"Master Lin Feng, why are you drinking alone?" A beautiful lady with green hair with fair skin walked over and sat down beside Lin Feng, at the same time holding out the wine cup in her hand.

Lin Feng clinked a cup with her.

"My name is Suo Suo. Before the banquet, I wanted to talk to you, Master Lin Feng, but it seems that Master Lin Feng is very popular among girls, I don't even have a chance. " Suo Suo said with a smile.

Lin Feng looked at Suo Suo.

Suo Suo was tall and slender, her every word and laugh had an alluring charm to them. There was also a mesmerizing look on her face. This kind of woman had a more feminine air when compared to those aristocratic young ladies.

"This Suo Suo is really as enticing as the original books had described. If some of the imperial older sister controllers were to see him, they would probably go crazy!"

Lin Feng thought weirdly in his heart.

After chatting with Suo Suo for a while, Lin Feng wanted to leave. He really wasn't used to this kind of situation. The noble ladies' gazes caused his heart to palpitate. Lin Feng's mental fortitude was not high, at least it was not as high as the Lin Feng in the original book. Lin Feng was afraid that if he continued to stay here, he would make a mistake and let Di Liya down. Thus, it was best to leave as soon as possible.

But just as Lin Feng sent him off and was preparing to leave, Patterson walked over to Lin Feng's side.

"Lin Feng, how do you feel?" Duke Patterson said to Lin Feng.

"How about what?"

"Suo Suo." Duke Patterson gave Lin Feng an ambiguous look. "Lin Feng, Suo Suo is a beauty that many people in the aristocracy are chasing after. Look at Suo Suo's figure, eyes, mouth, oh."

Lin Feng could only smile.

"I can tell you this, Suo Suo should be very interested in you. Seize the opportunity and you'll be able to get her. " Patterson patted Lin Feng's shoulders and said softly.

Lin Feng glanced at Patterson. "Not interested."

Patterson glanced at Lin Feng in surprise.

"Lin Feng." Patterson suddenly lowered his voice and said to Lin Feng, "Tonight, after the banquet is over, there's no need for you to leave in such a hurry. I have something to discuss with you."

Lin Feng was startled, and thought: "Could it be that the plot in the original book appeared again? Patterson's smuggling of water jade ore was discovered by his brother Ke Laide.

Lin Feng laughed coldly in his heart: "I was just worrying about not being able to find a chance to kill you. Since that's the case, then tonight will be the day you die."

"You can't not give me face, right?" Patterson feigned anger.

"Your Grace, rest assured that I will wait a little longer tonight." Lin Feng replied with a smile.

At around eight in the evening, quite a few nobles began to leave. Lin Feng, on the other hand, wasn't in a hurry to leave, because he still remembered the agreement Patterson had with him.

Lin Feng stayed in the hall quietly.

"Lin Feng, I'll be leaving first." Ke Laide said to Lin Feng before he left. There were less and less people in the hall. Lin Feng who was waiting anxiously walked out of the hall, and blew the cool night wind.

At this moment, a male attendant quietly walked over.

"Master Lin Feng, Duke has invited you over." The male waiter whispered.

"Lead the way." Lin Feng remained calm on the surface. As for Bei Bei, he had been curled up in Lin Feng's embrace the entire time. The male attendant brought Lin Feng to a very narrow and eerie path. Just looking at the marks on the road, there were very few people walking on it.

"Where to?" Lin Feng said in a low voice.

The male attendant said respectfully: "Master Lin Feng, it was Duke's order. Do not let anyone else see Master Lin Feng."

Lin Feng did not ask anymore questions, he just followed the servant and went ahead. The two of them went ahead and passed through a narrow path, then went through a small forest and opened a secret door. Only now did they arrive at a small building.

"The Debs clan has such a secluded place." Lin Feng thought.

Unless someone else could fly, it would be difficult to find this hidden building.

The male attendant brought Lin Feng directly towards the hall of the house.

Duke, Master Lin Feng is here. The male attendant stood at the door of the living room and respectfully said.

"Haha, Lin Feng is here?" Dressed in a long black robe, Patterson walked out from his room. When Patterson's eagle eyes saw Lin Feng, they lit up with surprise and joy, and he hurriedly walked over. "Lin Feng, come in."

"No need, you can go die now!"

Lin Feng wasn't interested in wasting words with Patterson. Two violet sword shadows flashed, and Patterson and the attendant's heads flew off.

