Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 306: : A two-trillion-billion electronic payment market

   Among these, the first one that has benefited the most is the series of products under Huanyu Technology.

Including YY coins, Legendary World, Bubble Hall, Fantasy Westward Journey...all the number of recharges has increased rapidly.

This is easy to understand.

In the past, there were actually many people who wanted to charge YY coins, but many people found it troublesome and refused to charge.

Some people don’t find it troublesome, just don’t want to charge.

But now there is such a quick way to recharge, just one tap, and such a recharge will be completed by accident. In many cases, it may be just a thought, which also improves the efficiency of recharging on the other hand.

Even if there are times, I still don't want to charge, but the ghost almost clicked, and it was fully charged.

Affected by this, major Internet companies have also sent representatives to cooperate with Huanyu Technology.

This payment system is so convenient, it is several times more convenient than the previous all-in-one card.

In particular, some companies that did not cooperate with Huanyu Technology on the All-in-One Card before this time can't stand still.

Cooperation is required.

Even if it pays a certain price, cooperation is needed.

Everyone can see the horror of Huanyu Technology’s Internet cafe payment system. If a company still does not want to cooperate with Huanyu Technology, I am afraid there is really no place for him on the Internet in the future.

For this, Huanyu Technology is also opening the door, and all enterprises are welcome to cooperate with it.

Even if it is Penguin, Huanyu Technology has not banned it.

Just about this, Zhang Jianming and Li Nan both have some opinions.

"Chen, why do we still accept the cooperation of Huanyu Technology?"

"Why, you hate penguins so much."

"Mr. Chen, this is not a question of hate or hate. We and Penguin are direct competitors. We finally defeat him. There is no reason to open channels to them."

"You guys."

Chen Yu smiled and said: "Penguin is not so fast to die. Even if our Internet cafes don’t cooperate with Penguin, they can still hold on for a while. Furthermore, since we choose to open up, we will treat all those who meet our requirements. Enterprises or individuals cannot be open because they are our competitors. Moreover, payment will be one of our core businesses in the future, and we must also be open to everyone."

Although the current Internet cafe payment system is also very convenient, it has not yet taken shape.

He is not the best payment system for Chen Yu.

The payment system that Chen Yu will build in the future will be the same as WeChat Pay and Alipay.

Even more than.

However, Ruo has to take it step by step.

For the time being, payment licenses have not been issued, and Universal Technology's progress in cooperation with major banks is also very slow.

Last time, Zhang Jianming discussed with a certain industrial and commercial leader to fully connect to the industrial and commercial online banking, but the industrial and commercial side said that it is still studying.

Who knows how long this research is.

It may be 1 year.

There are but two years.

Three years and five years are possible.

But now that Chen Yu is engaged in the payment system of Internet cafes, he has temporarily bypassed the bank.

He does not need a bank to complete the payment.

But this is not perfect after all, he is still in the preliminary version.

The premise of the user's payment is to pay a deposit to the owner of the Internet cafe, and the owner of the Internet cafe must first deposit a certain amount of funds in the Internet cafe payment system. Although this is not particularly troublesome, with the popularity of personal computers in the future, where will everyone go to Internet cafes every day?

Therefore, Chen Yu must allow all companies and individuals to accept the Internet cafe payment system first.

After they accept and get used to it, Chen Yu will launch the 2.0 PayPass version.

In this way, the Internet cafe payment management system can not only make a perfect transition to PayTong, but at the same time, Universal Technology also has the bargaining capital when negotiating with the bank in the future.

In one sentence from Teacher Ma, that is, if the bank does not change, then I will change the bank.

Although Chen Yu was so awesome in his previous life, Teacher Ma, he has now bypassed the bank.

"Mr. Chen, but our payment system doesn't make much money."

The payment function is just a function, although channel fees are also charged, but very few.

If you rely on this to make money, it's not as good as a game.

"Now there is a small amount. After all, the amount of online payment is not large. You can guess how much our online electronic payment will reach in the next 10 years?"

"The next 10 years..."

Zhang Jianming and Li Nan thought about it.

Zhang Jianming first said: "If you don't consider the electronic payment of the bank, on our side alone, our Internet cafes will pay at most 5 billion this year, and it may not even reach it."

Although the Internet cafe payment system is very convenient, not everyone will use it.

Moreover, major companies also have their own payment channels. In such a diversion, the amount paid by Internet cafes is not large.

"In addition, our channel fees are too low, only 1%. We can't even make 100 million yuan a year."

Speaking of which, this is not enough for the development cost of the Internet cafe management system.

At that time, Zhang Jianming suggested that the channel fee should be overcharged. After all, the channel fee of the all-in-one card has the least 5 points.

Moreover, the rebate for the owner of the Internet cafe is somewhat high, and this business is not profitable.

But Chen Yuzhi said that the cost of electronic payment is not big, and one point is already very profitable, and Zhang Jianming can't help it.

Of course, the reason why Chen Yu said this is not that he does not want to make this money.

