Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 343: : We are not talking about posts, but loneliness

"Brothers, the legendary world circle found a magic sticker."

"What's weird about this, Legendary World has magical posts every day."

"No, no, this post transcends everything, it's the **** post of God Post Bar."


"No, you'll know by looking at it."

Recently, the legendary world is very popular, and many netizens will go to the legendary world circle.

Of course, they can find a lot of joy when they turn around every day.

The divine posts that appear from time to time also make them amazed.

But unexpectedly, his horror broke out again in the legendary world today.

A completely inexplicable post, but like a volcanic eruption, shocked everyone at once.

"My God, 50,000 people have responded now."

"It's only 5 hours."

"I also posted a post and asked who is Jia Junpeng?"

"Hey, where did my top post go."

"Don't look for it. If you refresh it for a few seconds, there will be hundreds of posts. It's strange if you can find it."

No matter how popular the previous **** stickers, he has a limit.

But now, this post [Jia Junpeng, your mother calls you to go home for dinner] has exceeded everyone's expectations.

He ran wildly at a speed of several hundred posts per second in a way that completely broke people's imagination.

"Come on, brothers, come and watch."

"Jia Junpeng, your mother calls you to go home for dinner."

"Then what, what does Jia Junpeng mean?"

It turns out that posts like this are only circulated in Yisou circles.

But because this post was so popular, the name Jia Junpeng spread all over the place for a while.

"Brothers, what's the meaning of Jia Junpeng?"

"I don't know, it seems to be on fire all of a sudden."

"It is said that there was a post by Jia Junpeng and your mother in Legendary World calling you to go home for dinner, and it exploded."

"I gonna go see……"

Many people watched.

But no matter how you look at it, they can't understand what is going on in the end.

But it doesn't matter if you don't understand, they also really want to know who this Jia Junpeng is.

"Don't look for it anymore, I'm Jia Junpeng and his aunt, I found Jia Junpeng."

"That Aunt Jia Junpeng is fake, I'm Jia Junpeng and his grandfather, I know where Jia Junpeng is?"

"As Jia Junpeng's father, I think I need to stand up and tell everyone where Jia Junpeng has gone?"

Everyone can't find who Jia Junpeng is.

However, after the appearance of this legendary post, a series of posts under the name of Jia Junpeng and his relatives attracted countless popularity.

Although many netizens know that this is a spoof, how could they be real relatives of Jia Junpeng. But it’s okay. You spoofed me and I spoofed. Thousands of netizens didn’t care about it at all, and they responded one after another.

Until the next day, 24 hours after the post of [Jia Junpeng], the post received 3 million clicks and 300,000 replies.

[Yisou circle broke out a magical post, Jia Junpeng, your mother called you to go home for dinner. 】

[The era of national carnival comes, who is Jia Junpeng? 】

[Twenty-four hours have passed, but Jia Junpeng has not been found. 】

[Profound analysis of why Jia Junpeng is so hot. 】

At this time, not only the netizens were shocked, but even the major portals and the real media were unable to sit still, and began to analyze the phenomenon of Jia Junpeng one after another.

Some experts said: We can see this post from [Jia Junpeng, your mother called you home for dinner]. Although there are only a dozen characters in the post, the body contains only two letters, rt, which is just like the title. Although the post is short, the plot is complete. In terms of characters, there is a hardworking mother, a son who loves to play [Legendary World], and a friend of the son's total of three. But this addictive and legendary world embodies friendship, family affection and other factors conceptually. We can think of it as a subminiature novel, or it can be regarded as a "buzzword".

Some media reporters said through interviews that most of the netizens do not know who Jia Junpeng is, but they really want to know who Jia Junpeng is. On the surface, it seems to be looking for Jia Junpeng, but it can be analyzed in depth. They didn't really want to know who Jia Junpeng was. In their words, we are not talking about posts, but about loneliness.


It can be said.

The real cause of Jia Junpeng's fire is not how awesome this post is.

It is the many netizens who are lonely and unbearable on the Internet that really made this post hit.

But no matter what the reason, Jia Junpeng was on fire.

Some companies have already used Jia Junpeng as their advertisement.

There are also game manufacturers who immediately set up a big boss named Jia Junpeng.

Hit Jia Junpeng and explode the best equipment.

There are also mobile phone shops with banners, Jia Junpeng, your mother calls you to go home and buy a mobile phone.

More companies and manufacturers are preparing to register the trademark of Jia Junpeng.

There are also some play stalkers, all of a sudden, xxx, your mother called you home stalks appeared.

Of course, it is not just Jia Junpeng who is on fire, but also the legendary world.

In addition, the more popular is the easy search [Legendary World] circle.

After the explosion of [Jia Junpeng], the legendary world circle instantly became the benchmark in the forum world.

Not only did Baidu Tieba be overwhelmed, but even all other forum-type websites were blocked by Yisou circles.

"President Chen, your post is so popular."

Xie Zhang and Zhang Jianming came to Chen Yu's office and said in shock: "Mr. Chen, do you have any secrets for this post?"


Chen Yu shook his head.

"How can it be so hot without a secret?"

"Haven't the media reporters analyzed it? Netizens are not following posts, but loneliness."

Chen Yu said: "There are a lot of magic stickers in our circle. Sometimes, how he became popular, we don't know ourselves. However, this time we are also making Legend World Post Bar a benchmark in the industry."

"Yes, Mr. Chen, the role of this benchmark is very obvious. Many people are not interested in other communities like Tianya, Shuimu... These communities. Even Maopu, the traffic has plummeted recently, and the person in charge over there still treats me There are opinions."

"The most important thing about Maopu is not their website but their talents."

The reason why Chen Yu acquired Mopu was not that he was interested in Mopu, he was interested in the talents in Mopu.

This is not.

This time [Jia Junpeng] posted that many talents in Maopu played a huge role.

"By the way, President Chen, I recently discovered that there is a circle that is also very popular?"

"Which circle?"

"Li Yi circle."

"Is Li Yi playing football?"

"Yes, Li Yi has been the most popular in Class A recently and has many fans."

"It's okay to run it a bit and set another benchmark."

Think of the emperor in the previous life, Chen Yu ordered.


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