Chapter 438 - Upanishads of Brightness

Looking at the endless giant mountain range a few miles away, Ni Ya couldn't help but hold his breath.

"What a large mountain range."

The mountain range is really too long. At a glance, the west side of the mountain range is still filled with endless mountain ranges, while the north and south side of the entire mountain range is still a mountain range. Staring at the endless Mountain Range of Magical Beasts was like facing an endless sea.


"This is the Mountain Range of Magical Beasts, the number one mountain range of the continent. It contains countless magical beasts and even many Saint-level magical beast's mountain ranges." Lin Feng was also looking at the Beast Mountain Range with reminiscence. Although the Beast Mountain Range was not like the Beast Mountain Range, it still gave Lin Feng a very touching feeling, "Beast Mountain Range, it's been a long time since I've been here."

The life in the Mountain Range of Magical Beasts practically took up eighty to ninety percent of Lin Feng's entire childhood.

The life of the Fenlai City Academy allowed Lin Feng to find friendship, love, and taste the prosperity of the city.

The experiences in the Beast Mountain Range had tempered Lin Feng's personality and made him experience the cruelty of the law of the jungle.

"Let's go!"

Lin Feng was in high spirits as he brought Ni Ya and quickly merged with the Demon Beast Mountain Range.

The Demonic Beast Mountain Range of the Guya Continent was similar to the Demonic Beast Mountain Range of the Yulan continent, it had existed since long ago.

The ancient trees that had been growing for hundreds or even thousands of years covered the sky as soon as they stepped in. Weeds and brambles filled the area. The withered leaves fell all over the ground, and when one stepped on the ground, it would naturally make a noise. The surroundings were filled with dense old rattan grass.

At this moment, the sky outside the mountain range was very clear, but inside the mountain range it was completely dark. Rays of sunlight passed through the dense gaps between the trees and shone on the dead branches and rotten leaves, forming mottled spots of light.

Although the lighting was dim, it did not affect Lin Feng and Ni Ya much.

Lin Feng and Ni Ya did not stay on the outskirts, but instead, they headed towards the inner parts of the Beast Mountain Range.

Now, Ni Ya was a level 5 Magician, even the warrior had reached level 4. Outside the Mountain Range of Magical Beasts, there were only Level 1 or 2 beasts. Even Level 3 beasts were rare, so it naturally had no effect on Ni Ya.

The two of them were extremely fast, and after five or six days, they had already entered the intermediate level magical beast territory. In this area, generally speaking, magical beasts of the fourth or fifth rank would appear, with the occasional magical beast of the sixth rank appearing.

"Alright, Ni Ya, your training in the Beast Mountain Range will begin from here." Lin Feng looked at Ni Ya's young and tender face, pretended to be serious and said: "Remember, when facing a beast below level 7, teacher will not help. Of course, you don't have to worry about Teacher's safety. You just have to protect yourself. "

Although he said that, how could Lin Feng just watch his own disciple feed the beasts? If Ni Ya met with danger to his life, Lin Feng would naturally not stand idly by the side and watch.

"Don't worry, teacher!" Ni Ya nodded firmly, his face brimming with confidence.

Regarding his own disciple's strength, Lin Feng was naturally well aware of it. Although Ni Ya was a cultivator of the same magic, a level 5 Magician and a level 4 warrior, in his five years in the Academy, he rarely fought with others and had almost no battle experience.

When they encountered magical beasts of the fifth rank, they would probably just barely be able to deal with them. If they encountered magical beasts of the sixth rank who weren't skilled in speed, escaping wouldn't be too much of a problem. If he met any of the top ranked beasts amongst the Level 6 Beasts, Lin Feng would probably have no choice but to attack.

Ni Ya moved forward silently in the Demon Beast Mountain Range, carefully observing his surroundings. As for Lin Feng, he was like a shadow, always moving like a shadow, yet always maintaining a distance of a few meters away from Ni Ya.

"The intelligence of a magical beast of the fourth or fifth rank is already very high. Don't be careless." Lin Feng kept whispering about the things he needed to pay attention to in the Beast Mountain Range.

The Grandpa Doehring had taught him back then, but now he was teaching his own disciple.

"Furthermore, although this is an intermediate level magical beast territory, this isn't an absolute place. Who knows, maybe some seventh or eighth level magical beast might come here for a stroll out of boredom." Lin Feng said with a slight smile, "It's also possible that we'll run into tens of thousands of large demonic beasts, if something like that happens. Even though I will make a move, it is not certain that I will be able to take your safety into consideration. Therefore, everything still depends on you. "

Lin Feng was worried that Ni Ya's reliance on him was too strong, and that he would not get the training he deserved in the Beast Mountain Range, so he told him a white lie.

Just that, Ni Ya did not comprehend Lin Feng's kind intentions.

