Chapter 5 - Bebe

The next day's training was as usual. But of course, the battle between Dillon and Rudi, who had stolen the Shadowmice from the original book, still went on as usual. Because he had expected this to happen, Lin Feng did not get hit in the head by the falling stones like what was written in the original book.

The battle between Saints had ended quickly, and with the departure of the two, this matter had become the topic of conversation amongst the citizens of Wushan township.

However, Lin Feng knew clearly that the two of them had arrived. This meant that his partner, Bei Bei, who would accompany him in cultivating in the Beast Mountain Range and roaming the Infernal Realm, had already arrived at his own backyard. However, Lin Feng was not in a hurry to subdue Bei Bei. In any case, Bei Bei was his and he couldn't run away. Right now, his top priority was to follow the Grandpa Doehring to practice magic and exercise. The Lin Feng in the original book also only found Bei Bei a month before he went to Fenlai City to take the Magic Inherent Skill Test, and lured him into submission.

From the second day, Lin Feng began his arduous days of cultivation.

Because he could not tell his father about De Linkewote's existence, Lin Feng continued to conduct warrior training in the morning and evening. In the morning, he still had to learn all aspects of politics, religion, etiquette, military strategy, geography, and art in front of his father.

Only in the afternoon, at his former free time, Lin Feng would run to the 'Dark Mountain' in the northeast corner of the town and hide in a quiet place. Under De Linkewote's guidance, he would absorb the knowledge of magic and work hard to learn magic.

Also, every night after dinner, Lin Feng would also spend a lot of time on meditation.

only slept for six hours every day, and the rest of his time was spent on warrior training, knowledge learning, magic training, meditation, etc. Don't think that six hours of sleep is enough. In fact, meditating and training one's spiritual energy is very tiring, much more tiring than normal people. Lin Feng slept extremely deeply every single night for six hours.

Filled, extremely full.

In this kind of situation, with each passing day, Lin Feng's improvement was obvious, and could even be considered a form of transformation!

During these painstaking efforts, there were surprises – the first time he absorbed earth elemental essence into his body, the first time he refined mageforce; the first time he meditated too much, he used up too much spiritual energy; the first time he truly displayed earth elemental magic; even though this was the first time, he only caused a tiny 'earth spike' that was only twenty centimeters long to grow out from the ground;

Repeated efforts

Lin Feng's willpower and rate of improvement made the 'De Linkewote', the Saint-level Grand Magus of the Pouant Empire five thousand years ago, exclaim in admiration.

Because he had been training as a warrior every day, Lin Feng's body became firmer and firmer. Because he had absorbed the earth element to refine his magic power and meditate frequently, Lin Feng's entire temperament became tranquil and calm.

Lin Feng could be said to be a weak scholar in his previous life. Although he was not as weak as a chicken, with his willpower and current small physique, it was still a bit difficult for him to deal with the amount of training Xi Erman gave him. But luckily, Lin Feng had the desire to return home early, and at the same time, he understood clearly that these basic training methods would benefit him greatly in the future. Therefore, no matter how arduous and arduous it was, he clenched his teeth and persevered.

After all, the Lin Feng in the original book was only eight years old. Although he had a strong heart, he had not experienced any training.

Spring left and autumn came. In the blink of an eye, it was already autumn.

There was only a month left before the magus test to recruit students.

Lin Feng knew that it was time to tame Bei Bei.

As he spoke, he began to search through the rear courtyard for Bebe.

"Squeak, squeak!"

After searching for a while, Lin Feng indeed found traces of Bei Bei.

He saw a nearly twenty centimeter long black rat devour a chunk of rubble. And then, the black rat's body flickered, and it suddenly appeared ten meters away, next to the bluestone and devoured it as well. The black mouse had soft fur all over its body, its eyes were rolling and its tail was furry. It was extremely adorable.

This black rat even jumped up on its two hind legs to play.

Seeing this little mouse, Lin Feng knew that it would be his future brother, the divine beast, the Godeater Rat Bei.

