Chapter 342 - Meeting the Ice Demoness Again

"Lin Feng, we have already been in Water Wave City for ten days. There are still five days until the Morgan family's internal conflict begins." Di Liya and Lin Feng walked on the main street of Shui Lan City, looking around at the various types of passersby, Di Liya and Lin Feng transmitted their thoughts.

These days, Di Liya and Lin Feng were in groups, Ni Si and Bei Bei were in group one, while Ta Luosha was in group one. But the heavens did not fulfil their wishes, after ten days had passed, Lin Feng and the rest had nothing. Of course, this was also within their expectations.

After all, within the radius of thousands of miles of Waterwave City, the number of people was in the hundreds of millions of people. How could it be so easily encountered?

"When the internal conflict of the Morgan family ends and the city governor is elected, everything will calm down. If we still don't meet with Dylin and the others, I'll go to the Morgan family and negotiate with them." Lin Feng said, "After all, we have the transaction records we obtained from the Black Dragon Island as evidence. They probably wouldn't dare to assassinate Dylin and the others after knowing about it."

There was no evidence, so the Morgan family could easily push this off, but if they had the evidence, they would have to worry about it.

Di Liya nodded. The two of them continued to wander the streets, paying attention to the flow of people.

Suddenly, Di Liya pulled Lin Feng and pointed ahead, saying: "Lin Feng, look."

Lin Feng looked in the direction where Di Liya was pointing, only to see a beautiful lady with long golden hair walking towards him, with a cold face, her entire body emitting an ice-cold aura.

Upon seeing this ice-cold lady, Lin Feng was startled, but immediately remembered, "Ice Woman Demon?"

"Right, it's her. What a coincidence." Di Liya nodded.

This woman was none other than the Demoness that Lin Feng had met when he was in Royalwing City during the demons test to exterminate the bandits of the Koka Mountain Range. Lin Feng even gave her the title of Ice Woman.

Out of all the Highgod Demons, only she was lucky enough to escape from that test. Therefore, Lin Feng had a rather deep impression of her.

"Hmm?" At this time, the female demon also noticed Lin Feng and the others. She eyed them suspiciously, and said in surprise, "It's you guys." The ice female demon also recognized Lin Feng and Lin Feng.

From a certain point of view, it could be said that it was the most direct cause for the miserable deaths of so many demons in the Demon Entrance Examination. Therefore, the ice female demon had a very deep impression of Lin Feng.

"What a pleasure to meet you." Lin Feng laughed.

They hadn't been able to find Dylin, but they hadn't imagined that he would encounter an icy female Fiend. Fate was truly an enigmatic thing. The distance between Royalwing City and Waterwave City was more than ten million kilometers. Who would have thought that a person who had come into contact with the Redbud Continent's Royalwing City would be able to meet him here in the Starmist Sea City? This could no longer be described as coincidental.

"You all have reached the Highgod?" The ice demon lady looked at Lin Feng and Lin Feng, she was surprised. She clearly remembered that back then in Royalwing City, during the Fiend trials, Lin Feng and Di Liya were both in the Mid God Realm. Although Lin Feng's battle power far exceeded that of the Mid God, the Ice Woman didn't think that Lin Feng had the strength to hide his cultivation level in front of her. It had only been a hundred years since then, yet Lin Feng and Di Liya both broke through to the Highgod realm.

Lin Feng was indeed in the Mid God then, and even though Di Liya was in the Highgod, since he had consumed a pellet that could be used to conceal his realm, the Ice Woman Demon's strength was not strong enough, so he was naturally unable to see through his.

"Haven't you also reached the Seven Star Fiend realm?" Lin Feng looked at the ice demon woman and laughed.

With his eyesight, he was naturally able to easily see through the Ice Demon's strength.

"You …" The ice female demon was startled when she heard it, she gave Lin Feng a deep glance, then suddenly laughed: "I think we can talk."

Lin Feng and Di Liya looked at each other and nodded.

Under the lead of the ice female demon, they walked left and right, and in a short while, they arrived in front of a courtyard.

The ice female demon pushed open the door and entered. She turned her head and smiled to Lin Feng and Luo Hua City Mistress, "Come in, this is my place of residence."

Lin Feng and Yue Yang followed closely behind and entered the courtyard. They realized that the arrangement here was very warm and warm, red, purple, blue, green, all sorts of unknown flowers were blooming in a flurry in the garden beside the road. A small stone table was placed in the middle of the garden, and beside the stone table were four small stone stools.

"Sit down!"

The ice female demon called out, and she immediately sat down by the stone table, while Lin Feng and Di Liya followed and sat down.

"My name is Lin Feng. He is my wife, Di Liya." The moment Lin Feng sat down, he took the initiative to introduce himself.

"My name is Wo Di Morgan." The ice demoness laughed.

"Wo Di Morgan? You are from the Morgan family? " Lin Feng looked at the ice demon in shock.

"Don't I look like one?" The ice devil's face was now completely devoid of any coldness, and had an aura that could repel people a thousand miles away.

"Uh" Lin Feng and Di Liya looked at each other, and saw the astonishment in each other's eyes.

They had come to Shui Lan City for the sake of the Morgan family, but didn't expect that before they could even find the Morgan family on their own initiative, they would accidentally meet a member of the Morgan family on the street. It was indeed hard to explain in this life.

"Since you are from the Morgan family, and also have Seven Star Fiend strength, I presume that you have also participated in the internal struggle within the Morgan family for the City Lord's position?" Lin Feng asked calmly.

Once he mentioned this matter, the smile on Wo Di's face retracted, and even carried a faint killing intent.

"Not just participating, I'm one of the candidates to be the City Lord." Wo Di said: "And the reason I invited you all to come here this time, is also for this matter."

Lin Feng and Di Liya did not speak, but continued to look at Wo Di, waiting for her to finish.

"You all know that my Morgan family is going to hold an intraregional competition to decide the choice of the City Lord and Patriarch, right?" Wo Di said as he raised his head to look at Lin Feng and Di Liya.

Lin Feng and Di Liya both nodded, indicating that they understood.

"My grandfather, Lu Tanli Morgan, also known as the previous City Lord of Waterwave City, suddenly perished in an unknown manner." Wo Di's face was filled with grief, but in that sadness, Lin Feng discovered a trace of anger and malevolence.

"Only, I know that my grandfather's death has a great deal to do with that bastard Xi Nima. It was even him who murdered my grandfather."

"Who is Xi Nima?" Lin Feng asked softly.

Wo Di remained silent for a long while before replying, "Xi Nima is my cousin, he's my second uncle's son."

"Your cousin murdered your grandfather?" Di Liya was in disbelief.

"Xi Nima is also a Seven Star Fiend expert and he has been the city lord of Caesars City for a long time. But because his grandfather is still alive, he has never had a chance to do so. But not long ago, my grandfather suddenly died in his own bedroom, and the first to learn of this news was Xi Nima. "

"So you guessed that your cousin murdered your grandfather?" Lin Feng asked.

"That's right. Besides him, I can't think of anyone else."

"If my guess is correct, the other person who will be competing for the seat of city lord will be this Xi Nima, right?" Lin Feng said.

"Yes." He murdered Grandfather in order to obtain the position of City Lord, but I won't let him do as he pleases. " Wo Di was a little excited at this moment. "That's why I'm fighting with him for the City Lord's position."

"It's just that this matter is your Morgan family's family matter after all. You have been telling us all this," Lin Feng still didn't understand the reason why Wo Di invited them here.

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