"Teacher, I know all of this already. Calm down, don't distract me." Ni Ya said snappily.

Lin Feng immediately laughed and no longer said anything.

In the dense forest deep in the mountains like the Magic Beast Mountain Range, the dense leaves of the ancient trees seemed to block all the sunlight. Only an occasional ray of sunlight passed through the thick foliage and shone down. Ni Ya had been in the Beast Mountain Range for more than ten days, and he knew that although there were many beasts, they had not reached the level of ten steps and one beast.

Both of Ni Ya's legs exerted a little more strength, and his entire body gracefully jumped onto the branch of a tree that was seven or eight meters high.

"Ni Ya, at the right rear distance, there is a wild boar. "Although it's just a 'horned boar', a magical beast of the third rank, it can still be used for lunch. The meat of the boar is still quite good." Lin Feng's voice sounded out in Ni Ya's mind.

Ni Ya could not help but turn his head to look, and sure enough, he saw a horned boar about a hundred metres away, carefully looking at his surroundings. If not for the fact that Ni Ya was standing high up, Ni Ya would not have been able to see the horned boar.

"A horned boar, a magical beast of the third rank with earth-type attributes. It is only capable of using earth-type spears." The information about the Single Horned Boar surfaced in Ni Ya's mind.

Ni Ya was nimble as a cheetah as he moved through the forest, quietly approaching the horned boar. Because of the dense weeds and thistles, the horned boar did not notice Ni Ya.

When he was about ten meters away from the horned boar, Ni Ya hid amongst the wild grasses. He could vaguely make out the horned boar not far away through the wild grass.


When the horned boar turned its head around in alarm, Ni Ya appeared as if he had descended from the sky, bringing along a gust of wind with him as he arrived in front of the horned boar. The horned boar immediately roared out and thrusted its thick and long horn at Ni Ya.

"Hah!" Ni Ya's right hand grabbed onto that single horn, and with a sudden motion, he raised it.

The horned boar that was a few hundred kilograms was immediately lifted seven to eight meters high in the air by Ni Ya. He then leaped up and swung his right leg fiercely towards the horned boar's head.

Relying on just the power of the Warriors, killing a Level 3 Demon Beast was not difficult for Ni Ya.

"Although the magicite cores of a magical beast of the third rank are only worth ten gold coins, they can't be wasted." Ni Ya took out the straight chisel from his spatial ring. He brandished the straight chisel in his hand, and with two or three swift movements, the skull was completely removed. The straight chisel lightly tilted upwards, and an unremarkable earthen yellow crystal core jumped up. Ni Ya wiped the grass with one hand and put it into his spatial ring.

Then, Ni Ya skillfully cut open the skin of the horned boar's thigh with his straight blade, cutting off four wild boar hooves.

After he casually cut down some branches, Ni Ya waved his hand and a ball of fire appeared. He built a simple grill, and Ni Ya began to roast the pig's feet.

Ni Ya's Inherent skill was an Earth Element, a Fire Element of Lower Grade. Although his Fire Inherent Skill was only of a lower rank, the simplest Fireball Technique was still not difficult for Ni Ya.

Ni Ya roasted the pig's feet as he looked at Lin Feng, and spoke with interest: "Teacher, your disciple's performance just now was not bad, right?"

"Not bad, your actions are very decisive." For Ni Ya, who was entering the Beast Mountain Range for the first time, to be able to finish off a horned boar in a few breaths, in Lin Feng's eyes, was indeed worthy of praise. But then, Lin Feng immediately turned serious and said: "Although your performance is good this time, but don't forget, you are level 5 and this is only a level 3 beast. If it had been a magical beast of the fifth rank, things wouldn't have been so easy. It has to be said that for a magical beast of the fifth rank, not only is it two levels stronger than a magical beast of the third rank, the most important point is to increase their intelligence. "

With regards to his own teacher, Ni Ya was already used to teaching in such a way. Upon hearing it, he did not refute, but rather asked curiously: "Teacher, the horned boar did not seem to notice you just now. Logically speaking, you would be standing in such a famous place, there's no way this horned boar would not see you."

Just then, Ni Ya was hiding in the bushes, while Lin Feng was just casually floating in the bushes, only Ni Ya noticed that the horned boar did not even look in Lin Feng's direction.

"This is just a simple usage of the wind-style technique." Lin Feng did not care, "Let alone a Level 3 Magical Horned Boar, even if it was a Level 7 Magical Beast like Xun Menglong standing in front of me, he would not have noticed my existence."

Lin Feng used the profound mysteries of the wind element 'Wind Element', retracting his own aura and hiding it within the wind. Without Lin Feng's consent, no one below the Divine level would be able to detect any clues. Even Divine level experts would not be able to detect Lin Feng's existence with their divine sense unless they were standing in front of Lin Feng.