Patterson, even at death's door, didn't understand why Lin Feng wanted to kill him. But he was destined not to understand. When his head was sent flying, his soul was sucked into the Netherworld.

"Destroy the corpse and destroy all evidence!"

Lin Feng instantly sent out two fiery balls of light, wrapping around the corpses of Patterson and the manservant. With Lin Feng's current mental strength, the temperature of the fire ball that was formed was terrifyingly high.

Patterson and the manservant's corpses were quickly incinerated, while at the same time, an extremely unpleasant smell wafted out. After a while, only a few bits of charred yellow bones and shattered ashes remained.

After taking care of the two corpses, Lin Feng once again used his wind magic to dispel the faint smell of blood and the smell of burning corpses.

"Go back early, don't alert others." Lin Feng's entire person jumped up quickly, directly out of the small house's courtyard, and in a few seconds arrived at the front courtyard.

Right now, there were still a few nobles and guests chatting and laughing amongst themselves.

"Ah, Master Lin Feng, you haven't left yet?" Count Zhu Nuo was just about to walk out when he saw Lin Feng and greeted him enthusiastically.

Lin Feng laughed and said: "Hmm, my stomach wasn't feeling well just now, I went to the toilet."

Count Juneau immediately walked shoulder to shoulder with Lin Feng.

"Master Lin Feng, I really like your sculptures. I bought the three sculptures you first auctioned at the Proulx Gallery." Count Zhu Nuo said proudly to Lin Feng. Count Juneau's greatest pride was probably in buying the three sculptures that Lin Feng had displayed for the first time.

Lin Feng's three sculptures, just from looking at them, seemed to be worth only six or seven thousand gold coins.

But Lin Feng's current identity was different. He was a grandmaster sculptor who had carved 'love', and his status was not too far from Proulx and Hope Jensen's. The first three works of such a character to be sold, how could the price be low?

Based on his calculations, these three sculptures which Count Juneau had collected all had to be worth at least a hundred thousand gold coins!

This was probably the first time that Count Juneau would be so pleased with himself. Count Juneau also decided that these three sculptures would have to be kept forever. He believed that the more Lin Feng accomplished his task in the future, the higher the value of these three sculptures would be.

"Master Lin Feng, take care." The butler at the gate of the Debs clan's manor respectfully greeted Lin Feng.

Lin Feng nodded and bid farewell to Count Jun.

Time passed in a flash, and another half a month had passed.

However, during this half month, something major happened within the imperial city. The Debs clan was actually involved in the smuggling of water jade and ores, and had even been found out by Ke Laide. Because the Debs clan was suspected of smuggling water jade ore, their Patriarch, Bernard, as well as the first successor, Kalan, were both imprisoned.

When Lin Feng heard this news, he sighed.

"Even without our interference, the Debs clan still went on the road to smuggle water jade ores out of greed. Could this be the destiny of the Debs clan?" An unchangeable destiny? "

When he thought of this, Lin Feng's heart suddenly moved, his understanding of the rules of fate actually went a step further.

Lin Feng's face revealed a smile.

Fate was extremely abstruse and profound, making it hard to fathom, let alone cultivate. Ever since Lin Feng accidentally stepped into the gate of the Edicts of Fate in his clan's mansion, during this period of time, he had not made any progress in the Edicts of Fate. However, he didn't expect that at this moment, he would take another step forward. Although he was still very far from becoming a god, it was still better than nothing.

The destiny of the Debs clan was the same as the original book; it continued to expand. During this period, Ai Lisi had come to beg Lin Feng, and Lin Feng had also begged Ke Laide to release Kalan.

In the end, the Debs clan was still able to continue their journey. They had paid the eighty million gold coins in compensation, and now they understood why.

Of course, in this case, there was a small episode. As Ai Lisi did not have any connections with Lin Feng, he was called to the manor by the Right Premier Merritt, who was in charge of investigating the entire Debs clan's smuggling case, in an attempt to rape her.

But even though Lin Feng didn't have any relationship with Ai Lisi, how could he just watch as Ai Lisi's flower was ruined by that scumbag Merritt? Right at the moment when Merritt was about to attack Ai Lisi, Lin Feng directly turned Merritt into dust.

Merritt had always relied on flattering to get along with the Right Minister, so Ke Laide did not care about him at all.

Only, it was a pity for Merritt's wife.

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