Chapter 365 - Dragon Transformation Pool

At the end of the tunnel, there was a wide open hall.

In the center of the palace, there was a circular pool that had a diameter of two hundred meters. The water in the pool had a very peculiar smell. It was not good to smell, but it was also not pungent. By the side of the pool, there were a number of black-robed figures, all pouring a large amount of grass into the pool.

"Drip, drip ~ ~" Bubbles were constantly produced in the water of the pool.

"This is the Dragonize Pool." The bald man said clearly, "Wait a moment, I'll let you in before going in."

As he spoke, the bald man waved his hand, producing a fist-sized gemstone. This fist-sized gemstone glowed with a dazzling azure light, and the bald man immediately threw it towards the Dragonize Pool.

"Plop!" The gem fell into the pool of water.

The Dragonize Pool began to glow with a dazzling azure light. It was very dazzling. Immediately after, the water in the Dragonize Pool seemed to boil, bubbling and bursting. Large amounts of green air swirled around the surface of the pool, like green snakes slithering about.

"Alright, you can go in now." The bald man said casually.

"Watch this place." The bald man turned to look at the bald, black-robed man. "After the Ancestral Baptism is over, bring out the Dragonize Gem and give it to us."

"Yes, Elder." The bald, black-robed man bowed in response.

"Let's go." The bald man and the handsome man laughed, then left. The Ancestral Baptism would take a fairly long period of time. The two Elders wouldn't just foolishly wait here.

The bald, black-robed man immediately stared coldly at the twenty-six of them. "All of you, go in."

"Dragon Transformation Pool?" Lin Feng looked at the Dragon Transformation Pond which was surrounded by a cyan colored air current and was emitting a dazzling cyan light. His body immediately shot forward, and he fell into the Dragon Transformation Pond like a stream of light. Meanwhile, the other twenty-five people also rushed into the Dragonize Pool.

The twenty-six of them fell into the Dragonize Pool.

"Roar ~ ~" The entire Dragonize Pool emitted a weird draconic roar that shook the mind. At the same time, the dazzling azure light radiating from the Dragonize Pool slowly vanished. A large amount of azure energy swirled about the surface of the pool, surging towards the twenty-six people.

Countless streams of azure energy shot out like serpents from the Dragonize Pool, flowing towards the twenty-six people. Lin Feng and the others who were wrapped in the cyan airflow were like cyan cocoons, while the cyan airflow endlessly poured into the twenty-six cyan cocoons.

"What a special feeling."

Once he entered the Dragon Transformation Pool, Lin Feng felt a large amount of energy surrounding him. It was like he was trapped inside his mother's stomach. A strange energy gently seeped into every part of his body.

His entire body felt numb, yet comfortable.

"This is the Ancestral Baptism. This sort of feeling that goes down to the very core of one's bones is not bad at all." Lin Feng closed his eyes, sensing the strange energy seeping into his body.

This energy continued to seep into his skin. Be it his muscles, meridians, nerves, blood, or even his bones, they would all go numb. From the inside out, there was not a single part of his body that was not changing.

Whether it was his spirit or his body, Linley was in an absolutely relaxed state.

The great hall that the Dragonize Pool was located in was extremely large in scope. It was three or four hundred meters long and wide. It was over a hundred meters tall, and on the ceiling of the palace was a roaring dragon diagram.

"Drip, drip …" The waters of the Dragonize Pool continuously boiled. Among them, Lin Feng and the rest were like dumplings in boiling water, rolling about non-stop.

At the borders of the Dragonize Pool, quite a few black-robed figures were resting. They watched as the twenty-six juniors transformed.

"This Ancestral Baptism will take at least a day or two. Some of them have pure bloodlines, and will even need six or seven days for the Ancestral Baptism. " The bald, black-robed man shook his head. "The two Elders are going to rest, but we have to stay here."

A silver-haired youth next to the bald, black-robed man laughed. "When you become a member of the Assembly of Elders, you too will be able to act in such a carefree manner."

