Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 315: : Which company do you want to go to most after graduation?

   "Unexpectedly, Wang Xiaochuan is still a graduate student at Tsinghua University."

   After Xu Yong recommended Wang Xiaochuan to Chen Yu, Chen Yu became very interested in Wang Xiaochuan.

   Chen Yu originally thought that he would go to Sohu to dig people, but after investigating, Chen Yu found out that Wang Xiaochuan had only gone to Sohu for an internship, and he is still studying at Tsinghua University for postgraduates.

   In this case, it is more convenient.


   Tsinghua University.

   Tsinghua University is one of the highest universities in China.

   At this time, Professor Li Zhongrong of the Department of Computer Science is giving a lecture to the undergraduate students of the Tsinghua Department.

   The seven graduate students he led are sitting under the stage.

  Wang Xiaochuan is Li Zhongrong's favorite student.

   Although graduate students like Wang Xiaochuan do not need to participate in such undergraduate courses, in order to properly train the graduate students he led, Li Zhongrong also called them during class. Regardless of whether they have listened to these courses before, it is always good to review. Moreover, computer technology has been constantly innovating and developing. This year's undergraduate courses are often very different from last year's.

   Especially now that the Internet is developing so fast, Li Zhongrong will discuss the Internet with a group of students from time to time when he teaches computer classes.

   As in this class today, Li Zhongrong asked a group of students a question.

   "If everyone graduated today, which domestic IT companies would you choose to join?"

   Many students are very interested in this topic.

   Immediately some students stood up and said, "Professor Li, if you want me to say, I will definitely be the first to join Lenovo."


   "Because Lenovo is the largest IT company in China, with strong strength and state-controlled ownership, it has huge potential."

   "Lenovo is indeed a very powerful IT company."

   Li Zhongrong commented.

   Then another student stood up and said, "If it were me, I would definitely join Baidu."


   "Baidu is the best search engine, and Baidu is also the best search engine company in China."

   "It's also good."

   Li Zhongrong commented with a smile: “Baidu’s Li Yanhong studied at the next-door university and was also a high-achieving student. He obtained a hyperlink patent in the United States. He should be regarded as the first person in the country in search.”

   Li Zhongrong is still very optimistic about Baidu, the evaluation said.

   "Professor Li, if it were me, I would choose Sina."


   "Sina is the top of the four major portals, both in terms of traffic and brand value. Relying on the portal, Sina has a lot to do in entering other fields..."

   A group of students talked from time to time.

  Choose all kinds of companies.

   Then, Li Zhongrong looked at Wang Xiaochuan.

   Next semester, Wang Xiaochuan will graduate from graduate school. He wants to hear what Wang Xiaochuan thinks.

   "Student Wang Xiaochuan, what company would you choose?"

"its me……"

   Wang Xiaochuan has some baby faces.

   Even if I am still a graduate student, it looks like an undergraduate student.

   But don't be deceived by Wang Xiaochuan's baby face, Wang Xiaochuan has been a schoolmaster since he was a child.

   In 1990, Wang Xiaochuan entered Chengdu No. 7 Middle School as the number one in Chengdu.

   In 1993, he won the first prize of the National Mathematical League.

   In 1996, he was favored by Tsinghua University and was sent to Tsinghua University.

   While studying at Tsinghua University for a few years, Wang Xiaochuan also performed well. He joined Sohu during his postgraduate internship and was praised by Sohu Chairman Zhang Chaoyang.

   "I might choose Sohu."

   After thinking about it, Wang Xiaochuan replied.


   Li Zhongrong smiled and asked: "It's not that you worked at Sohu before, and then you have a good impression of Sohu."

   "There are indeed some factors."

Wang Xiaochuan also did not deny: "I studied at the Chinese Forum before, and then the Chinese Forum was acquired by Sohu, so I went to Sohu for an internship. I am pretty good with Sohu's impressions. Zhang is always a very easy-going person, too. A boss who values ​​talents. Working in such an enterprise should have room for display."

   "Sohu Zhang Chaoyang is one of the first batch of portal websites in China. At the same time, Sohu can also seize the opportunity of the current Internet. It has successively acquired popular websites like the Chinese Forum. Speaking of which, Zhang Chaoyang is still everyone's brother."

   Zhang Chaoyang graduated from Tsinghua University in 1986, and he is indeed a fellow-senior with a group of students.

   "Professor Li, can I talk about my views?"

   After Wang Xiaochuan answered, Li Zhongrong wanted to end this topic.

   At this time, another student stood up.

   This person is Chen Yu.

   For Wang Xiaochuan, he came to Tsinghua University specially.

   "This classmate, which company do you want to join?"

   "Professor Li, before talking about which company to join, can I first talk about which company I don't want to join?"

   "This is interesting."

   Li Zhongrong smiled slightly: "You want to tell everyone that the company you don't want to join is the company you don't like?"

   "Almost, I suggest that after graduation, it is best not to apply for a job from a company that I am not optimistic about."

   "Okay, listen to everyone, let me first talk about which companies you are not optimistic about."

   All the classmates sitting on the scene are also very interested, looking forward to Chen Yu's words.

   "The first company I don't want to go to, Lenovo."

   As soon as Lenovo said it, there was an uproar at the scene.

   I'm going, this guy is not optimistic about Lenovo.

"I know everyone is very strange. Why do I not want to go to the strongest domestic company? It's not that I have a personal opinion on Lenovo. I just think that Lenovo does have some strength at present, but the real strength is not much. Take his computer business as an example. In fact, Lenovo is similar to computer brands such as Shenzhou, and does not have much technical content. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is an assembly company.

   Of course, the assembly company does not mean that there is no strength, but that there is strength. But Lenovo is also a state-owned enterprise. If in other businesses, state-owned enterprises certainly have more advantages, because they can get more resources. But in the area of ​​the computer Internet, that may not be necessary. Especially the Internet, the Internet is an emerging market, countries have no experience in this area, and enterprises have no experience in this area. At the same time, the Internet is an extremely innovative company, but everyone knows that the innovation of state-owned enterprises is too slow and too slow..."

   This is not Chen Yu's Lenovo is certainly good for the present, but if you take the past life perspective, Lenovo has missed too many opportunities.

  Well, let’s not talk about other businesses, just take Lenovo’s own main computer business as an example, the previous Lenovo also suffered a huge loss of billions of yuan. And this loss is not temporary, but three consecutive years...

   "Of course, Lenovo, after all, a state-owned enterprise, can still be mixed. If you want to go to Lenovo, you might be mixed well."

   Chen Yu's evaluation of Lenovo is too harsh, and some other students sitting there almost want to refute it.

   Just thinking about what Chen Yu said just now, it seems that Chen Yu also made a lot of sense, but for a while, he didn't know how to refute it.

"anything else?"

   Li Zhongrong didn't say anything, and continued to ask.

   "The second company I don't want to go to, Baidu."


   Baidu is actually okay, not that bad.

   At least there is a b in bat, although b has been seriously left behind.

   However, Baidu is now a competitor of Huanyu Technology, of course it is lower.

   After thinking about it, Chen Yu said...


   Genius only remembers the address of this site in one second:. Mobile version reading URL:

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