Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 360: : It can be listed! ! !

"Xiaoyue, the hot pot Xishi you are at has opened a branch?"

"Dad, how do you know?"

"Hehe, I heard from my friends in Guangzhou that they also have hot pot Xi Shi."

"It seems that our hot pot Xi Shi is quite famous."

"In the hot pot industry, your hot pot Xi Shi should be the first."

On weekends, it was rare for Shen Yue to return home. Father Shen Guanjun chatted with Shen Yue.

"Dad, tell you good news?"

"What good news?"

"I was promoted to the store manager of the Guangzhou branch."

"so smart?"

Shen Guanjun gave a thumbs up: "That can only be said, your boss has a really good vision."

His daughter knew that Shen Guanjun was very clear about the abilities of his daughter Shen Yue.

Although her daughter Shen Yue is still a college student, she is no worse than those workplace managers.

If you talk about vision, it's even more than that.

What she lacks most now is experience.

Give her time, she can definitely make a difference.

Thinking of this, Shen Guanjun said: "Xiaoyue, do you want to change a job?"

"Change job?"

Shen Yue is a little strange?

"You also know that Dad has many friends and many companies, right? Uncle Qin knows that. You have several companies under your control of Uncle Qin. You can go to him to learn."

"Dad, I'm not going."

Shen Yue shook her head and replied.


Shen Guanjun said, "Satsuki, Dad didn’t say that you are not good at hot pot Xi Shi. Of course, Dad congratulates you on becoming the store manager. But you also know that although hot pot Xi Shi looks a bit famous, the starting point is a bit low and the pattern is not. If you want to achieve higher development, you should go to a bigger company."

In fact, Shen Guanjun is also very optimistic about the hot pot Xi Shi model of winning customers with service.

But in the end it is a hot pot, no matter how good it is, to what extent can it develop?

He understands his daughter's abilities. Although he has not graduated yet, if he stays in hot pot Xishi for a long time, it would be a waste of talent. It would be better to go to a larger company, and the road in the future can go further.

"Dad, you were wrong this time."

Shen Yue admired her father since she was a child. Of course, Shen Guanjun, the president of the Shenzhen Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, is indeed worthy of worship.

However, for hot pot Xi Shi, Shen Yue is more optimistic than her father.

"Dad, although hot pot Xi Shi only sells hot pot, it may not be a small company. If it sells well, it can also be listed."


Shen Guanjun was stunned: "Sell hot pot to the market?"

Even Shen Guanjun, the chief executive of Shencheng Industrial and Commercial, feels too unscientific at the moment.

"Why, dad, don't you believe it?"

"It's not that I don't believe it, it's basically impossible."

"How impossible, dad, your thinking is too OUT. What's wrong with selling hot pot, selling hot pot can also be listed. Just like KFC, KFC is actually just a fried chicken seller."

Shen Yue said with a cold snort.

"This is not comparable. KFC is a world-renowned brand, but hot pot Xi Shi is only a niche catering company."

"Dad, that's now. Hotpot Xishi has set a listing plan and is preparing for the listing. Not to mention, last month, Hotpot Xishi acquired a hotpot bottoms company. In the future, the hotpot bottoms of hotpot Xishi will be used Provided by our own channels."

This is public information, and Shen Yue didn't reveal any secrets.

"What did you say?"

"Hotpot Xishi bought a hotpot bottoms company?"

Shen Guanjun was extremely surprised.

He had never thought that a catering company like hot pot Xishi would still have such an operation.

Don't underestimate this kind of operation. It is this small operation that is completely different from ordinary catering companies.

Just a service without its own channel, no matter how good the service is, it may be surpassed by others.

But if you have your own channels and unique services, you can form a business.

When Shen Yue nodded heavily, Shen Guanjun became thoughtful.

After a while, Shen Guanjun suddenly laughed and said, "Xiaoyue, your hot pot Xishi is interesting and interesting."

"Dad, you were so shocked that I was shocked by you."

"Dad didn't expect your hot pot Xi Shi to be able to get out of such an operation. It's so interesting. If you follow him, the next step, they should build their own food channels."

"Dad, how do you know?"

"Your position as the head of the ICBC is nothing but a dad."

Shen Guanjun glared at Shen Yue.

Shen Yue stuck out her tongue: "Just now you said that he was just selling hot pot."

"Yes, yes, dad was wrong."

Shen Guanjun admits his mistakes from time to time.

"Then dad, what do you think, according to the current operation of hot pot Xi Shi, can it be listed?"

"Domestic listings are very strict, much more stringent than foreign ones. It is very difficult for hot pot Xi Shi to be listed. But..."

"But what?"

"If you follow the strategy just now, the hot pot Xishi really has the potential to go public."

"Let me just say..."

Shen Yue was extremely happy.

It is really rare to get such a high evaluation from my father.


"Xiao Kai, you are doing very right."

Wu Yinglong, chairman of Wu's Electronics Group, praised: "As you know, our Wu's Electronics Group is a family business. Although I am the chairman of the board, I can't act arbitrarily. There are several cousins ​​in front of you, and even you. This cousin is not a vegetarian either. It is very difficult for me to have your turn in my position."

"That friend of yours is definitely a genius, and you must have a good relationship with him in the future."

"Dad, I know."

Wu Kai said joyfully.

He had never been recognized by his father Wu Yinglong before. Although he wanted to work hard, his ability was just like this, and Wu Yinglong's requirements were so high. Coupled with the fact that several cousins ​​in the family are all Tianzhijiaozi, the comparison between the two is to compare Wu Kai even more. However, since he became acquainted with Chen Yu, especially by relying on Chen Yu's relationship to get Lensi's mobile phone glass processing business, Wu Kai's position in Wu Yinglong's mind has changed.

At this time, when Wu Kai announced the cooperation with Chen Yu to open an electronic processing plant, Wu Yinglong praised it even more.

Such changes kept Wu Kai talking about Chen Yu.

No matter what, I must hug Chen Yu's thigh in the future.

"But, dad, you actually know that my level is limited and my ability is average. I'm afraid of something wrong with the cooperation with Chen Yu."

to be honest.

Although signed a cooperation with Chen Yu, Wu Kai knew what he was capable of.

Although he is not a prodigal son, he is not very good in terms of ability.

Otherwise, four years of college did not accomplish anything.

However, although Wu Kai knew that he had no abilities, he knew that Chen Yu was a genius.

Not only is a genius, the key is that his relationship with Chen Yu is okay.

It doesn't matter how hard it is, but at least it can work together.

But in the end, there was still some worry, he was afraid that his ability was too bad to lose the chain, and finally Chen Yu kicked him away.

To this end, Wu Kai greeted his father Wu Yinglong in advance.


Wu Yinglong patted Wu Kai on the shoulder: "Level and ability are not innate, but can be acquired through continuous experience through time and practice. Before, your dad didn't have any talent, but he has come step by step like this. You are bold. Go and do it, you remember, there's your father and me behind."

"Dad, I'm relieved with your words."

Wu Kai was excited.

He knew that the cooperation with Chen Yu was completely fine.

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