Chapter 65 - besieging magical beasts

"Father, immediately inform all members of the Chamber of Commerce to pack their things and flee to the north." As soon as Ye Lu left the hotel, he found his father, Monroe Dawson.

"Hmm?" The pot-bellied Monroe Dawson's face was filled with astonishment as he looked at Ye Lu, and asked in puzzlement: "Ye Lu, what happened?"

"Father, there's no time. Hurry up and pack up. If you're late, it'll be too late." Ye Lu did not explain the reason. Even if he had, his own father would not have believed him. If not for the fact that he believed in the brotherly relationship between him and Lin Feng, he wouldn't have believed in such an absurd thing.

"Boss, was what you told Ye Lu and the others earlier true? Is it really time for the demonic beasts to attack? " Bebe sent mentally to Lin Feng.

"Naturally. Otherwise, why do you think I would have gone to Wushan township last night and let all of Wushan townspeople flee to the north?" Lin Feng said with a sound transmission.

Although the 'Day of Annihilation' was inevitable, Lin Feng would not allow Wushan townspeople like him to die tragically under the claws of a Demon Beast.

Lin Feng had rushed back to Wushan township overnight. Using his status as the clan leader of the Ba Luke Family and the owner of Wushan township, he had persuaded all the residents of Wushan township to flee towards the north. At first, the residents of Wushan township were skeptical, but after Lin Feng displayed his Saint powers, they started to pack up their belongings and fled towards the north.

At that moment, in the Green Leaf Debs Clan, Kalan was bringing Ai Lisi and Luo Lin to toast to the guests.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

A terrifying sound rang out from outside. The sound was so deep that even the earth shook, and the tiles above the main hall began to fall down.

"What's going on outside?" The nobles of the main hall were all stunned.

"Luo Lin, Ai Lisi, don't run around." Kalan immediately followed his father out of the main hall. Quite a few nobles ran outside, wanting to see what was going on outside. There was such a loud commotion.

But right at this moment …

An enormous foot descended from the skies, landing directly on the front courtyard of the Debs clan. That enormous foot just so happened to land on the bodies of Bernard and Kalan, who had just entered the front courtyard.

The foot was about three to four meters long and covered in golden fur.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Many people raised their heads to look at the monster's true appearance.

Kalan didn't escape his predetermined fate and died under the feet of the Violet-Eyed Goldfur Ape.

The Violet-Eyed Goldfur Ape raised its head and yelled excitedly, but the words it spoke were human: "Haha, kill, kill! Kill them all! Kill them all!" The more you kill, the more rewards you will receive, haha, kill! "

Boom, roar!

Everyone could hear the roars of magical beasts in every direction. Suddenly, everyone saw an earth-shattering, inexhaustible sea of flying magical beasts appear in the skies.

"Wyvern, it's a wyvern!" someone suddenly shouted.

From far away, a large group of densely packed Dragonhawks could be seen flying through the sky. There were so many of them that it was impossible to count them all in a short period of time.

In that instant, everyone felt as though the apocalypse had arrived. At this time, no one would pity Kalan and Bernard, who had been crushed into a pulp by the Violet-Eyed Golden Haired Ape.

Everyone was stunned. Just a moment ago, they were still participating in his wedding banquet, but a Saint-level magical beast's Violet-Eyed Goldfur Ape had actually descended from the sky like that. The densely packed Dragonhawks in the sky were even more terrifying.

Not only was it here, everyone in the entire Fenlai City was stunned.

Ye Lu, Qiao Zhi, Lei Nuo who had received the report beforehand, and the guards of the Dawson Conglomerate had long escaped out of Fenlai City.

Ye Lu turned to look at Fenlai City who was behind him covered by countless flying beasts, his heart was filled with fear. Qiao Zhi and Lei Nuo were also dumbstruck. At this point, they finally believed what Lin Feng said completely.

Even Monroe Dawson, who had seen much of the world, had never seen so many magical beasts. They blotted out the sky, covered the earth, densely packed together, and filled his eyes with all sorts of magical beasts.

The entire sky above Fenlai City and the ground were filled with these kinds of gigantic magical beasts. The whole of Fenlai City had fallen into apocalypse, and there was no way to resist it. The weakest type of colossal dragon was a magical beast of the eighth rank. More than a hundred colossal dragons were charging over, but who would dare to block them?

Even the trump card knights of the Radiant Temple, most likely more than a hundred dragons, with just a single draconic flame, would be able to wipe out more than half of them.

"Apocalypse. Doomsday! "

The entire Fenlai City had fallen into an abyss of suffering. However, the citizens of the Fenlai City did not know that there were only a small number of magical beasts, because the most common magical beasts here were the ones on the ground. In terms of speed, the magical beasts on the ground were slower than the flying magical beasts.

Thus, the flying magical beasts arrived first.

On top of the walls of the Fenlai City, all of the soldiers were completely stunned. Today was the Yulan Festival, ten thousand years old. "Magical beasts? So many. So many." The soldiers were completely stupefied.

The ground shook. Outside the Fenlai City, hundreds of thousands of Wind Wolves charged towards the Fenlai City at a rapid pace. Hundreds of thousands of Wind Wolves charged collectively, to a terrifying degree.

"Where's Magician, Magician!"

"Prepare the magicite cannons!"

The officers of the city guard shouted loudly, trying their best to prepare the army. In truth, they knew that even if they fought with all their might, it would be useless, because a large number of flying beasts had already arrived in the Fenlai City.

"Captain, what's that?" Suddenly, a soldier stared into the sky in a daze.

The captain looked over as well. In the distance, an enormous earth-type magical beast was flying towards them at high speed. This enormous magical beast didn't have wings at all, but it was flying towards them at an astonishing speed.

"Flying in the air. Yes, it's the Saint-level magical beast, the Saint-level magical beast! "

The captain felt truly hopeless.


At the same time, terrifying howls came from afar of Fenlai City. A huge figure was running from the back of the Wind Wolves at an extremely fast speed. This gigantic figure was running way too fast, ten times faster than the Wind Wolves. It was probably not much slower than the Saint-level magical beast flying in the air.

This was an enormous magical beast that was thirty meters tall. From the looks of it, it was an enlarged lion. However, its eyes were blood-red!

A Magician on the Fenlai City exclaimed, "Saint-level magical beast's' Blood-eyed Mane Lion '. Oh my god, it's another Saint-level magical beast. The Bloody-eyed Maned Lion … of the Behemoths, only Gold Behemoths can compare to it. "

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Their strength was completely incomparable.

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