All of Suo Suo's quiet performances were just an act. At the beginning, I thought she was very quiet, but I realized later on that it wasn't like that at all. That little girl was playing tricks on people, and Tai Le that brat was completely no match for her."

Back then, Di Liya had also frequently accompanied Lin Feng in the secret room of the subterranean world for her closed door cultivation, so her understanding of Suo Suo was also very limited. Only Bebe, who had played with the three little fellows, knew many things.

"This can't be?" When Di Liya heard Bei Bei's description of Suo Suo, she completely overturned the image of Suo Suo in her heart, making it difficult for her to accept it at that moment.

Di Liya subconsciously shifted her gaze towards Lin Feng, only to see Lin Feng fiercely nodding his head, and said: "In the past, I was also deceived by Suo Suo's camouflage, and only after spending a lot of time with her over the years did I gradually realize that her liveliness was above Tai Le."

Lin Feng thought for a long time before thinking of the word 'lively'.

"It can't be, I shouldn't be wrong." Di Liya was still a little disbelieving and explained to the Suo Suo in her heart: "In the past, she would often embroider with Little Sister Zhan Ni and I. Although her personality isn't as delicate as Little Sister Zhan Ni, she can definitely be considered a gentle and quiet girl.

"Embroidery?" Lin Feng was shocked. No matter what, he could not link the current Suo Suo with the embroidery.

Shaking his head, Lin Feng said: "I can only say that you were deceived by Suo Suo's superb acting skills."

"But what does this have to do with your divine clone leaving?" Bebe asked.

"Of course there's a connection." Lin Feng said, "Not long after we left the Yulan plane, Suo Suo reached the peak of the ninth level. Not long after, she comprehended 'Radiance of Light' and stepped into the Saint realm."

"'Bright Radiance'? This was the most powerful profound mystery of the Laws of Light. Ni Si suddenly exclaimed. Although Ni Si only trained in the Elemental Laws of Lightning, she had lived in the Infernal Realm for a long time, so she was very familiar with all types of profound mysteries of the Laws. But the 'Shine of Light', being a profound mystery of the Laws of Light, was slightly inferior to even the 'Throbbing Pulse of the World' and 'Explosion'. Only the most unique 'Life' profound mysteries of the Laws of the Earth were comparable to it. Regarding such a famous profound mystery, Ni Si was naturally aware of it.

Lin Feng continued, "Suo Suo had comprehended 'Bright Radiance' from the very beginning, which showed that her comprehension in the Laws of Light is not bad. So I wanted to focus on her. However —

"But what?" Di Liya said somewhat eagerly.

"Only, that little girl is just like Bebe; she doesn't like to train at all." Lin Feng said helplessly.

Bei Bei rubbed his nose. "Why did you pick me up again?" "That little girl doesn't like to cultivate, I didn't teach her, it has nothing to do with me."

"It's just that Suo Suo doesn't like to cultivate. What does that have to do with your Fate God Avatar leaving?" Di Liya brought the topic back to normal.

"When we had just entered the Amethyst Mountains, in order to motivate Suo Suo to cultivate, I made a promise to her that after she cultivated to the Mid God, I would take her to another plane to play. Initially, I only wanted to give her some benefits so that she would work hard in her cultivation and not waste her talent. "Who would've thought …"

"I didn't expect this girl to be crazy about going to other planes. After making a promise, she went straight into closed door training. It's been decades since she has come out." Last time I went in to take a look, I found that she had already broken through into the Demigods realm. probably not too far away from the Mid God. "

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Di Liya finally understood the relationship between the two of them, "That's why you allowed your Godly Fate Avatar to return to the Yulan continent. Once Suo Suo broke through to the Mid God, you could take her on a tour in another plane?"

"It's just that your Godly Fate Avatar has only recently broken through to the Highgod realm. What if you bring Suo Suo to visit other planes and encounter danger?"

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