"Me? Become an elder? Wait until the day I have the strength to wield my Seven Star Fiend. " The bald, black-robed man was helpless.

"Mm. The rate at which these juniors are absorbing the energy of the Dragonize Gem has slowed down." The silver-haired youth suddenly said.

The bald, black-robed man turned his head to look. Indeed, within the Dragonize Pool, twenty-three of the twenty-six azure cocoons had stopped absorbing the azure energy. Only three of them were left, constantly absorbing the azure energy.

"Amongst those who have come to visit the Ancestral Baptism this time, there are actually three with decent aptitudes." "The longer you are able to absorb the energy from the 'Dragonize Gem', the more bloodlines the ancestor will have. The more pure the bloodlines will be."

"Right." The silver-haired youth nodded. "However, the bloodlines of the younger generations are very thin. After absorbing the energy of the Dragonize Jewel, they have completed the Ancestral Baptism."

"I heard that the most powerful second and third generation members of our clan, when undergoing the Ancestral Baptism, would need a full day or two just to absorb the energy of the Dragonize Gem." The bald, black-robed man said mysteriously.

"Are you for real?" "Ordinary clansmen only need a short period of time. The second and third generations already have more powerful bloodlines than the ordinary clansmen?"

"Why would I lie to you? Five thousand years ago, did you know about that Ba Luke?" The bald, black-robed man said.

"Got it." "Allegedly, just absorbing the energy of the Dragonize Jewel alone took him an entire night. The purity of this bloodline is truly hard to come by. "

"Think about it, even Ba Luke's bloodline is so pure, what about the second and third generation?" The bald, black-robed man laughed.

"That completed Dragonize Gem used up a third of it in one go." "I saw it with my own eyes."

A 'Dragonize Gem', when only half of the energy was used up, would be replaced with a 'Dragonize Gem'. Generally speaking, a single half of the energy from a Dragonize Jewel could be used for the Ancestral Baptism for thousands of years.

Once every hundred years, that was dozens of times in a row.

This was because Ba Luke had caused the Dragon Transformation crystal to consume one-third of it in a Ancestral Baptism, which was indeed astonishing.

"It looks like the energy in today's Dragonize Jewel should be all over the ground." The bald, black-robed man said.

Dragon Crystal could only be considered precious to Azure Dragon clan. To others, it didn't have much value. After all, the Dragonize Gem was only effective when used with the Azure Dragon Bloodline. The Azure Dragon clan spent a lot of money to make the Dragon Transformation Crystal.

"Look, there's only one left. The other 25 have stopped absorbing energy from the Dragon Transformation crystal. " The silver-haired youth said.

The bald, black-robed man swept the area with his gaze. Only a large azure cocoon was left in the center of the Dragonize Pool, and a large amount of azure energy continued to flow towards the azure cocoon. The green cocoon, on the other hand, was like a bottomless pit, sucking in as much as it came, not refusing anything.

"Tsk tsk, this one should be that Mid God." When the bald, black-robed man saw the other twenty-five people, he knew that the remaining person was Lin Feng.

"Mid God?" The silver-haired youth laughed as well. "I heard that he just returned to the clan from outside." Reaching the Mid God Realm without going through the Ancestral Baptism. Not bad, no wonder you were able to absorb so much energy from the 'Dragon Transformation Crystal'. "

"How much do you think he can absorb?" The bald, black-robed man laughed.

"I'm not sure. Perhaps, it is possible to absorb 10% of the Dragon Transformation crystal's energy." The young man guessed.

"Ten percent?" "It's unlikely." The bald, black-robed man shook his head.

As they spoke, the two of them paid attention to the only azure cocoon in the Dragonize Pool. As for the other twenty-five, they were in a deep slumber.

Finally, on the occasion of the three hundred and sixty-five chapters, I wish those children who read the books and voted, smashed flowers, tipped and made coffee that they would be happy and happy all the time for the next year.

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