Chapter 359 - Fifty Years

The Skyrite Mountains s of Indigo Prefecture were as calm as ever. Maybe the army of the The Four Divine Beasts clan would be sent out to engage in a life-and-death battle with the eight great families, but Lin Feng, who lived in the Skyrite Mountains, would not care about all this.

The gorge which their Yulan branch resided in was quite remote, and there wasn't even the shadow of a single member of the clan's army to be seen. Lin Feng also took advantage of this time to cultivate diligently.

The Wind Elemental Laws had the highest success rate for Lin Feng, and was also the one with the most hope of reaching great perfection. Lin Feng naturally wished to be able to reach the great perfection in the Wind Elemental Laws as soon as possible.

As long as one became a Paragon, although the difference in power between one and a Sovereign was very wide, one would still be able to leave the Deity-level.

Even though Perfection is also called the great perfection Highgod, when breaking through to the great perfection, the laws of heaven and earth will bestow a portion of the Will Power to it. With the Will Power, he could control a portion of the heaven and earth. This was a privilege that Divine level experts did not have.

Furthermore, as long as Lin Feng succeeded, he would have the qualifications to look for Si Wangzhuzai and let his father restore his memories of his past life with the heart of the underworld.

Therefore, Lin Feng thirsted for the great perfection realm extremely.

As he continued to train, fifty years of peaceful days quickly passed.

Because fifty years ago, Suo Suo's sudden appearance had defeated the's Asru in two moves, causing the disciples of the other branches that lived in the valley to be extremely fearful. They knew that the Yulan continent's branch family was not to be trifled with. In these fifty years, no one actually dared to come to the Yulan continent, this branch family's disciple, to suffer misfortune.

During the fifty years he lived in Skyrite Mountains Valley, Lin Feng stayed in seclusion, and only occasionally gathered with Suo Suo, Baby and the other people from the Yulan branch.

Fifty years of hard work had finally allowed Lin Feng to make another qualitative breakthrough in the fusion of the Wind Elemental Laws's profound mysteries. Mastery of the 'Dimensional' profound mystery and the 'Shadowshape Profound Truths'.

At this point, Lin Feng's' Dimensional 'profound mysteries had already been completely fused with the' Space of the Wind ',' Essence of the Wind ', and' Profound Truths of the Shadowshape '. As long as Lin Feng could master the complete fusion of the 'Dimensional', 'Profound Truths of Sound', and 'Profound Truths of Speed', he could attempt to fuse the nine profound mysteries of the wind.

"The 'Profound Truths of Velocity' and the 'Dimensional' have already fused, but this' Profound Truths of Sound 'has already begun," Lin Feng frowned.

In these fifty years, other than fusing the 'Shadowshape Upanishads' and the 'Dimensions', Lin Feng also tried to find a suitable place to fuse the 'Dimensions' with the 'Profound Truths of Sound' and the 'Profound Truths of Velocity'.

When Lin Feng first visited the imperial capital of O'Brien Empire, he respectively created the 'Spatial Freezing' and 'Spatial Overlapping Shadow' according to the 'Fast' and 'Slow' profound mysteries. Although it was very shallow, it was still barely able to connect the 'Fast' and 'Slow' profound mysteries to space.

The 'Dimensional' profound mystery contained the profound mysteries of 'Space' in the first place. In these past fifty years, with the help of this little bit of contact, Lin Feng found the point where the 'Dimensional Gate' and 'Profound Truths of Velocity' merged together.

However, regarding the 'Dimensional' and 'Profound Truths of the Sound', no matter how hard Lin Feng tried, he was unable to create a point of convergence between them. It was as if they were completely unrelated to each other, completely incomparable.

The 'Sound Wave' and 'Sound Music' profound mysteries of the 'Profound Truths of the Sound' had nothing to do with space, and thus were unable to imitate the 'Profound Truths of Velocity', allowing one to search for a suitable place to merge with the 'Dimensional' through space. This troubled Lin Feng.

"Forget it. It seems like my luck hasn't come to an end. I haven't reached the point where I can only ask for it. I can't force it." Lin Feng shook his head, then stood up and walked out the door.

