Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 265: : Huanyu Technology is a role model in the industry

   "Satsuki, how are you at school these days?"

   "It's okay, but it's also quite boring."

   "Why are you boring?"

   "Dad, I found that many of the contents in the book are outdated and can't keep up with the current era."


Shen Guanjun smiled and said: "You have been interested in business since you were young. When you were in high school, you were already reading college economics books. If you want to learn it again, you definitely don't like it. However, the times are developing rapidly, and some books are not available for the time being. Keeping up with the times is also normal."

   "That's true, but one of our classmates has a long-term vision."

   "Oh, I can get your praise from Satsuki, this classmate is not easy."

   Wang Guanjun became interested at this time and asked: "Tell me."

   "It was the teacher who gave a lecture yesterday and talked about a question about standardization in the catering industry. We all feel that it is really difficult to standardize the Chinese catering industry."

"This is a fact."

   Wang Guanjun is the president of Shenzhen Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, and he naturally has a deeper understanding of business.

   It is too difficult to standardize Chinese food.

   "However, the student said that if Chinese catering changes its concept and puts the standards of food production to the standards of the concept and the standards of culture, then the Chinese catering industry has a lot to do."

   "Ideological standards, cultural standards... This idea is quite interesting."

   "Yes, he also used South Beauty and Fengbo Zhuang as examples. Dad, do you know these two restaurants?"

   "I have been to South Beauty, but Fengbozhuang hasn't heard of it. However, according to your classmates' ideal standards, this South Beauty really has such a flavor."

   Wang Guanjun went to Beishi on business last month and happened to have a meal in South Beauty.

   Thinking about it this way, the vision of the classmate of the daughter is really not ordinary.

   "Yes, yes, you classmate really has a long-term vision."

   "Yes, this guy doesn't speak normally, I don't have any impression of him. But I didn't expect that I was surprised when I spoke today."

   "It seems very low-key. Satsuki, you have to learn from your classmates."

   "Dad, you mean I'm very high-profile."

   "Well, Dad didn't say it."


  【Fantasy Westward Journey plagiarizes the Westward Journey. 】

  【The latest game of Huanyu Technology is plagiarized. 】

   [When will the plagiarism in the online game industry stop? 】

  【From the legendary world to the fantasy westward journey, this is the road to the fortune of Huanyu Technology. 】

   I have to say that NetEase's report this time is really ruthless.

   Fantasy Westward Journey hasn't been tested yet, he first came up with a report about the suspected plagiarism of Fantasy Westward Journey.

   Although the NetEase News did not conclude that Fantasy Westward Journey is plagiarizing the Westward Journey, some materials released through the Fantasy Westward Journey were compared with the Westward Journey, but it instantly attracted the attention of many spectators.

   For example, the comparison between Fantasy Westward Journey and Dahua Westward Journey.

   Basically, the schools are similar.

   is another example of skill comparison.

   is basically the same, but the name is changed.

  , like a map, is almost the same.

   There are also various numerical settings. Fantasy Westward Journey and Dahua Westward Journey are more than 90% the same.

not only.

   NetEase not only stormed the Fantasy Westward Journey, but also brought down the legendary world.

   Moreover, it also compares the legendary world with the blooded legend in an all-round way.

  Occupations, equipment, skills, maps, monsters, npc...

   It can be said to be exactly the same.

   "Unexpectedly, Huanyu Technology is such a company."

   "The copy is too outrageous."

   "This is not plagiarism, so what is plagiarism?"

   "Resist Fantasy Westward Journey, start with me."

   "Come on, don’t sign up for Fantasy Westward Journey."

"Count me in."

   "Count me as one."

   no doubt.

   As soon as a news report like this came out, the first impression of the audience confirmed the plagiarism of Huanyu Technology.

   At the same time, NetEase is also a news portal. A report on the news portal has a great influence.

   On the same day, Huanyu Technology was also on the hot search for suspected plagiarism.

   However, in the face of NetEase’s attack, Huanyu Technology did not stand up and get beaten.

   NetEase has a news portal, and Huanyu Technology also has a game portal.

  Although the ip stream of the game portal is better than that of the news portal, all the visitors in the game portal are game players. From another level, the 5173 game portal is not worse than NetEase, at least in terms of games.

   Regarding the NetEase report, 5173 immediately responded in the same way.

   [Dahua Westward Journey is suspected of plagiarizing the Stone Age. 】

  【Huanyu Technology is so popular about Journey to the West, NetEase actually avenge the revenge. 】

   [NetEase Bubble plagiarizes Huanyu Technology yy. 】

how to say.

   Although the Westward Journey is earlier than the Fantasy Westward Journey, it is completely original to say the Westward Journey is really not.

   Many settings in Journey to the West are actually moved from the Stone Age.

   For example, the 45-degree angle of view, one front and one back two rows of one person and one pet battle mode, first appeared from the Stone Age.

   Of course, in addition to telling a big story about Journey to the West, he was dressed in shit, and he also defended the plagiarism of Huanyu Technology.

   The so-called skill is not the original story of Journey to the West, but the background of the story of Journey to the West.

   Similarly, some of the maps in it are also the background of the story of Journey to the West.

The    school is also the background of the story of Journey to the West.

   Westward Journey can be used as a background in Dahua Westward Journey, can't Fantasy Westward Journey not be used?

   Did NetEase buy the copyright of Westward Journey?

   Wu Chengen knows underground, I am afraid he will jump out of anger.

   As for the so-called numerical setting.

   This is even more unreasonable, stamina, physical strength, mana...How come these things become NetEase's own production?

   Therefore, in summary, the reason why NetEase reported that Fantasy Westward Journey is suspected of plagiarism is that the plagiarism is false, and it is feared that the Huanyu technology competition is true. You know, in the domestic game industry, Huanyu Technology is the well-deserved boss.

   Fantasy Westward Journey hadn't even started its internal beta, NetEase began to attack, obviously a manifestation of a guilty conscience.

   In addition, ps.

   NetEase itself competes with Huanyu Technology. Everyone is a commercial competitor. It is okay to take certain measures, but how can other companies be involved?

   Shengda Chen Tianqiao did not say that the legendary world copied the blood legend, is Netease Ding Lei trying to pull others into the water?

   "Hehe, it seems that they responded very quickly."

   Seeing the news on Yu smiled slightly.

   Although he is not in the headquarters, Huanyu Technology also has a handy approach in the face of attacks from competitors.

   I don’t know who wrote these news articles. It is probably Xie Zhang.

   is the only kid, and the concept of stealing and changing posts is a good one.

   The original Fantasy Westward Journey and Dahua Westward Journey did not wash away some of them, such as martial art, skills... etc.

   But this is directly thrown to the background of Journey to the West.

   For ordinary players, this seems to be the same thing.

   But in fact it is not.

   Chen Yu didn't call back either. From the perspective of this round, the two sides basically had a tie.

   Netease did not take advantage of it, and Huanyu Technology did not lose any advantage.

   However, there is one thing that Chen Yu did not expect.

   It was originally a contest between Huanyu Technology and NetEase, but Shanda actually joined the battlefield.

   But unlike everyone's guess, Shanda is not on NetEase's side.

   When interviewing Shanda’s CEO Chen Tianqiao in the relevant media, when asked whether the legendary world of Huanyu Technology copied Shanda’s passionate legend. Chen Tianqiao made it clear that no, the legendary world did not copy the blooded legends. On the contrary, the legendary world has many settings, and their blooded legends have used them for reference. He also said that Huanyu Technology has always been a role model in the industry, and their various game concepts have had an extremely far-reaching impact on the industry.

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