Chapter 298 - Arriving at Bluemaple City

"Indeed, as I expected, the City Lord of Gale finally couldn't help but ask us for help." Lin Feng smiled slightly and said: "You all stay here, I'll go down and take care of these people."

Lin Feng instructed Bei Bei and the other two, and stepped out of the metallic lifeform. In the next moment, it smashed onto the ground like an iron lump. His speed was much faster than the birds with broken wings. Now, Lin Feng was actually using the 'Gravitational Space' on himself.


A loud sound was heard, Lin Feng was already standing on the ground, only that at this time, the ground of the valley had unexpectedly cracked in all directions with Lin Feng's feet as the center.

The direction of the fissure was in all directions. At first glance, it looked irregular, but upon closer inspection, one would realize that the fissure was extremely strange. There was a fissure forming a circle that just happened to separate the city guards and the bandits.


Lin Feng bellowed, and immediately, the ground that was encircled by cracks left the ground, and started to rise quickly. In the end, it was like a floating island, floating in mid-air.

The city guards and bandits on the island were still in a daze, and had yet to react to the series of changes that had occurred.

Why was there such a loud noise? The entire valley began to shake and even the ground began to crack open. Could this be an earthquake?

Also, how did the enemy suddenly rise up into the sky along with the ground beneath his feet? Was he pushed into the sky by the earth?

By the time these robbers reacted, their bodies had become a million times heavier. It was difficult to even lift their arms. Although they were standing on the ground but their feet were slowly sinking down.

"This is an extremely powerful earth-style expert, using Gravitational Space."

Suddenly, a knowledgeable person shouted.

They discovered that every strand of hair of theirs weighed over ten thousand kilograms, and their hair was pressed down on their heads as if they were wearing a super big iron hat. If they were able to raise their hands now, they would definitely shave their heads off without any hesitation.

"Kuangfeng, I've already restrained these people. As for the rest, I'll leave it to you."

Lin Feng laughed, a hearty laugh resonating throughout the entire valley.

With Lin Feng's words, everyone realized that everything was done by this youth in a sky blue robe.

"Thank you, brother." The City Lord couldn't help but grin. Even if he asked Lin Feng for help, it was only to give it a try. He never thought that Lin Feng would really help him. After all, in the Infernal Realm, almost everyone held an indifferent attitude that had nothing to do with them. Very few people would meddle in other people's business.

After the City Master of Gale City thanked Lin Feng, he suddenly shouted loudly.

"Violent winds are raging!"

The wind elements began to gather from every direction as a large amount of wind blades appeared in the air. As the wind howled, the broken pieces of stone on the ground were instantly sliced into nothingness.

"Die, all of you, die!"

The raging wind formed a whirlpool and quickly headed towards the group of bandits.

"Ah, no, no!"

Their souls tried to resist, but their bodies wouldn't budge.

However, the final shout of the group of Deities did not redeem their lives.

Their bodies were twisted into nothingness by the gale, and their souls scattered by the gale. Wherever the vortex passed by, only their divine sparks were left behind, proving their previous existence.

The gale continued to wreak havoc. Soon, more than half of the near hundred thousand bandits had been swallowed up. Their howls and pleas for mercy were useless.

Lin Feng stood in the air and looked down at this valley which had turned into hell on earth, and could not bear to see it at all.

As someone who trained in the Edicts of Death, he knew that although death was terrifying, resentful, and cruel, it was also the most fair judgement in the world.

At this moment, Lin Feng once again deeply felt the cruelty of being respected as strong.

As the number of robbers dwindled, they began to despair. They finally understood how terrifying a Shura was, and how stupid it was to make an enemy out of a Shura. Even if this Asura was not good at combat, even if this Asura had just stepped into the doorstep. However, Shura was still an Asura. He was a demon in the human world, a hitman, a butcher's knife, and not something that ordinary Divine level experts like them could do anything about.

Lin Feng looked at these bandits, who were usually full of evil and full of crimes, and who were as uncountable as ever. In front of death, they were as lowly as ever, and slowly understood what was going on in his heart.

"Death is a trial. It is the last trial of a life."

"Rumble …"

Lin Feng, who was dressed in a gray robe, flew out from Lin Feng's true self's body. It was Lin Feng's Divine Death Clone, which was then wrapped up by the laws of heaven and earth, and floated in mid air. At the same time, a divine spark that flickered with gray light also floated out of Lin Feng's Divine Death Clone, which was wrapped by the power of the laws, and started to transform from a Demigods grid to a Mid God grid.

"Boss, his divine clone of the Death God also broke through to the Mid God?"

On top of the metal, Bei Bei and the others saw Lin Feng's situation and were extremely happy.

Although the Death God's Avatar did not improve Lin Feng's strength even slightly when it broke through from Demigods, who knew how many years it would take before Lin Feng's Edicts of Death would reach Perfection?

As the laws of the world descended, it seemed to attract the attention of almost all the Divine level experts present, including those bandits who were on the verge of falling under the violent winds.

From Demigods to Mid God, one only needed to undergo the transformation of the divine spark, and there was no need to condense a divine body.

