Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 216: :Fantasy Westward Journey

"Chen, I think we should embark on the next online game plan."

After the legendary world broke through 1 million people online at the same time, Zou Tao will submit the next online game proposal.

This made Chen Yu more interested: "We only have one game, which is really too singular. The online game community will continue to expand in the future, and we must have more games."

Opening the plan, Chen Yu was a little surprised: "3D games?"


"Zou Tao, are you not optimistic about 3D games?"

"Mr. Chen, I am not optimistic about Triumph or 3D games. I think 3D games will be a trend in the future."

"Can our technology make 3D games?"

"Somewhat reluctantly."

Zou Tao was a little embarrassed: "Before, our Legend World team was formed temporarily. It's okay to make a 2D game, but it is really difficult to make a 3D game. However, Tsinghua University is currently working on a 3D engine. I think we can bring them to our team."

"I approved this project."

Chen Yu nodded.

However, just a 3D game project, Chen Yu feels that it is not enough.

In the future, many well-known game companies will have at least dozens of games.

Not to mention Shanda, there are more than 100 online games in the previous life.

Although many of these online games are not well-known, they have also launched many classics.

If you don't make money in the most profitable era of online games, it is really a sin.

"By the way, a group of people came from the original legendary world game project. We are developing a casual game. I have already figured out the name, called Bubble Hall."

This group of game developers brought by Zou Tao has some skills, but they are not particularly strong.

It is too difficult to develop 3D games, but it is still possible to develop some small games.

Therefore, Chen Yu handed over the Paotang project to the original development team in charge of Legendary World.


"Yes, mainly targeting female players and teenagers. By the way, Zou Tao, have you played the Bomberman game?"

"It's the one in Xiaobawang that can blow up people by putting a bubble?"

"Yes, this is it. I think the Bomberman can be adapted into an online game."

"It is possible to adapt to online games, but how do we charge?"

Zou Tao recalled the Bomberman game: "I seem to remember that this game should be a game of clearance type."

"We can create a confrontational mode, just like CS Counter-Strike, in pairs. As for fees, this kind of casual online game is not the same as an upgraded online game. If you use a point card, it may not be suitable. ."

Not long ago, Shanda acted for a similar casual online game "Crazy Tank", which also tends to be a turn-based confrontation.

After acting, there was no sound anymore. Shanda has never released the number of simultaneous online users, which is said to have been rushed.

As for the reasons, the most important one is the charging model.

Shanda has adopted the same point card charging model for crazy tanks as the legend.

"So, we do not use point cards, our game is free and open to all players."


Zou Tao couldn't believe it: "Mr. Chen, how can we make money for free?"

"Don't worry, free is not really free. Just like our YY, our YY is also free, but can't our YY make money?"

"You mean advertising?"

"Other than advertising?"

"Chen, do you mean charging for items?"


Chen Yu nodded: "Our model is free + props model."

"Everyone can try the game for free, and at the same time, if you don't spend money, it won't affect any of his game experience. Of course, if you spend money, the natural game experience is better."

"I see."

But Zou Tao is still a little worried: "Mr. Chen, although the free + props model is feasible, what should we do if everyone does not buy props?"

"How could it not be purchased? The QQ show created by Penguin is not bought by a large number of people."

With that said, Chen Yu remembered that YY would also engage in YY show.

It is small to make money or not, but to increase user stickiness is big.

YY show can not only make money, but also increase user retention.

It's just that before YY mainly engaged in chat rooms, it doesn't matter whether or not YY shows.

But now it's different. YY has to take the social route. How can YY show not use this kind of equipment to enhance the sense of vanity.

"Game players are born with more spending power than other players. Although it seems that he can try it for free without spending money. However, in the process of playing the game, other people's various costumes and props will be forced in front of you from time to time. Now, it's hard for you to be reserved."

Thinking about his previous life, Chen Yu couldn't help but recharged dozens of dollars to purchase wings and Mirage.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t charge, someone is always charging.

And there are still a lot of people.

Of course, this free + props model can also be suitable for traditional upgrades and monsters online games.

For example, Legend World, he can also make a free version.

However, it is not yet at this time, there is no need to engage in the free version.

After arranging the second game project, Chen Yu called Li Nan again.

Mentioned the YY show mentioned earlier with Li Nan, and then Chen Yu asked Li Nan to step up the development of a series of small games such as "Lianliankan", "Small Xiaoxiu"... and so on.

At present, QQ game has fought a defeat in the competition with YY game, but it will not die. There are so many people in QQ game, and new players are still entering every day.

If you want to completely defeat the QQ game, you need to add a few more firepower.

After the order, Chen Yu thought about the more profitable online games in the future.

League of Legends is one.

But this is not in a hurry for the time being.

Eating chicken too.

This is even less urgent.

CF and dnf are also hot games, so you can do this first.


Fantasy Westward Journey.

Speaking of the most profitable online game in China, Fantasy Westward Journey can definitely rank in the top three.

And to say that the domestic life expectancy is the longest and the most profitable, then Fantasy Westward Journey should be ranked first.

In 2012, Fantasy Westward Journey had 2.71 million simultaneous online users, which shocked many people's attention.

What is even more difficult to believe is that in the wave of a lot of free online games at that time, Fantasy Westward Journey still maintains the original point card charges. Even later, the price of point card charges was increased. From the original 1 hour 4 cents to 6 cents.

Thinking about such a profitable game, Chen Yu is very emotional.

The previous Fantasy Westward Journey was launched in December now is 2002, there is at least one and a half years left, and Chen Yu still has time.

More importantly, NetEase has not yet begun the establishment of a Fantasy Westward Journey project.

Their main energy is still on Journey to the West 2.

But there is still very tight time, only one and a half years, two years at most.

If you don't make this game first in front of NetEase, then there will be nothing for you.

"Xu Bo."

Thinking of Fantasy Westward Journey, Chen Yu thought of one of the most critical characters in Fantasy Westward Journey.

"Wang Chang, find a headhunter to dig out Xu Bo."

With a phone call, Chen Yu called Wang Chang from the marketing department.

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