Hearing this, Ni Ya's face immediately fell, "So it's wind magic. How great would it be if it were earth magic. If I stand in front of a magical beast, and the magical beast can't discover me, then wouldn't that mean I can trample over it? "

Hearing that, Lin Feng did not know whether to laugh or cry, but he did not have the heart to dissuade his disciple's enthusiasm, he thought for a while and said: "There is also a similar magic in the Earth Element, it's called 'Earth Element'. It's just that with your current cultivation of the fifth level of Magician, you are still not able to learn it."

Ni Ya's eyes lit up, "Then when can I learn it?"

"Uh, you'll understand when the time comes." After Lin Feng finished speaking, he did not say another word.

Although Ni Ya was a little disappointed, he didn't dare to ask too many questions.

When the two pig legs were done roasting, Lin Feng and Ni Ya each had one. After finishing the lunch, Ni Ya kept the remaining wild boar meat into his spatial ring and followed Lin Feng as they continued on their journey.

The mountain ranges within the Mountain Range of Magical Beasts continued unabated. In addition, the various types of plants had been growing for countless years, making it very troublesome to travel within the Mountain Range of Magical Beasts.

"Move forward within the Mountain Range of Magical Beasts. Don't try to eradicate the thorns on your path. We'd rather take a detour." Lin Feng explained his many experiences to Ni Ya.

Ni Ya listened carefully, and at the same time continued forward.

"Remember, the most taboo thing in the Mountain Range of Magical Beasts is to constantly make noise. If you do that, you will be discovered by many magical beasts." Even if you make any noise, you must leave this place as soon as possible. " Lin Feng continued, "Remember, even if you are injured, you must try your best to cover up the bloodstains on your body. The smell of blood could also attract magical beasts. The nose of the magical beast is much more sensitive than ours. "

Lin Feng and Ni Ya had been in the Beast Mountain Range for more than a year. During this period of more than a year, other than occasionally introducing Ni Ya to some of the life experiences he had in the Mountain Range of Magical Beasts, Lin Feng had not been idling around.

Although the Mountain Range of Magical Beasts was a heaven of slaughter, it was also the place closest to nature.

After living in the Beast Mountain Range for more than a year, Lin Feng could feel the change in the darkness that occurred in the Beast Mountain Range. It actually allowed him to find the place where the mysteries of the "Darkness element" and "Light element" merged.

Although the Profound Mysteries of the 'Essence of Darkness' and the 'Essence of Light' were the simplest profound mysteries of the Laws of Darkness and Light. However, it was not the same type of profound mystery. To be able to find the right place within a year or so, one had to admit that the unique environment of the Magic Beast Mountain Range was of great use.

"Light and darkness are at loggerheads with each other. Light creates darkness, and darkness produces light." Lin Feng gradually understood that this was similar to the Daoism's "Yin from the Yang" and "Yin from the Yin".

"Although light and darkness are opposite existences. But there was no light, so there was no darkness. There is no darkness, and there is no light. "

Light and darkness were two extremes, but they both belonged to the light.

"Brightness, Upanishads of Brightness" Lin Feng muttered to himself.

The night was getting darker, and the Mountain Range of Magical Beasts was growing even darker. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it was impossible to see one's hand in front of one's face.

Lin Feng sat cross legged, feeling the changes in the light and darkness around him, slowly, the scenery around him started to become clear. Although Lin Feng did not open his eyes nor did he spread out his spiritual sense, he was able to see everything around him.

Five meters away from him, Ni Ya, who was dressed in black robes, was sitting cross-legged. He was not meditating to cultivate magic, but was asleep.

Ni Ya, after all, was only twelve years old and had just stepped into the ranks of youngsters.

A hundred meters away, a strong Wind Wolf with bright green fur was quietly walking through the forest. This Wind Wolf's green eyes were vigilantly looking around, but its powerful four limbs were silently walking on the road.

Those pale fangs reflected a cold light in the darkness.

Although the Wind Wolf was on guard, it did not have any reaction to Lin Feng's senses.

By sensing the change in light and darkness, Lin Feng could even see the hair on the Wind Wolf's body.

Lin Feng continued to expand his perception and discovered that 300 meters away, there was a group of about 50 to 60 Wind Wolves, approaching him. Most of the Wind Wolves were level four, and two of the bigger ones were level five.

The corners of Lin Feng's mouth curled up as he released a light aura. Instantly, the group of Wind Wolves stopped in their tracks, their faces revealed deep fear, and they immediately retreated backwards, escaping thousands of meters away in an instant.

With his current strength at the peak of the fifth level of Ni Ya's Magician, against the Wind Wolf, if Lin Feng did not attack, Ni Ya would not have the slightest chance of survival. After all, Ni Ya was an earth attribute Magician, and wasn't good at speed. Against a Wind Wolf that only grew in speed, he didn't even have the chance to flee.

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