Chapter 74 - Weightiness

"Wow! Boss, how is he so powerful?" Bebe excitedly charged over.

Lin Feng laughed and said: "In this year, I had coordinated my power with the Dragon Blood Dou Qi to an almost perfect level, and then, by relying on my comprehension of the earth, I was able to break through the simple level of power and Dou Qi. Only then did I comprehend the realm that the ancestors of the Ba Luke clan called 'lifting the heavy hand as though it were light', and finally comprehend this' Rushing Thunder 'move."

Ever since he had comprehended the realm of 'lifting something heavy like it was light', Lin Feng had also rashly named this move 'Rushing Thunder'. Lin Feng felt that this name was not bad.

In swordplay training, the most basic of all was to coordinate the usage of the heavy sword with one's power and battle-qi.

When wielding a heavy sword, it was not as though he was relying solely on his strength to move the heavy sword.

It was to conserve as much energy as possible, allowing the heavy sword's speed to increase. At the same time, the combination of strength and battle-qi allowed the heavy sword to reach as perfect a level as possible.

Lin Feng spent more than a year's time and was finally able to use adamantine heavy sword s to the point where he could use them as if they were his arms, without wasting any strength at all. Using a limited amount of strength and battle qi, the adamantine heavy sword's power would be increased to its maximum.

However, this was only the foundation.

To surpass the first level was to reach the second level.

To lift something heavy as though it were light was easy to say.

In reality, it was a perfect grasp on one's battle qi and strength. It was like a flood that was constantly being blocked. The moment one broke through the dike, the amount of strength one would be able to exert would be fearsome.

This was the principle behind the 'Thunderbolt' technique.

It could be said to be simple, but to use it required a very firm foundation. If one didn't have perfect control over battle-qi and power, and only needed to comprehend this concept, one wouldn't be able to use this technique.

Lin Feng had read a lot of cultivation novels on Earth, where the swords in them all had their own Dao of the Sword, and there were even sword cultivators. Although the era and background were different, a sword was definitely not just a piece of material or a killing weapon.

The sword had sword intent!

For example, the 'wielding something heavy as though it were light' that Lin Feng had comprehended was an application or manifestation of sword intent.

"That powerful?" Boss, then isn't this the most powerful one when using the heavy sword? " Bebe was shocked.

Lin Feng smiled as he shook his head: "I was early. According to my clan's records, when I used heavy weapons, it was simply divided into three levels: one was to reach perfection, the second was to lift a heavy sword as if it were light, and the third was to 'impose'."

"Force?" "What's that?"

"'Force' is the ability to draw upon the might of the heavens and the earth, thus borrowing the force of the heavens and the earth for my use." Lin Feng had read the《 Coiling Dragon》, although he had yet to comprehend the realm of 'Force', he could still give a simple definition of 'Force'.

In the late autumn, even the leaves of the ancient trees within the Mountain Range of Magical Beasts had mostly dried up and turned yellow.

Right now, it was already the late autumn of 10001 of the Yulan calendar, and Lin Feng had already been in the Beast Mountain Range for over a year and a half. But Lin Feng had only walked five to six thousand Li.

Training was his priority every day, and he only travelled five kilometers in a single day.

Deep in the night, there was complete silence. Under a large tree in the heart of the Mountain Range of Beasts that required four to five people to encircle it, Lin Feng sat crossed legged quietly and tried to deduce the profound mysteries of the Laws.

During the day, Lin Feng focused on cultivating his comprehension skills and improving his warrior abilities. But at night, Lin Feng would sit cross-legged and slowly deduce the profound mysteries of the Laws.

Lin Feng had already mastered the rules of life, destiny, wind, and water.

Among them, the Law of Water and the Law of Fate, Lin Feng, were both merely starting points, so it was impossible for his progress to be that great in a short period of time.

