Chapter 430 - Comprehension

The three Sovereigns of Yulan were within the newly born fused divine plane, chatting and laughing.

"Lin Feng, when are you returning to the Yulan plane?" Bei Lute suddenly asked.

"No rush. My four rules clones are staying in Dragonblood Castle, so we aren't in a rush to go back." I'm preparing to go into secluded meditation in this fused plane for a period of time. " Lin Feng smiled lightly, "After a while, I will still be preparing to make a trip to the Infernal Realm. Last time when Redbud Sovereign pleaded for me with Highgod, I still haven't thanked her face to face yet. "

"True." Bei Lute and Qing Huo nodded.

Regarding Redbud Sovereign being able to stand up and request Highgod for Lin Feng under that kind of situation, Bei Lute and Bluefire had no choice but to feel admiration for his courage. At least, they couldn't do this.

As for why the destructive Highgod didn't kill Lin Feng in the end, Bei Lute and Bluefire had also asked Lin Feng before, but Lin Feng didn't say anything, so the two of them tactfully stopped asking each other.

"Then we will return to the Yulan plane first." Bei Lute laughed and said, following that, he and Qing Huo also left.

"The Lin Feng in the original book underwent a soul mutation, which allowed the four Laws of Earth, Fire, Water, and Wind to fuse together, ultimately refining four Sovereign lattice s. The Sovereign power of Earth, Fire, Water, and Wind respectively merged together to form the power of primordial flames, allowing him to reach the Primordial Body, break through the binding of the universe in one go, and reach the level of a controller."

"However, my situation is a bit special. Although I can fuse different types of laws (rules) together, I can't fuse different types of divine powers. As a result, I am unable to walk the path of Lin Feng, who is in the original book. As for why I am able to fuse different laws together, that is probably because of that meteorite formed by the leaves of the laurel. "

Regarding this point, Lin Feng had long guessed it. Combined with his conversation with Hong Meng last time, Lin Feng could naturally deduce this conclusion.

"Only four types of laws, Earth, Fire, Water and Wind, a total of twenty-seven seed mystery. "I need to fuse these 27 seed mystery s together," Lin Feng felt his scalp go numb just thinking about it. Towards this kind of simple arrangement, Lin Feng who had graduated from a university could naturally figure it out. Although Lin Feng had already mastered these four elements to perfection, he only needed to fuse with other profound mysteries of different types. Even so, he still had to absorb it hundreds or even thousands of times.

Moreover, the difficulty of fusing different profound mysteries of the Laws s was definitely much greater than fusing the same profound mysteries of the Laws. With regards to this point, Lin Feng, who had already fused more than half of the Laws of the Earth and Water Laws together, was naturally very clear.

This showed that Lin Feng, who was in his original work, was only able to choose one of the Earth, Fire, Water, and Wind Laws to fuse with each other. However, he had spent thousands of years to successfully fuse them.

Of course, Lin Feng had admitted to Bei Lute and Bluefire that he could fuse the Seven Laws of Earth, Fire, Water, Wind, Thunder, and Darkness in at most a hundred thousand years. Naturally, he had his own reasons.

"Although there are twenty-seven seed mystery s in the Earth, Fire, Water, and Wind four elements, there are many profound mysteries within that are similar or interconnected. The earth-style had the 'Worldwalker', the fire-style had the 'Fire', the water-style had the 'Water-style', and the wind-style had the 'Wind-style' as well. Although the four seed mystery were divided into the Earth, Fire, Water, and Wind Laws, they were generally linked. It shouldn't be too hard to fuse these four seed mystery s. "

Lin Feng's mind unceasingly simulated the Earth, Fire, Water and Wind profound mysteries of the Laws of the four elements, and at the same time, classified and processed a total of 27 seed mystery s of the four elements.

Lin Feng believed that the 27 seed mystery should first be divided into categories, then be fused with similar or related profound mysteries, and finally, according to the different profound laws that they belonged to, find a suitable point to merge with. According to this line of thinking, fusing with the 27 seed mystery was definitely much easier than randomly fusing.

Although the science knowledge that Lin Feng had learnt on Earth wouldn't be of much use in this world, Lin Feng had benefited greatly from over ten years of training in science thinking.

"The Profound Mysteries of the 'Gravitational Space' of the earth element and the 'Space of the Wind' of the wind both contain traces of the Laws of Space, but the principles behind the two are different."

"The Profound Mysteries of the Water Element's' Shock of Water 'are the impact force, while the' Explosion 'of the Fire element is the explosive force. The' Throbbing Pulse of the World 'of the Earth element is the vibration force, the' Dimensional Mysteries' of the Wind element is the cutting force, and the 'Gravitational Space' of gravity, the 'Power of Life', and the 'Strength' profound mysteries' actually involve so many profound mysteries."

Lin Feng had already cultivated the Earth, Fire, Water, and Wind Laws to the great perfection realm, so naturally, his understanding towards the twenty-seven seed mystery s of these four types of laws was incomparable.

When Lin Feng was sorting through the 27 seed mystery s, he discovered that all 27 seed mystery s were independent, yet were linked to each other. Only, some of the mysteries were of a very simple nature. For example, the 'Sound Wave' and 'Music' mysteries of the wind-style only had to do with sound. Some profound mysteries, for example, the 'Gravitational Space' profound mysteries of the earth-style, had to do with both force and space. The mysteries of the 'Space of the Wind' explained the connection between the 'Essence of the Wind' and the 'Space'.

As a result, although it was only 27 seed mystery, but categorizing them together wasn't something that could be done in a day and a night.

The fused divine plane.

Lin Feng was floating in the air with his legs crossed, his body occasionally shattering, transforming into a gust of wind and merging into the air. Sometimes, it would transform into a stream of water that flowed into the blue sea below.

When the sun blended into the sea level and the moon rose high up in the sky, Lin Feng transformed into a myriad of flames, floating in mid air, as if wanting to embellish the monotonous moon's luster.

Suddenly, tens of thousands of flames gathered together and drifted to the top of the mountain cliff, transforming into a boulder.

The sun and moon alternated, but the boulder that Lin Feng had transformed into did not show any signs of change.

On this day, the fused divine plane was still as lifeless as ever. The raging waves below the cliff were untiringly crashing against the cliff, and the sun in the sky was still as scorching as ever. But all of a sudden … a boulder on the cliff suddenly, without any warning, disappeared. This time, there were no longer any flames, nor were there any streams of water. There was also no breeze, as if it had mysteriously disappeared just like that.

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