With an Internet cafe payment system, let alone one point, he can receive 10 points.

It's just that if it charges a lot, other companies are absolutely jealous.

With this jealousy, other companies have accidentally developed various Internet cafe payment systems.

This is not plain looking for competitors for yourself.

Since they have not yet discovered the potential of electronic payment, Chen Yu would rather make less money than spread the market first.

"In the next 10 years, I expect to reach a transaction size of 100 billion."

This is Zhang Jianming's prediction.

Chen Yu asked Li Nan with a smile: "Li Nan, what do you think."

"I have more than Mr. Zhang, about 200 billion. If you calculate it at 200 billion, it's still a little bit profitable. But we have to exclude our operation and R&D costs."

"Oh, forget it, don't guess. I guess you won't be able to guess if you die."

Chen Yu shook his head helplessly.

He thought Zhang Jianming and Li Nan had good eyes, but he guessed that.

It's also 200 billion.

Chen Yu really wants to say something to them, add 10,000 after 2000.


That's right, 2000 trillion.

This is the total domestic electronic payment scale in 2018 in the previous life.

Even if Chen Yu's payment channels cannot occupy all of them, he will have to occupy the most important part in the future.

Think about it, tens of trillions of renminbi are paid through your payment channels every year... what kind of scene is that?

Not to mention the channel fee of 1 point, that is, the channel fee of 0.1 point and 0.001 point is also extremely scary.

"Okay, that's it."

Did not explain too much.

The electronic payment market cannot be understood in one sentence or two sentences.

I'm afraid Mr. Ma back then did not expect his Alibaba to change the payment method in China.

Walk slowly and watch slowly.

When the future continues to create miracles in front of them step by step, Zhang Jianming and Li Nan will naturally understand.

Just like the subscription of YY Music.

Previously, the number of subscriptions for "Mouse Love Rice" was only 10,000.

However, as soon as the payment function of Internet cafes was opened, the subscription volume of Rat Love Rice was like a volcanic eruption.






You can't even think of it.

The original 10,000 subscriptions instantly exploded to 1 million.

"My goodness, brothers, the subscription of Rat Love Rice has risen to 1 million."

"It's crazy, it's crazy."

"Brilliant, you are too powerful."

Looking at the subscription in the background, Wang Qiwen wanted to scream.

"Hehe, don't get excited, we only spent 1 cent."

"Yes, if I don't support it for a dime, I will feel blush."

"How to put it, I just supported the genuine version. I wanted to support it before, but I couldn't find a place to support it. Now it's fine, I just support it directly in the Internet cafe."

"Yes, yes, I also subscribed through the Huanyu Internet Cafe Management System in the Internet cafe. So what, big brother, we can always support the original version at any time in the future, and sing a few more songs to wow?"

The price of 1 dime is really low.

As low as anyone who is online can support a wave.

Not only can they support one wave, they can also support you with 10 or 100 waves.

It's just a pity that Wang Qiwen only has one song Rat Loves Rice for the time being, and they can only support it once.

However, it doesn't matter that Wang Qiwen only has one song "Mouse Loves Rice", there are other series of singers.

For example, the incense that has exploded recently.

Xiangxiang also recently covered the song "Mouse Loves Rice", but because Xiangxiang is a woman, this female version of "Mouse Loves Rice" has also been liked by the public, and the number of subscriptions has exceeded 300,000...

Of course, it's not just the song that mice love rice, Xiangxiang's "Song of Pigs" is also popular.

This is not over yet.

Immediately afterwards, a song called "Two Butterflies" was also circulated on YY Music Network.

Then there was another singer named Tang Lei, and his "Lilac Flower" became popular all over the country for a while.

"YY is so awesome lately, and there are bursts of money at every turn."

"Well, first the mouse loves rice, then the pig song, and now there is a divine song like lilac."

"I suddenly discovered that the songs I listened to recently were all from YY Music Network."

The popularity of a YY Music Network song cannot explain anything.

What about two, three, and four?

Why is there such a situation?

In fact, it is very simple, because of the success of the VIP subscription model Ordinary singers finally have a music website that can publish songs and maintain their lives.

Although not all of the singer’s songs are popular, as long as you have a certain talent, some of the songs you upload can get the support of a certain audience in YY Music Network. Even if this support is only a few hundred or thousands of people, but he can more or less survive these singers.

Life is guaranteed, and the creative standards of many singers have also risen.

At least the number of composed songs has become much more than before.

Among so many songs, there are always some songs that can resonate with netizens and eventually become hits.

For example, there was a singer named "Knife Wolf" just now. He was also attracted by the VIP subscription model of YY Music Network, stationed and released a song.

This song is called "The First Snow in 2002".

This is a song composed by Dao Lang when it snowed the other day.

This was also the first snowfall in 2002 in the area where the Knife Wolf was located.

Seeing the heavy snow in the sky, the sword wolf felt impressed.

All right.

Not much to say.

"The First Snow of 2002"

Everyone who has heard it knows that another hit song has appeared.

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