Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 984: : When Singles Day meets Double Eleven

In fact, such a 365-day registration of a trademark will not succeed in future generations.

However, in 2005, when many people were not particularly clear about the Internet, registering this series of trademarks in the first step was really beneficial to suppressing opponents. Of course, Huanyu E-commerce also knows that it is possible that many trademarks will be taken back from the top in the future. Just like certain patents, sometimes the Patent Office thinks that such patents are no longer suitable for the development of society, and they will declare certain patents invalid.

But this is not something that Huanyu e-commerce needs to consider at present.

Whether it is withdrawn or declared invalid in the future, this is also the future.

At present, this trick is undoubtedly the strongest killer for several major second-tier e-commerce brands.

Of course, don't say it is now.

Which is the previous year of 2019, Ali also used the Double 11 trademark to deal with JD, Pinduoduo, and a series of e-commerce brands.

Moreover, and Pinduoduo can only curse in the media about this, but Ali can't help it.

"Well, President Ma, you are very familiar with President Chen of Huanyu Technology."

Suddenly, Shao Yibo said.

"President Shao, why did you suddenly ask about this?"

"I think, how about you, as our representative, discuss with Chen Yu?"

There was some embarrassment, Shao Yibo said.

After speaking, Shao Yibo knew that he was shameless in this way, so he explained: "Mr. Ma, I actually want to go, but I am not familiar with Chen Yu, so he probably won't give me face."

Why can I go to Chen Yu for this?

Isn't it just announcing surrender?

no way.

This trick of Huanyu E-commerce is too fierce.

The promotion will have problems during Double 11, even if it is not during Double 11, the promotion will also have problems.

If nothing changes, according to the current point of view, this time Double 11 will really miss them.

As for whether the promotion of Double 12 will be successful in the future, although it cannot be said that it is completely impossible, the estimate is still hanging.

"Mr. Ma, would you like to work hard?"

Wang Shutong also said at this time: "So, Mr. Ma, shall I go with you?"

Knowing that there was some embarrassment to Teacher Ma, Wang Shutong continued.

"I know what you are thinking."

Teacher Ma smiled bitterly: “Actually, it’s okay to lose face. I can see Chen Yu. But you don’t know. It’s okay if I don’t see Chen Yu. When I see Chen Yu, we may be even worse by him. ."

Speaking of which, Teacher Ma is also very helpless.

He doesn't know why there are so many e-commerce platforms, and Chen Yu has always dealt with him specifically.

Although some other e-commerce platforms have also been hit by Huanyu e-commerce.

But if you look at it carefully, in fact, the most important thing Huanyu Technology deals with is their Ali.

Although their Ali is the second in the industry, it is not the case.

Teacher Ma figured it out later.

This must be what Chen Yu hates him.

This should start from the Xihu Lunjian back then...

However, these things are a long story, and Teacher Ma really dare not see Chen Yu.


Teacher Ma said, everyone was silent.

They also know that Huanyu Technology has been fighting with Ali.

Although Teacher Ma and Chen Yu are familiar with each other, there is absolutely no personal relationship between them.

On the contrary, the personal relationship between the two is not very good.

Teacher Ma can maintain the status quo if he doesn't go. If Teacher Ma leaves, I am afraid that Huanyu Technology's more ruthless trick will come again.

"I think it's better to go back and find a way for each."

"It can only be this way."

The founders of the four major second-tier e-commerce brands shook their heads and went back home one after another.

"Zhaoxi, revise our previous propaganda plan and remove Double 11."

"Mr. Ma, really want to withdraw?"

"What do you say if you don't withdraw?"

Teacher Ma glared at Lu Zhaoxi: "Change Double 11 to November 11."

Huanyu E-commerce registered the double 11 trademark and also registered the double 12 trademark.

This has also prevented a lot of other e-commerce brands from pushing back promotions.

They had no choice but to remove the Double 11 logo and change the original Double 11 to November 11.

Although November 11 is also about Double 11.

But because all e-commerce brands previously advertised Double 11, it is also easier and more convenient to call Double 11.

So this promotion is also called the Double 11 Promotion Festival.

Don't look at the difference here, but in terms of influence, one is in the sky and the other is underground.

But they really can't help it.

They dare not use Double 11, and it is useless to postpone it. They can only do so.

If this wave of promotions is not done, the loss will be even greater.


"Chen Yu, your Huanyu Technology is too insidious."

"Why, classmate Lu, what do you mean, insidious, do I have it?"

"Isn't it, the double 11 trademarks are registered, so that everyone is afraid to use the double 11 trademark."

"Trademark registration is to protect the rights and interests of trademarks and trademark owners. This is not normal. Besides, I also posted on Double 11. They want to catch our popularity. I'm sorry, our popularity is not so good. ."

"Yes, yes, you are great. Fortunately, you are a major shareholder of Vipshop. Otherwise, this wave of Vipshop will have to suffer."

"That is, now I know that I don't do anything, but it is the reason why you are the major shareholder of Vipshop."

"You have to seduce it."

Lu Xue scolded Chen Yu shamelessly.

However, despite saying this, Chen Yu's remarks are really correct.

Just like now, even if Chen Yu did nothing, it is because he is a major shareholder of Vipshop, so Vipshop can avoid catastrophe.

