Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 223: : Lianliankan

Time passed quickly, and one month passed in a blink of an eye.

Naturally, the world of Kyushu cannot be completed within one month. The Bubble Hall, Fantasy Westward Journey, and Kyushu Online are also unlikely to appear within one month.

However, in the past one month, a series of casual games in the YY game have finally completed a few.

"Mr. Chen, Lianliankan, Xiaoxiaole, everyone has come to find the fault."

Li Nan reported to Chen Yu: "Do you want to launch it now?"

"Wait a few days."

What Chen Yu said about waiting a few days is to wait for a special day.

This day is the time for the open beta of Penguin's Triumph.

After a month of internal testing, Penguin's "Triumph" has achieved good results.

People from all over Penguin have great hopes for Triumph.

However, at the same time as the Triumphant Internal Test, YY is also making rapid progress.

Especially in the YY group, shake, nearby people, drifting bottle...and so on, after the emergence of functions, the number of registered and downloads of YY has been qualitatively improved.

At present, YY has exceeded 4 million people online at the same time, which is only one step away from the 5 million people of QQ.

However, although there is only a gap of 1 million people, it is not possible to catch up all at once.

Although Kaixuan distracted the energy of the Penguin side, seeing the rapid growth of YY registration, they also launched QQ groups, nearby people, custom avatars, friend groups... etc. As for the shake and drift bottle function, YY came up with shakes and private words.

This has also eased YY's chase to a certain extent. For the time being, QQ still maintains its No. 1 position in the market.



"Pony, Triumph will be in public beta tomorrow, why are you still studying YY?"

"You can't do it without research. Last time we focused our attention on triumphant victory, our instant messaging was attacked by YY. You see, YY has 4 million online at the same time, while ours only has 5 million."

1 million is a big gap for online games.

If an online game can reach 1 million simultaneous online, this is a terrifying achievement.

But for instant messaging, 1 million is nothing at all.

Not to mention, YY already has 4 million online bases at the same time, and 1 million is really not a gap.

Even if Huanyu Technology is willing, they can say in the media that they have the same market share as Penguin.

"Pony, you are right, Huanyu Technology has to guard against it."

Zhang Zhidong also agrees with Ma Huateng's views.

The last time Penguin launched a few small updates, they didn't pay attention at first.

I thought it was just a small function, not important.

But looking back, the number of people online at the same time has skyrocketed.

If it weren't for imitation in time, I'm afraid it's really going to be on par with QQ now.

"It's definitely a defense, but what I worry about most is that Huanyu Technology will also start with chess and card games."

"Pony, I'm worried too."

Although chess and card games are not the same as instant messaging, one is a game and the other is instant messaging software.

However, since the binding of chess and card games to instant messaging, chess and card games have become an integral part of instant messaging. The YY of Huanyu Technology can increase so much online at the same time, and a large part of it comes from YY chess and cards.

However, up to the last time in the chess and card games, Ma Huateng was beaten by Huanyu Technology.

Up to now, he still hasn't figured out what kind of magic power YY chess has.

The rank is still the same.

They copied the game too?

But why everyone likes to go to YY?

Don't talk about ordinary people, even other national masters ran to YY?

Every time he thought of this, Ma Huateng couldn't help but feel a sense of powerlessness.

Fortunately, the domestic Internet is growing too fast, and QQ has new users joining every day.

It is precisely because of the constant new users joining that QQ maintains a certain popularity.

"However, pony, we shouldn’t be too nervous. Although Huanyu Technology is very powerful, it’s almost the same for board and card games. All the chess and cards that should be pushed are also launched. Could they be able to launch other chess and cards? Even if YY Chess is unique, they cannot monopolize this market."

Seeing Ma Huateng so nervous, Zhang Zhidong comforted.

"I hope so too."

Ma Huateng sighed, knowing that this would affect the morale of the company.

Then I turned off YY, and said in a spirited voice: "Okay, leave him alone. We have done everything that should be done. Tomorrow is the day when we triumphantly open the beta. Let's look forward to the numbers for the open beta tomorrow."

The public beta represents a test of the ultimate strength.

It also represents real money.

Although the closed beta performance is okay, but who knows how the open beta is.

In fact, they also want to learn about the point card consignment system of Legendary World, so that they can sell point cards during the closed beta. Unfortunately, when I saw it later, it didn't work. It is not that this system cannot be developed, but that the economic system of Triumph is not particularly perfect. If you don’t add a point card, once you join the point card consignment, the entire economic system may collapse.

The next day, everyone came to the company early.

Today is Saturday, and Penguin chose a good time.

At 12 o'clock noon, Triumph is about to open beta.

There is no problem with the server.

There is no problem with communication.

Dianka also cooperated with Huanyu Technology and spread it to various Internet cafes across the country.

In terms of publicity, QQ has given the greatest support to portals and pop-ups.

It's just that although everything is ready, Ma Huateng doesn't know why today, and his face is a little strange.

He doesn't know what happened today?

Obviously it is the day of the open beta, so he should be happy, but he always has a bad feeling in his heart.

Is it from Huanyu Technology?

Ma Huateng didn’t know, he also forced himself to stop thinking about Huanyu Technology

At least don't think about it today.


The last 1 minute.

The countdown to the Penguin's high-level group began.

Ma Huateng also yelled, he wanted to let the countdown shout to dilute his inner anxiety.




At 12 o'clock, Triumph was officially tested.

A crowd of previously closed beta players rushed into triumphantly.

The Penguin backend server is also online while recording every period of time.




70 thousand.


1 o'clock.

That is, one hour after the open beta of Triumph, Triumph broke 100,000 simultaneous online.

"100,000 simultaneous online,"


"We succeeded."

Everyone high-five to celebrate.

Seeing this number Ma Huateng was relieved in his heart.


It was just that this breath was just finished, Ma Huateng's heart tightened, and he quickly returned to his office.

Open YY very familiar.

Looking through the log, YY did not update today.


However, Ma Huateng is still not at ease, click YY game again.

[System: YY is downloading the new game "Lianliankan", loading and installing, please wait...]

Seeing the update item that popped up in the YY game, with a clap, the mouse held in Ma Huateng's hand dropped to the computer table.

Dear, click in, give a good comment, the higher the score, the faster the update, it is said that the new full marks are found at the end of the beautiful wife!

The new revision and upgrade address of the mobile station: Data and bookmarks are synchronized with the computer station, and fresh reading without ads!

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