"Waa, Father, why did you appear? How rare."

Just as Lin Feng walked out of the door, he was discovered by the sharp-eyed baby, who immediately shouted out in exaggeration.

Lin Feng rubbed his nose, and said: "Isn't it just three years? Why are you making such a big fuss over nothing?"

"Three years. Three years isn't long enough." The baby went over to Lin Feng's side and looked at him, then smiled: "Father, seeing that your eyebrows are flat and you have a faint smile on your face, is there some happy occasion?"

"A joyous occasion?" Lin Feng froze for a moment, then nodded: "Of course there's a good news. Your mother Di Liya and the uncle Bei Bei who stole your name is coming. "

"Then is Uncle O'Brien coming as well? "Then someone has to be happy!" The mischievous baby glanced at Kai Selin, who had a complicated expression on her face, and said slyly.

"Damned girl, what are you talking about?" Kai Selin glared at the baby.

"Hehe, Sister Kai Selin, it's not like I'm talking about you, what are you so nervous for!" The craftiness in the baby's eyes became even more obvious.

"Father, when will Di Liya's mother and Uncle Bei Bei arrive?" Suo Suo interrupted and said.

"Soon. We'll be here in three years at most." Lin Feng laughed.

"Three years?"

The Starmist Sea was vast and endless. Occasionally, one could see one island after another.

"Rumble …" The metallic lifeform broke through the waves and advanced.

Lin Feng and Di Liya stood shoulder-to-shoulder, staring towards the southeast. Beside them were Bebe, Ni Si, O'Brien, Dylin, Ta Luosha, Xi Sai and a group of people.

In the distance, a coastline could be seen. The coastline was extremely long, so long that one couldn't see the end of it.

"We've finally arrived at the Bloodridge Continent!" Lin Feng had an obvious smile on his face.

After travelling for more than fifty years from the Miluo Island to the Blood Peak Continent, they had finally arrived at the Blood Peak Continent.

"We've arrived at the Bloodridge Continent. The Indigo Prefecture will soon as well." "Boss, I remember that Indigo Prefecture isn't too far from the coastline, right?" Bebe's eyes lit up. "Damn it, it's been more than two hundred years. It's finally about to come."

Lin Feng and the others came from the Infernal Realm in the autumn of 10092 of the Yulan calendar, but right now, they were in the year 10302 of the Yulan calendar. Indeed, two hundred years had passed.

In these two hundred years, although Lin Feng and the others did not intentionally rush, but they were mostly headed towards the Bloodridge Continent. The journey from the Redbud Continent to the Bloodridge Continent, across the Starmist Sea, through the Bloodridge Continent … it had indeed been two centuries. It had been quite a long time.

After all, it had only been more than three hundred years since Lin Feng and Bebe were born. It could be said that two-thirds of their lives had been spent on this journey.

Lin Feng and Di Liya's hands were tightly clenched as they looked at the coastline.

"Lin Feng, since we have arrived at the Bloodridge Continent, should we go straight to the Indigo Prefecture, or accept an escort mission to the Indigo Prefecture?" Di Liya looked at Lin Feng.

"No need." Lin Feng shook his head and said, "This place is not far from Indigo Prefecture. According to our speed, we should be able to arrive at Indigo Prefecture in two or three years. Furthermore, Xi Sai, Dylin, O'Brien and the others are not demons, so it's not good for them to accept missions. "

The metallic lifeform advanced at an extremely fast speed, arriving at the shore very quickly. Instantly, the ship shaped metallic lifeform immediately transformed into a cheetah form, flying towards the skies of the Bloodridge Continent.

The Bloodridge Continent was similar to the Redbud Continent.

Tribes were scattered everywhere, and bandits were scattered everywhere as well. Fighting and killing could happen at any time. Of course, no bandit group dared to offend Lin Feng's group.

With Lin Feng, Di Liya, Bei Bei, and Ni Si, these four Highgod Demons, there was no need to worry about the bandits' harassment. Unless some group of bandits' heads were caught by the door, then it would be possible for attention to be focused on Lin Feng and the rest.

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