If not, such a huge pit appears.

Their Vipshop is another newly emerging website, and they have spent a lot of money on Double 11 promotions before.

Suddenly one can't do it, and they can't use Double 11. They will die and be disabled by Vipshop.

"By the way, Chen Yu, I would like to ask you, what would you do if you changed to them?"

"You are talking about the Double 11 trademark?"


"Why did you ask about this?"

"How should I put it, although our Vipshop will not have such a problem because of your relationship. However, if we encounter similar problems in the future, I am thinking, what should I do?"

"Student Lu, not bad, then what do you think you will do?"

"I have no idea."

Lu Xue shook her head: "I think, I can only stand on my teeth."

"Then your idea is right."


Lu Xue was a little strange: "Is this still right?"

"Why is it wrong?"

"Chen Yu, stop making trouble, I'm not kidding you."

"No kidding."

Chen Yu said seriously: "If it were me, I would do the same."

"Grit your teeth?"


"Is there no other way, such as a lawsuit, to find a solution?"

"Although this is not impossible, but this kind of lawsuit and finding the top can not be solved at once. The Double 11 promotion is getting closer and closer, how can you spend time on this one. When you are resolved, Double 11 will also pass. What's more, can you really solve it?"

"That's true. But it's no way to hold on to it."

"This is not necessarily true. The domestic Internet is far from reaching its maturity stage, as is e-commerce. The entire market still has great potential, and the entire consumer population has yet to be tapped. Second, third and even tenth, the future market will be much larger than today."

"You said that, I am relaxed a lot. So, if other e-commerce platforms persist, they may not lose."

Lu Xue nodded, and Chen Yu asked him to wake up what he had been unable to figure out before.


Chen Yu nodded: "Not only will they not lose, they might even be a blessing in disguise this time during the Double 11 promotion."

"No way, a blessing in disguise?"

"I think so. As for the reason, remember our promotion plan for Huanyu e-commerce."

"Of course, remember that the 50% off sale, a lot of consumers have been beaten up, looking forward to this day."

But Chen Yu shook his head: "Our promotion plan is not just a 50% discount."

"Not what is the 50% off sale?"

Lu Xue was a little puzzled.

“If it’s just a 50% discount, it can only make businesses lose money and make money. In other words, even if they don’t lose, such a 50% discount won’t make any money. I force the 50% discount on the entire platform, but it’s not for these merchants. I am not so cruel to subsidize our platform. On the one hand, I set up an e-commerce platform to allow businesses across the country to make money on my platform. On the other hand, I also want to change the way people shop."

To be precise, one of Chen Yu's promotional plans is price.

The other is traffic.

It's just that the price is 50% off, and the merchants can't make money, and no one will participate in such promotions in the future.

Now that the price has dropped, the quantity must be increased.

Only with small profits but quick turnover will there be a profitable effect.

"At present, although the e-commerce market is developing well, there is still great potential to be tapped. However, there are still quite a few people who do not know online shopping, and a considerable number of people do not know online shopping even if they do. An order was placed."

"This time the promotion, our task is to allow more users to fulfill their first order online."

Lu Xue still didn't understand: "But isn't the 50% off very attractive? He can also let a large number of users join in."

"No, the price is only one aspect. Although it can also promote many people to join the online shopping group, it is not a decisive factor. Do you believe it, let alone 50% off, even if it is 3 catties, 2%, 1%, or even No money is needed, and many people may not buy it online."

"That's true, after all, not everyone believes in online shopping."

"It’s not just that they don’t believe it, or that they don’t have the awareness to shop online. Just like what we usually like to eat, we may always eat this thing, we will not eat other things. Where we go shopping, we will always go Where to shop, even if you know where it is cheaper, you will not go. This is due to user habits and consciousness, not the price of the product."

"So, to get more people to join online shopping, it will take a long time to cultivate the market."

"No, what I have to do now is to greatly shorten this time."

What's the point of being born again if it is still the same as before?

Now that Chen Yu has mastered so many resources, Chen Yu is fully capable of accelerating the maturity of certain industries.

In fact, Chen Yu has done it in many ways.

For example, instant messaging, games, mobile phones, and even computers.

At the same time, the number of domestic netizens in 2005 was also tens of millions more than the previous year due to the birth of Huanyu Technology.

The issuance of domestic 3G licenses is also due to the outstanding performance of Huanyu Technology and the promotion of the entire domestic mobile phone community.

"Chen Yu, this is basically impossible."

Market cultivation takes the most time.

Sometimes it takes decades to cultivate a market.

Although Chen Yu wants to speed up this speed, although his idea is, it is basically impossible.

"Who said it's impossible."

Chen Yu shook his head: "If we don't do it, then nothing is possible. If we do it, then we can change this..."

In this phone call, Chen Yu not only explained to Lu Xue this time the double 11 promotion plan.

More, it is also to cultivate Lu Xue.

As for the reason.

Chen Yu has long wanted to eat soft rice.

It's just that I haven't been able to find a good soft meal for a long time.

Cultivate Lu Xue well and do nothing in the future, this soft rice will be delicious.

"Huang Zheng, our Singles Day program can begin."

With some expectations in his heart, Chen Yu told Huang Zheng.

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