Chapter 338 - Bewitching

"Lin Feng, the previous twenty plus people should be a patrol team from the Black Dragon Island. There are at least dozens of such patrol teams in the entire Black Dragon Island. " Di Liya's voice sounded beside Lin Feng's ears: "Moreover, these people all have Highgod, they don't have a single Mid God, and this isn't something that an ordinary power can take out. From this, it can be seen that there is definitely an Asura powerhouse backing this Black Dragon Island. "

"Don't worry." Lin Feng looked at Di Liya, and laughed: "This Black Dragon Island is unknown, even with an Asura warrior, his strength is not much. It would not be like the Beauty Pass, where there were more than ten Shura's. Moreover, this Black Dragon Island does not engage in proper slave trading. If she was very strong, she would have been noticed by the Star Army long ago and settled. "

"Di Liya, don't worry. With boss here, is there anything that can't be solved? " Bebe chortled, then patted her chest and said, "What's more, there's still me, Bebe!"

When Ta Luosha heard this, she glanced at Bei Bei and chuckled. "Bei Bei, the latter half of your sentence is more important, right?"

"Hey, you saw through everything?" Bebe rubbed his nose.

Ta Luosha, "…"

Lin Feng's group of metallic lifeforms were on the surface of the sea, slowly approaching the Black Dragon Island. As far as they could see, there wasn't a single metallic lifeform.

From the previous patrolling group's entrance, Lin Feng and the others knew that this place was already a forbidden area of the Black Dragon Island. On the way there, Lin Feng and the others indeed did not see any metal lifeforms from other merchants.

It looks like those who frequent the Starmist Sea would know that the Black Dragon Island was a forbidden area and no one would dare to stroke her beard. Only Lin Feng and the others knew that there was a tiger on the mountain, but they still headed towards it.

Not long later, a huge island appeared in front of Lin Feng and the rest.

This island looked like a long and twisted island. From afar, it looked like a Black Dragon, most likely the name of the 'Black Dragon Island' was due to this.

Bei Bei looked at the Black Dragon Island in front of him and asked Lin Feng: "Boss, what do we do?

"Force attack?" The corner of Lin Feng's mouth widened into a smile as he glanced at Bei Bei and said somewhat speechlessly, "We only have five people. If the other party had over a thousand Highgod s, even if we weren't annihilated, we would still be severely injured. "

With Lin Feng, Bei Bei and Di Liya who had two defensive Sovereign artifact, they naturally did not fear the combined attack of over a thousand Highgod s. However, Ni Si and Ta Luosha who did not have any defensive skills could not do it. Facing the combined attack of over a thousand Highgod s, they only had one choice, and that was to be instantly killed.

"Hehe, I was only making a suggestion. The real decision is up to you, boss." Bebe rubbed his head, a bit embarrassed.

"Our main goal in coming to the Black Dragon Island this time is to find the whereabouts of Dylin and the others. The annihilation of the Black Dragon Island is only a side effect." Lin Feng said, "We will first quietly go onto the island and investigate the situation there. We will wait for an opportunity to find traces of Dylin and the others, and then we can act according to the circumstances."

Regarding Lin Feng's decision, the others naturally had no objections.

When they were less than five kilometers away from Black Dragon Island, Lin Feng kept the metallic lifeform ship, and the five of them stuck close to the water surface, stealthily making their way towards Black Dragon Island.

Although there were patrolling teams around Black Dragon Island, they were not very crowded. As for Lin Feng and the rest of the five, they were all in Highgod. As long as they were careful, they wouldn't be discovered.

A distance of five kilometers, to Highgod, was merely a matter of minutes. Lin Feng's group of five found an unguarded place and quietly made their way to Black Dragon Island.

After walking around the island for a while, Lin Feng's heart was becoming more and more shocked, the strength of this Black Dragon Island was much stronger than he expected. In this short period of time, they had already seen three hundred man Highgod teams and four thousand man Mid God teams.

Normally, even in a place with a high population concentration in the city, Highgod would be rare, yet this Black Dragon Island actually had such a large army of Highgod.

The strength of this Black Dragon Island even exceeded the military strength of a city.

In the entire city guards army that Lin Feng had visited, there were only less than a thousand Highgod s. And this Black Dragon Island was obviously more than that.

Looking at the situation they were in, the Highgod of this Black Dragon Island may not be as good as the Miluo Island in terms of quality, but it could be estimated that it could be compared with the Miluo Island in terms of quantity.

"This Black Dragon Island is really rich, to be able to raise so many Highgod." Bebe sent back through divine sense, sighing, "It seems as though the Black Dragon Island's slave trade really has made quite a bit of unscrupulous money."

"The price of a single Highgod slot in the Star Citadel is ten million inkstone s, the price of a living Highgod slave will definitely be higher, to the point of even surpassing a hundred million inkstone s. Even if you have Mid God and Demigods, you can buy at least tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of inkstone s. " Ta Luosha's voice sounded in the minds of everyone present, "And this Black Dragon Island has existed for hundreds of millions of years.

"Hehe, since that's the case, then we will be robbers this time. We will rob the Black Dragon Island and snatch their wealth away." Bebe laughed.

Alright. Let's first think of a way to find the whereabouts of Dylin and the others, then think of something else. Lin Feng said.

"Black Dragon Island is so big, and it's our first time here as well. We don't know anything about the situation there, so we are completely incapable of doing anything to him. In addition, Dylin and the others had been captured and brought to the Black Dragon Island hundreds of years ago. It's hard to find out where they are. " Di Liya said with a frown.

"Don't worry about that. The Black Dragon Island is an enormous power. There must be records of every single transaction. As long as we can find these records, we'll be able to find the whereabouts of Dylin and the others. " Lin Feng said, "As for not understanding the Black Dragon Island's situation, it's even simpler, we can just grab someone to ask."

Lin Feng looked around and quickly found the target.

Not far from where Lin Feng and the rest were hiding, a lone Mid God was swaying leisurely. From her clothes, it was obvious that she was also one of the Black Dragon Island's army.


Lin Feng's figure instantly disappeared, and in the next moment, he appeared in front of the Mid God.

"Who are you?" Seeing someone suddenly appear in front of him, this person was shocked and quickly retreated.

Lin Feng didn't say a word, his eyes suddenly shot out two illusory figures which instantly enveloped this person's Mid God. This person didn't even have the chance to resist before his eyes went blank.

In the next moment, Lin Feng waved his hand. He disappeared from the place at the same time as this Mid God and returned to the side of Di Liya and the others.

Seeing that Lin Feng had brought back a person, Bei Bei immediately asked, "Boss, he is?"

"I used Bewitching on him." Lin Feng laughed.

"Bewitching?" Bebe, Di Liya, and the others were all at a loss.

"Bewitching is just a way to confuse the soul." Lin Feng casually explained.

Bewitching was a high level soul technique. Normal people would never have heard of it. Lin Feng had only learned about bewitching souls from the original book, Bei Lute, who used bewitchment to deal with Forhan. Previously, Lin Feng's divine wind clone had only learned this from Bei Lute's hands.

With the strength of Lin Feng's divine earth clone, it was not difficult at all for him to use bewitching soul skill on Mid God. Even with normal Highgod, with some effort, it was still possible to successfully bewitch someone.

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