De Linkewote flew out of the Coiling Dragon Ring and stood beside Lin Feng. He looked at the black mouse with some surprise: "Shadowmouse, it's actually a magical beast, a Shadowmouse. From the looks of its body, it should still be a baby Shadowmouse."

"It isn't a Shadowmouse. It's a hybrid between a Shadowmouse and a Stoneater Rat, the second Godeater Rat in countless planes."

Lin Feng curled his lips, and of course he wouldn't say those words out loud.

After that, De Linkewote introduced the Shadowmouse and the Stoneater Rat, and there was another mission that Lin Feng completed every day — — Feed Bei Bei and seduce him.

In order to gain Bei Bei's trust and have Bei Bei take the initiative to make an equality contract with him, Lin Feng began to follow Lin Feng's method in the original book. He first fed Bei Bei Bei's wild hare and pheasant that didn't go for fur, and then gradually fed them to the hare and pheasant that already went for fur. And following this period of feeding, Bei Bei also gradually developed a good impression of Lin Feng.

"Squeak squeak" As soon as Lin Feng walked into the backyard, he saw a black figure flying towards him, and the target was precisely the pheasant in his hands.

When Lin Feng finally reacted, the pheasant in his hand had already disappeared.

"Lin Feng, look at its current state. It's not far from the day you can tame it." De Linkewote flew out of the Coiling Dragon Ring, stroked his beard and laughed lightly.

In the blink of an eye, twenty days had passed since Lin Feng fed the little Shadowmouse. The little Shadowmouse and Lin Feng were extremely close, but for some reason, even though Lin Feng and the little Shadowmouse were very close, the little Shadowmouse still didn't show any signs of using the 'Equal Contract'.

The night covered the earth, and the entire Wushan township was very peaceful.

In the living room of Ba Luke's family mansion, candlelight burned down and lit up the room. Lin Feng, his family, and Housekeeper Hiri sat together at a long table for dinner.

"Lin Feng, I heard that you often get roasted wild rabbits to bring to the old houses in the backyard recently?" Halfway through eating, Hogg put down his cutlery, looked at Lin Feng, and said.

Lin Feng's heart trembled.

"Looks like I have to be honest." Lin Feng thought, before nodding at Hogg. "Father, I recently found a cute animal in the backyard, and it's very cute, so I often make some food for it."

"Lovely animals?" Little Wo Dun's eyes immediately lit up.


Hogg nodded, "Few people go to the backyard, and animals are also possible. Oh, right, I think a week later at King's City's' Fenlai City 'will be the start of the magic test's recruitment. Don't you want to participate?"

"Ah, the magus test to recruit students?" Lin Feng suddenly thought of this matter.

A stream of air that only Lin Feng could see flew out from the Coiling Dragon Ring and turned into the old man with white hair. De Linkewote smiled at Lin Feng: "Lin Feng, you want to recruit students for the Magic Test? But if we don't go, with my guidance, how can we be worse than those school Magician s? "

Lin Feng agreed, but he would not agree with De Linkewote's decision. He had to go to the Ernst Institute since that was the place where Lin Feng and Delia first met. Although he might not marry Di Liya like he did with the Lin Feng in the original book in his current life, if Di Liya truly had a beautiful and moving appearance, and had deep feelings for him, it wasn't impossible for him to follow the original book and marry her.

Moreover, Lin Feng, who had come to this world for half a year, had never gone to the Fenlai City before. He also wanted to see what kind of prosperity the city of the《 Coiling Dragon》 world was.

Lin Feng said to De Linkewote in his heart: "Grandpa Doehring, although I have your guidance in earth magic, and with my hard work, I believe that I will definitely be able to enter the Saint realm or even higher, but aside from earth magic, I also have other talent, so I want to go to the Magic Academy to learn other types of magic."

"Lin Feng, I was inconsiderate. Since it's like this, you can agree to your father's request." After De Linkewote finished speaking, he returned to the Coiling Dragon ring.

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