As for the Laws of the Wind, Lin Feng had started training both the 'Fast' and 'Slow' seed mystery s at the same time. Lin Feng was well aware that it was harder and harder to fuse profound mysteries of the Laws s the further he went, so he was in no hurry to comprehend a kind of profound mysteries of the Laws to perfection. With regards to the wind element, Lin Feng used the two seed mystery s' Fast 'and' Slow 'to verify one another, comprehending and fusing the two at the same time. Lin Feng believed that after he had mastered the two seed mystery s, he would be able to undergo a baptism of the laws of heaven and earth and achieve the Mid God.

There were nine seed mystery s in the wind attribute, and one could completely comprehend one type of Demigods, and comprehend three or completely fused two types, allowing one to achieve Mid God.

Of course, the thing that Lin Feng had spent the most time and effort on during this period of time was the rules of life.

However, it was because they were a whole entity that no one was able to make a move against. Even if they managed to get in by chance, they didn't know how to break through.

Just like a round cake, an ant stood in the middle of it, surrounded by the same round cake. It was unknown where it started to eat the round cake.

This was also the reason why four rules were far more difficult to cultivate and comprehend than the seven great Elemental Laws.

The reason why Lin Feng was able to comprehend the Rules of Life to the bottleneck of becoming a god, aside from Xi Sai's unintentional guidance, was mainly because of his experiences in his previous life and the interpretation of life on Earth.

Of course, the reason why Lin Feng placed most of his experiences on the rules of life was naturally not because he hoped to break through his bottleneck and become a god in such a short amount of time.

The reason why Lin Feng had spent so much energy on the Life Rules was entirely because the Life Rules were the highest level of comprehension he had of the laws of heaven and earth. He had always been researching how to fuse the Life Rules he had comprehended into his own attacks, and how to create his own unique moves.

After a year and a half of continuous experimentation and practice, Lin Feng had successfully created a move — — Soul Devourer.

This attack, 'Soul Devourer', was a soul attack that fused the Edicts of Life.

The reason why Lin Feng was able to create such a move was entirely due to the original book. In the Infernal Realm, Di Liya had suffered an attack from the elven race's Highgod, which gave him inspiration that she had almost died.

Although the Edicts of Life wasn't as thorough as the Edicts of Death regarding the soul, it still had its own understanding of the soul.

After all, the rules of life and the rules of death were two opposing rules. There was no 'Life' or 'Death', and there was no 'Death', so there was no need to care about 'Life'.

Daybreak, Lin Feng also opened his eyes, an additional smile on his face.

The light wind blew in in the morning, causing a few dried up leaves to spin in the air and slowly fall to the ground. Lin Feng looked at the fallen leaves and remained silent.

Suddenly, Lin Feng waved his hand, and a dried up leaf flew into his hand with lightning speed, and then — "Peng!"


A large tree that needed four to five people to hold on to broke apart just like that. The dead leaves that caused the tree to break were also reduced to dust.

"So it turns out that 'Flying Flower picking leaves can hurt people' is just a simple application of the realm of 'wielding light as if it were heavy'."

Lin Feng had finally comprehended the realm of 'lifting light as if it were heavy'.

Actually, 'lifting something heavy as though it was light' and 'lifting something light as if it was heavy' may be two completely opposite realms, but in principle, they were actually the same.

To Lin Feng, who had already comprehended 'lifting something heavy as though it was light', comprehending 'lifting something light as if it was heavy' was not difficult at all.

"Boss?" Bebe opened his sleepy eyes. "You're awake. Why didn't you wake me up?"

In truth, every day, when Lin Feng woke up, Bebe would naturally wake up as well. Only when Lin Feng shouted did Bei Bei open his eyes. But today, Lin Feng did not call for him.

Lin Feng continued to cultivate arduously. Everyday, he would only travel about ten li or so, and would spend most of his time cultivating. With regards to the usage of the 'heavy sword', Lin Feng practically had a new comprehension of it every day. Lin Feng was completely immersed in the beautiful feeling of cultivation and improvement.

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