When Lin Feng stored the Death God's Doppelganger, who had already levelled up to Mid God, into his body, he felt a light breeze blowing past his face, only to find that the big size guy from the Wild Wind City was grinning at him.

"Congratulations, congratulations! I didn't think that you would also study the Rules of Death." "Brother, your attainment in the Laws of the Earth is much higher than mine. I never expected you to have other divine clones. Like me, this is the only body. "

"Sorry about that." Lin Feng also returned a smile, after all, the other party was an Asura Ranker, although his strength was much weaker than his, their realms were at least equal. Lin Feng laughed: "This lowly one is Lin Feng, I have been living in your Gale City for the past ten years, and am truly curious about your city being as peaceful as the mountains in the fields."

"Alright, Brother Lin Feng, I never thought that you would also be a resident of my Gale City. Just that ten years ago, I was always outside, sweeping through these hateful bandits and didn't return to the city, so I missed it. If not for what happened today, by the way, when I asked Brother Lin Feng to help me previously, I would have given you a huge reward after my promise. But you have indeed helped me a lot today, and you are also a resident of my Gale City. I am currently in the best part of Gale City and I want to give you the best courtyard.

"Haha, there's no need for the courtyard." Lin Feng laughed: "We are not staying in Gale City, we are only temporarily staying. As far as you're concerned, this is just a small matter in my eyes. Furthermore, if it wasn't for today's matter, the Rules of Death wouldn't have broken through to the Mid God realm that quickly.

"Since that's the case, I won't force you to stay any longer." "However, Brother Lin Feng, the next time you go through my Gale City, you must inform me so that I can show you my hospitality as a host."

These words were simply courteous. After all, the Infernal Realm was enormous, and there were over a thousand cities. After passing through Gale City this time, it was very likely that it was just a coincidence. The next time he came to Gale City, no one knew when it would be.

Of course, although the words were polite, they sounded very comfortable.

Lin Feng also smiled, "Definitely, definitely."

Flowers bloomed and fell. The blood-red sun and the violet moon alternated, and two years quickly passed.

"We've arrived at Bluemaple City!" Bebe cheered.

The four people in the metallic lifeform were overjoyed.

"We've finally arrived!" Looking through the transparent metal at the beautiful and ancient Blue Maple City in the distance, Lin Feng was deeply moved. Originally, they had been supposed to be able to reach Bluemaple City in a year, but because they had been able to enter a city on the road and visit it, sometimes they had to stay for ten days or half a month. As a result, it had taken them nearly two years to arrive at the southernmost city of the Redbud Continent … Bluemaple City.

The Rainbow Prefecture's Bluemaple City was located at the southeastern corner of the entire Redbud Continent. From Bluemaple City, one only had to fly for a short period of time before arriving at the borders of the vast Starmist Sea.

Whether it was from the Redbud Continent, the Jadefloat Continent to the east, or the Bloodridge Continent to the southeast, Bluemaple City was the closest location. A large number of people would pass by, and some of the large caravans would also have a stop here. This also caused the prosperity of Bluemaple City. It was far more flourishing than any other city in the Redbud Continent! Of course, it was still worse than the one at the Amethyst Mountains.

"The Redbud Army actually exists at the gates of Bluemaple City. "How strange." At this moment, Lin Feng and the other three had already entered Blue Maple City. They were walking on the main road of Bluemaple City.

In most cities, the guards at the city gates were all city guards. The Redbud Army could only be seen outside the Redbud Castle. At the city gates of Bluemaple City, however, there were two neat squads of Redbud Army soldiers. Moreover, they were all from the Highgod of the Redbud Army.

"Bluemaple City is an extremely bustling city. Because of the trade, there will be a large number of caravans starting their journey from here. There are also many who wish to go to the other continents' experts. It is normal for such an important place to have some Redbud Army soldiers stationed here. " Lin Feng said, at the same time, he looked around at his surroundings. He admired the different styles of Bluemaple City.

Every single city had their own things in common. For example, every single city of the Redbud Continent had three castles; the 'Redbud Castle', 'Blacksand Castle', and the 'Fiend Castle'.

Of course, every city had its own special features.

For example, there was no curfew in Moon City, no fees were collected in Gale City, and the city was like a peaceful and peaceful mountain village. However, this Bluemaple City's speciality was its special geographical location, attracting a large number of people.

This Bluemaple City showed Lin Feng the bustling of hell's cities, it was in no way inferior to some of the top cities on Earth.

An extremely large amount of people would naturally be accompanied by an extremely large amount of business. It was not like the tranquility of Gale City, nor was it as crowded as Radiant Moon City. There was only the clamor of normal cities.

"Lin Feng." Di Liya secretly said with her divine sense.

"Eh?" Lin Feng looked over. Di Liya looked at him. It was only then that Lin Feng noticed that Ni Si was feeling a little strange.

, who came to Bluemaple City and usually spoke with Bei Bei about one of the two living treasures, actually didn't say a word.

