Chapter 388 - Time flows like water

The next day, Lin Feng and his family gathered together for a day, and in the evening, the entire Ba Luke family held an unprecedented gathering. After the gathering, all Lin Feng's clones entered the secret underground room and started a long closed door cultivation.

Flowers bloom and fade. Spring passed, and autumn came. The Yulan calendar continued to pass year after year. But Lin Feng, who had been cultivating in the secret room of the subterranean world, showed no sign of waking up.

During the eleventh year of Lin Feng's closed door cultivation, Bei Bei and Ni Si got married together. Under Bei Lute's leadership, they held a huge wedding ceremony. It was a pity that Lin Feng couldn't attend his best brother's wedding in time.

During the thirteenth year of Lin Feng's closed door cultivation, the natural laws descended into the secret underground room and Lin Feng's laws of light became god.

During the seventy-fifth year of Lin Feng's closed door cultivation, the laws of heaven and earth once again descended into the secret room in the subterranean world as Lin Feng became a god using the laws of darkness. Only, Lin Feng was stunned that this time around, the natural laws did not ask him whether his divine spark was left inside or outside of his body, and directly stayed inside. In other words, Lin Feng's original body had disappeared.

This was a situation that Lin Feng did not expect. He had originally planned to wait for his original body to master the Laws of Light and Darkness to become a Deity before leaving seclusion to accompany his family and friends. But now, Lin Feng really did not expect that after he had cultivated all eleven elements into a god, his original body would actually no longer exist.

Fortunately, what made Lin Feng feel at ease was that when the Law of Darkness had become a god, the laws of heaven and earth had descended as Lin Feng had expected.

Although an accident occurred, Lin Feng did not have the intention to stop cultivating.

Time flowed on like water. Time flowed on, and soon, year 10587 of the Yulan calendar arrived.

This year was the 184th year that Lin Feng had gone into closed door cultivation.

It was also during this year that Lin Feng finally mastered all nine seed mystery s of the Wind Laws and stepped into the great perfection realm. The rules of the heaven and earth once again brought down the Will Power s' reward.

Lin Feng, Wind Elemental Laws, Perfection!

This was Lin Feng's first clone of a Great Perfection, but it was not his last clone of a Great Perfection.

Time slowly passed by, and from time to time, the laws of heaven and earth would descend into the secret chambers in the subterranean world. Lin Feng's eleven clones also gradually increased in strength.

Year 10600 of the Yulan calendar, Lin Feng's water clone finally broke through to the Highgod realm. When the water element divine clone broke through, Lin Feng immediately refined the water attribute Inferior Sovereign lattice.

The water clone became Lin Feng's second God clone.

Of course, after his water divine clones became Sovereigns, Lin Feng's divine clones once again received different degrees of Will Power s' rewards.

As a result, Lin Feng's overall power had already surpassed that of a Paragon God, to the point where he could be comparable to an ordinary Chief Sovereign of Laws.

During the 793 years of Lin Feng's closed door cultivation, Lin Feng's divine earth clone, supported by countless amounts of faith energy, finally broke through the bottleneck. After Lin Feng's Wind Elemental Laws, he was the second to achieve great completion.

After Lin Feng became a Great Perfection Stage and obtained the Will Power from the descent of the laws of heaven and earth, his strength once again increased. He had already reached a level where he could match up to ordinary rule-type rulers. But Lin Feng was still not satisfied and continued to go into closed door cultivation.

After nearly eight hundred years of seclusion, Lin Feng's eleven clones had all reached the level of Highgod.

After all his clones became Highgod, Lin Feng suddenly had a feeling that he couldn't describe it. It was as if his eleven clones were split into two parts, one part for the natural law category and one part for the natural law category.

The four rules clones always felt like they were attracted to each other, and the seven clones felt the same. This caused Lin Feng to feel doubt in his heart, but at the same time, it also strengthened his conviction to cultivate out the Time and Space Laws.

Lin Feng then decided to follow the feeling in his heart and split his body into two teams to cultivate.

Lin Feng had the four rules type clones form a circle and the seven type clones form a circle as well. At the same time, he began to try fusing different types of profound mysteries between the four rules and the Seven Elemental Laws.

If he didn't try, Lin Feng would really be shocked.

After the seven clones formed a circle and entered a cultivation state, Lin Feng was surprised to discover that other than being able to clearly feel the innate laws of each clone, he was also able to clearly sense the other six types of laws. The same went for the four rules avatar.

"How is this possible?" Lin Feng was shocked.

The reason why divine clones were unable to train in other Laws was because their souls were virtually unable to sense the existence of other Laws. Since he couldn't sense it, he naturally had no way of comprehending it.

But now, Lin Feng had broken this law. His seven Divine Clones of the Laws could clearly sense all the seven different Laws at the same time, and the four rules Divine Clones could also clearly sense the four rules at the same time. In other words, aside from being able to comprehend the Elemental Laws of Fire, Lin Feng's Fire Divine Clone could also comprehend the Elemental Laws of Water and Light. In addition to being able to comprehend the Elemental Laws of Darkness, his Darkness Divine Clone could also comprehend the Laws of Wind Elemental Laws and Lightning.

Other than the shock in his heart, Lin Feng was also shocked. But very quickly, he became happy again.

Although this kind of situation was hard to understand, Lin Feng didn't waste his brain cells to think about it. What he was concerned about was the benefits this kind of situation would bring him.

In the past, Lin Feng had always been worried that even if the four rules s could be fused with the Time Laws and the seven great Elemental Laws could be fused together to create the Spatial Laws, it would still be a rather long process.

After all, fusing the profound mysteries of the same type was so difficult; fusing the profound mysteries of different types would definitely be even more difficult.

And the seven great Elemental Laws together numbered forty-five seed mystery s. If all forty-five seed mystery s were to fuse together, it would simply be an impossible task.

But now, with such a situation, Lin Feng did not have to worry about it anymore.

Every Divine Clone of Lin Feng's could clearly feel all the seven types of laws, which undoubtedly caused Lin Feng's cultivation speed to increase by several times.

In the past, if Lin Feng wanted to allow the profound mysteries of the Fire Elemental Laws' Explosion 'and the' Devour 'of the Darkness Elemental Laws to merge together, he could only allow the Fire Divine Clone and the Darkness God Clone to work together and conduct a soul exchange. He tried to find a suitable place to merge these two seed mystery s, and from there on, he would start to fuse them. The other five Law clones couldn't help him at all.

But now, Lin Feng could gather seven Ancient Code Type clones and fuse them. This speed was seven times faster than before. After all, when divine clones conversed spiritually, the speed at which a soul could be verified through extrapolation was naturally slower than when using a single soul.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng almost shouted out loud in excitement.

Because he suddenly thought of a possibility.

Since the seven clones of the Laws were all able to clearly sense the seven Laws, allowing them to integrate the profound mysteries of different types of Laws, then what would happen if all seven clones were combined to form a single profound mystery?

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