Although a few Sovereigns noticed the departure of Lin Feng's water clone, they did not think too much about it. At this moment, the matter of Lin Feng killing Te Leixiya was no longer the main issue. It was more important to understand how Ao Fu rushed to the Heaven Realm in a fluster.

At this time, Lin Feng was extremely close to the Life God Realm. In a few breaths of time, Lin Feng's water clone had already approached the edge of the Life God Realm's plane. With a wave of his hand, a spatial tear appeared, and in the next moment, Lin Feng entered the Life God Realm.

With regards to the Life God Realm, it was not Lin Feng's first time here. With a sweep of his Spiritual Sense, he had already discovered the closest teleportation circle — — Jadeheart Lake.

Lin Feng's luck was good, he was only about 400,000 Li away from the teleportation circle of the Jadeheart Lake. With Lin Feng's speed, naturally he would be able to quickly cross this distance.

Following a flash of light, Lin Feng's water clone returned to the Yulan plane.

At this time, Lin Feng was touring a certain material plane while the other five clones of the Law of Five Elements had also returned to Yulan plane through the Hell Mirror Moon Cliff's Teleportation Circle.

Not long after Lin Feng's water clone entered the Life God Realm, Lin Feng's fused clone finally reached the teleportation gate of Heaven Realm's Sky Peak Mountain.

"Greetings, Sovereign!" The warrior at the teleportation formation said respectfully in unison the moment he felt the pressure of Lin Feng's Sovereign power.

Lin Feng immediately landed near the teleportation circle, "Yulan plane!"

"Yes, Sovereign!"

The soldiers didn't dare to hesitate and quickly activated the transmission array. Just as the light of the teleportation formation lit up, Lin Feng, who was standing in the teleportation formation, instantly had a change in expression. His divine sense had already detected that Ao Fu had entered the Heaven Realm, and the moment he found Ao Fu, Ao Fu's divine sense had already locked onto his body.

"It was still exposed." Lin Feng sighed in his heart.

"Lin Feng, it's you!" Ao Fu's gloomy voice sounded out in Lin Feng's mind.

"Ao Fu, my Dragonblood Castle just so happens to be lacking a garden. I'll borrow your Orloff Gardens." Since he was already exposed, Lin Feng no longer bothered to hide it. Laughing loudly, his figure had already disappeared within the teleportation circle, returning to the Yulan plane.

With the connection between Ao Fu and the Highgod artefact, he could naturally feel that the defense of the Highgod artefact that he had transformed into in an ancient garden had been brought by Lin Feng to the Yulan plane. But in a material plane, even if he was given ten more guts, he wouldn't dare go.

Back then, it was precisely because of the descent of the Sovereign's clone into a material plane that caused the material plane to collapse, resulting in the descent of the Annihilation Highgod, resulting in the annihilation of all of his clones.

That time, he was also present when the Annihilation Highgod killed Boro. Boro went from fear to anger, then to despair, and finally, all of these were reduced to dust along with the annihilation of his clones. Ao Fu still vividly remembered all of these scenes.

At the same time, he himself also understood that even though he was the strongest amongst the Sovereigns, he was definitely not a match for the combination of Highgod. If he entered the Yulan plane and caused the Yulan plane to collapse, his fate would definitely be the same as Boro. He didn't have the confidence that he would be like Lin Feng, where even if he violated the rules of the heaven and earth, he wouldn't be punished by the Highgod.

Although Ao Fu did not dare to enter the Yulan plane, it did not mean that he would allow Lin Feng to steal his Highgod artefact.

Ao Fu then returned to the spatial turbulence, and sent a sound transmission to Lin Feng, "You probably know how important the Orloff Gardens are to me, right? I don't want you and I to be enemies! "

Although Ao Fu's expression was still calm, his heart was filled with anger. Of course, anyone who had their Highgod artefact stolen would feel the same.

Lin Feng had already stopped moving forward at this point in time. The other Sovereigns saw Ao Fu returning to the spatial turbulence and locked onto him with their divine senses, understanding that Ao Fu and Lin Feng were currently communicating via divine sense.

Actually, the reason why Lin Feng left behind a clone and didn't return to Yulan plane with the water clone was naturally because he was afraid that Ao Fu would jump walls in a hurry and use Bei Lute, Qing Huo, and even the The Four Divine Beasts clan to threaten him.

Although it was impossible for Ao Fu to do this with his status and identity, but Lin Feng did not dare to gamble. After all, he was the one who stole Ao Fu's Highgod artefact.

Lin Feng thought that if he had a Highgod artefact that had been stolen, he would definitely make the thief die a horrible death, no matter what methods he used.

"Ao Fu, you are very strong. When you competed against the Chief Sovereign of Destruction last time, I knew you didn't use your full strength." A thick fighting spirit emerged in Lin Feng's eyes: "I really want to know just how strong you are."

The Chief Sovereign of Fate, Ao Fu, was slightly startled, and then said in a low voice: "You want to fight me?"

"That's right." Lin Feng nodded.

"Reason?" Ao Fu's face was still as heavy as water.

"If you can kill this clone of mine, I'll immediately return the Orloff Gardens to you." Lin Feng sent a sound transmission to him: "Of course, if you can't kill this clone of mine, I will also return the ancient garden to you. But the time limit is 100,000 years from now. Of course, in these hundred thousand years, you are not allowed to make things difficult for my family and friends. "

Lin Feng proposed a condition.

Although Ao Fu had lost his physical defense against the Highgod artefact, Lin Feng was also unsure if he, along with the other three Rulers of the Rules, could kill Ao Fu or not. If he killed him, it would be good. But if he didn't kill him, Ao Fu would become completely enraged, and the consequences would be unimaginable.

After all, Ao Fu had four more Will Power s than the other three Rulers. Three of them had to do with the fact that he had a Chief Sovereign clone, Augusta, and the other had to do with the ten consecutive victories in the Planar War.

With an extra set of Will Power, she would be ten times stronger. Four more portions meant ten thousand times more.

Of course, this was only to show the increase in strength that the Will Power had. To judge a person's strength, other than the Will Power, there was also the degree of fusion of profound mysteries of the Laws, weapons, divine power, innate abilities, unique moves, and other factors.

For example, the Chief Sovereign of Destruction's supreme technique, 'Spacetime Paradox', which he had created based on the innate divine ability of the Four Divine Beasts, was able to increase his power a thousand times over.

As for Lin Feng and the other three, even if they worked together to fight Ao Fu, their combined strength would at most increase by four to five times. At their level, teaming up against enemies was no longer meaningful.

And six thousand years ago, Lin Feng had even tried to use such a method to kill Ao Fu. Now that he thought about it, he felt that he was very naive at the time.

After consideration, Lin Feng decided to not oppose Ao Fu at all and instead suggested that they should fight to resolve the situation.

did not have absolute confidence in killing Ao Fu, but to protect himself from Ao Fu's attacks, Lin Feng was confident that he could do it. After all, in this battle, Ao Fu would definitely not reveal his clone or use an attacking Highgod artefact.

The reason why Lin Feng had allowed his water clone and his five divine clones to return to the Yulan plane was naturally to prepare for this battle.

Ao Fu was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "Alright, I agree to your conditions."

As for the Will Power s, please refer to the public chapters you will release later.

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