She wore the straw hat Bebe had made for her, her head lowered. He did not pay attention to the surrounding buildings and people at all. Ni Si walked in silence. It was hard to tell what she was thinking from her appearance. But seeing this scene, Lin Feng began to understand.

Ni Si was missing her big brother Salomon.

His elder brother, Salomon, was going to the Jadefloat Continent. He would definitely pass by this Bluemaple City. The escort mission they had accepted previously had been from the Emperor Wing City of the Nightblaze Prefecture to the Bluemaple City of the Rainbow Prefecture. Only, they had served in the Amethyst Mountains for dozens of years. If Salomon hadn't died in Elquin's hands, he probably would have passed through the Starmist Sea and arrived at the Jadefloat Continent.

"Bebe." Lin Feng mentally transmitted to Bebe.

"Boss, why are you calling me?" Bebe sent back as well.

"Ni Si misses her big brother Salomon. Go and comfort her." Lin Feng said. To comfort Ni Si, this was naturally the most appropriate thing for Bei Bei to do.

Lin Feng saw that Bei Bei and Ni Si were whispering to each other and knew that he was comforting Ni Si. He smiled to himself and said, "It's still early. Let's go have a taste of the special food here in Bluemaple City, before heading to the Fiend Castle to receive the mission."

When Lin Feng and the other three came out of the restaurant, it was already dusk. Blood was dripping from the sky, it seemed like they were about to fall from the mountain.

And Bei Bei, who knows what kind of method he used, actually made Ni Si smile again. He regained his usual liveliness.

Arriving at the busy city center of the city, Lin Feng and the others discovered that the Demon Castle here was larger than the Redbud Castle and the Black Sand Castle.

But after thinking about it for a moment, Lin Feng and the others understood.

Radiant Moon City was mainly involved in the purple crystal trade, so the Redbud Castle was larger than both the Fiend Castle and the Castle of Black Sand. However, this Blue Maple City could be considered a port city, and among the people who passed by this city, many of them were demons that came here to receive escort missions. The business was many. In order to avoid overcrowding, they naturally had to build up the Fiend Castle a bit larger.

Although the size had increased, the style of the Fiend Castle was exactly the same as the one in the other parts of the city.

According to the angry rule, Lin Feng and the others arrived at the second floor of the Demon Castle. At the side of the second floor's main hall, there was a row of rooms, all for a One Star Fiend to take on missions. Lin Feng and the rest of the four directly entered one of the empty rooms.

Within the room. A golden-haired, violet-robed woman.

The violet-robed woman raised her head, glancing at the four of them. She said calmly, "Speak, what mission would you like to take?"

"The four of us will be accepting a two star mission, hopefully we'll be able to reach the Blood Peak Continent's Ni Shan City." Lin Feng said.

Nishan City was also located in the northwest corner of the Bloodridge Continent. From the Redbud Continent, most of the time, they would arrive at Mount Ni.

"Bloodridge Continent? "Wait a moment." The purple-robed woman glanced at Lin Feng with her blue eyes, and then closed them for a moment. When the violet-robed woman opened her eyes again, a thick scroll had actually appeared in her hands. She started flipping through and said, "From Bluemaple City to Blood Peak Continent's border city, Nishan City, there are a total of 13,289 missions and 1,830 2-star missions in one month. Choose for yourselves. " With that, she placed the thick scroll in front of Lin Feng.

"There are actually more than 10,000 missions. Just two star missions alone already have nearly 2000." Bebe sighed in amazement.

The violet-robed woman said calmly, "Every day, a large number of people travel from Bluemaple City to the Bloodridge Continent, the Jadefloat Continent, or the Starmist Sea. However, most of them had their own caravans. There weren't many missions that were actually given out. Even so, having more than ten thousand is very normal. "

Lin Feng flipped through one two star mission after another.

"Boss, which one should we choose?" Bebe, watching from the side, felt his eyes go blurry. He didn't know which one to choose.

Lin Feng turned around and glanced at the few of them. "Let's choose a simple and relaxed mission."

The reason why Lin Feng and the others wanted to go through the Starmist Sea to go to the Bloodridge Continent was because they didn't want to get bored during these past ten years of travel. They didn't want to experience a passionate life, so they didn't need to take on those large and difficult missions.

"This one." Lin Feng decided.

It was a small mission to hire twenty demons.

"This?" Bebe stretched his head out to take a look, then muttered, "The reward is so low. After passing through the vast Starmist Sea, he actually only gave a hundred thousand inkstone s. This is too stingy. "

Di Liya laughed instead. "Bei Bei, do you still care about this?"

If all of the amethysts in Bebe's possession were to be converted into inkstone, it would be far more valuable than the wealth which Ni Si's Boyd clan had accumulated over countless years. Compared to the one hundred thousand inkstone s, it was not even considered a drop in the bucket.

"Give me the Fiend Medallion." The violet-robed woman said.

After finishing a series of measures, Lin Feng and the other three left the Demon Castle. At the same time, they also realized that the date of their departure would be three days from now. Lin Feng chose this mission three days later to set off, and that was one of the reasons.

The next three days were spent in the hotel's courtyard.

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