Chapter 42 - Dylin

"Lin Feng, this big stupid bear has already been taken care of by me. You should fulfill your promise to me and bring me to the human world now, right?" Sa Diesi had stayed in this cave for hundreds of years and was very bored of it. Now that he had finally stepped into the Saint realm, he naturally wanted to go out and take a look.

"No rush, I still have one more thing to retrieve. Once I'm done, we'll leave." Lin Feng walked to the center of the cave with a smile.

"We naturally have to take out this Bloodviolet sword. And if we don't take it out, Dylin wouldn't be able to run out from the Gobada Plane. Without Dylin, this Yulan continent wouldn't have much fun."

Fine black dragon scales immediately surfaced on Lin Feng's right hand, and then, he punched towards the ceiling of the cave.

With a "peng" sound, the stone pieces shattered and fell to the ground.

At the very top of the cave, there was a large black round table. This black round table was inlaid into the roof, and at this moment, this large round table had a part of the stone covering it. Obviously, Lin Feng's attack just now caused a lot of stones to fall from the ceiling of the cave, revealing a part of the black circular platform.

"What is this?" Sa Diesi looked at the black platform and the purple sword that was stabbed into it.

"A magical formation." Lin Feng explained with a faint smile.

"A magic array? How is this possible? How could there be such a powerful magic array? Sa Diesi looked at the complex array, his face was filled with disbelief.

"This magic array is used to seal off the Gobada Plane." Lin Feng carefully observed the magic array and Bloodviolet sword as he answered Sa Diesi's questions.

"Gobada Plane?" "What is it?" Although Sa Diesi was old enough, he would only have lived for at most one to two thousand years. Furthermore, she had lived in this valley since birth, so naturally, he had never heard of the Gobada Plane.

"The plane of Gobada is the prison of the gods. It is the place where the gods of crime are imprisoned."

Lin Feng replied as he forced out a drop of blood, shooting it towards Bloodviolet.

After a drop of Lin Feng's blood dripped onto the purple sword that had been covered in dust for an unknown period of time, the purple sword, like a sponge, easily swallowed the drop of blood. At the same time — "Weng ~" The purple sword suddenly emitted a humming sound and began to tremble.

The dust that covered its surface was completely blown away. A strange, devilish blood-red aura began to swirl around the surface of the violet longsword, as though fresh blood was flowing all over it. Sensing that he had already succeeded in binding the sword with blood, Lin Feng leaped onto it and directly grabbed onto the purple colored longsword, then fiercely pulled it out. "Clang!" The crisp sound of a sword could be heard, as though it was filled with endless joy.

Lin Feng knew that since he had already unsheathed Bloodviolet, Dylin would be coming out soon. He didn't have time to study this godly sword. He tossed Bloodviolet into his interspatial ring.

"Sa Diesi, go!"

Lin Feng immediately rushed towards the underground tunnel that he came from. Bei Bei also instantly leaped onto Lin Feng's shoulder.

Although Sa Diesi did not know what was going on, he still believed in Lin Feng's words. In a flash, he rushed out of the cave and headed towards the path.

Mist shrouded the sky above the Misty Valley. Aside from a few of the huge dragons that were previously circling above, most of them had landed down and were resting on the ground. But they kept away from the hill without exception.

The passageway that was pressed down by the small mountain was a forbidden area!

These huge dragons still remembered that the pitiful human had charged into the forbidden area a few days ago. Presumably the poor human had been killed.


A black blur suddenly scurried out from the underground tunnel, then charged towards the west at high speed.

"What's that?" Over a hundred dragons noticed this human-shaped figure.


The hundred-plus dragons immediately began to roar with rage.

However, Lin Feng's speed was simply too fast now. Even the largest Fire Dragon could only watch as Lin Feng's figure became further and further away, and in a while, he would shake them off and disappear from sight.

"Hmph. You wyverns, just wait to become food for Dylin's sons." Lin Feng turned around and glanced at the wyvern that he had already thrown off, then directly swept out of the Misty Valley.

Although the Acanthopterygium did not have the wings of dragons, she, who had already stepped into the Saint realm, naturally had the ability to fly. He followed Lin Feng out of the valley.

In the underground cave, on the black platform, the mysterious magic formation with its extremely complicated runes began to light up. It was as though a bright silver stream of water had flowed through every single rune on the formation.


A deep rumbling sound could be heard, and the light of the mysterious array became even brighter. More and more explosions could be heard, and the formation became more and more anxious. "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" One sound after another rang out like drums, while the mysterious magical formation continued to tremble.

"Crunch …" The black platform that was made of an unknown material suddenly cracked apart, revealing three cracks.

When the black circular platform cracked, three streaks of light began to shine from the mysterious magic array. The sound of the explosion seemed to have been stimulated as it became even louder and faster — — "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Thunderous claps rang out repeatedly, and with a "bang" sound, the entire black platform was shattered, and the mysterious magical formation that used it as a medium was naturally destroyed. One clearly visible spatial ripple after another began to spread out in every direction from the center of the explosion.

Just as the group of dragons in the Fogdeep Valley were puzzled by the humanoid monster, they suddenly felt the earth shudder. All of the dragons suddenly felt their hearts palpitate, and they immediately spread open their wings and flew into the air.

The ground within a few kilometers suddenly exploded, and the hill which had blocked the tunnel was blasted into smithereens.

"Roaaaaaaaaaaaar!" A deep howl rang out from underground.

The space around the black circular platform was torn apart like white paper, revealing a large hole. A handsome, devilish young man dressed in a dark golden long robe quickly rushed out from this large hole, bent over to protect the three kittens in his arms.

At this moment, the young man was in a slightly sorry state, and there was even blood on his face.


The gap had disappeared, but this region of space had become unstable, and various types of chaotic energy had begun to spread out from it.

"I … have finally escaped." The young man stared at the unstable space, his face filled with wild joy.

"Haha, so many years have passed. I've finally escaped from that damned place." On the youth's forehead, there was a knife scar. Suddenly, the scar opened up, revealing a pair of golden eyes.

The golden eye shot towards the world.

"This, is actually the Yulan continent." The youth laughed in surprise. "This is great."

"Father, I'm hungry." A kitten in the arms of this young man said.

"I'm hungry too."

The other two kittens also spoke up.

A talking cat?

Could it be the Saint-level magical beast?

"Good, haha, there are more than a hundred dragons up there. You should enjoy your meal." The youth laughed.


The three kittens excitedly cheered, and the three kittens transformed into three bolts of lightning, shooting up from the ground. He flew directly towards the sky. As he flew forward, his body continued to grow larger and larger, and the devilish young man continued to smile as he took a single step forward, arriving in the air above the Fogdeep Valley.

Some did, some did?

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