Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

: On the last day, ask for a monthly pass.

On the last day, ask for a monthly pass.

One month will pass in a blink of an eye.

But Dabai has updated 200,000 words in this month.

No, not a month, it should be about 20 days, Dabai updated the VIP chapter of 200,000 words.

On average, it is almost 10,000 words a day.

Although I dare not say how awesome this update volume is, but it can be considered more diligent.

On the last day of this month, brothers, you have to give me a monthly pass.

Hey, anyway, if you don't give it to the public, everyone's monthly pass will also rot, which is more pity than torn.

All right.

In fact, it is too hard to spend in the back. The monthly ticket list has been blasted back and forth with others several times.

The last day, brothers, everyone smashed the monthly pass. Damn, if someone blows up the chrysanthemum on the last day, it will really bleed to the New Year.

Bow to everyone, thank you.

Dear, click in, give a good comment, the higher the score, the faster the update, it is said that the new full marks are found at the end of the beautiful wife!

The new revision and upgrade address of the mobile station: Data and bookmarks are synchronized with the computer station, and fresh reading without ads!

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