Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 362: : There are also genius comic authors in China

"Brother Jian, how is Yunman's situation?"

"The situation is not very good."

"Why, didn't I hear that the prospects are very broad some time ago?"

"It's mainly because the previous comic studios and comic magazines have taken back their copyrights. They are not cooperating?"


"The reason is unknown and it is still under investigation. We have to ask Xu Liang for details."

"Call Xu Liang."

Yunman is an important layout of Lizi MP3 in Japan.

If Yunman cannot push it out, Lizi mp3 will also be greatly affected.

"Mr Chen."

Soon, Xu Liang's phone call got through.

At this time, Xu Liang was in Japan. As for Chen Yu’s call, Xu Liang had already guessed: “Mr. Chen, according to our latest survey results, the reason why several major Japanese studios and manga magazines have taken back the copyright is because they are worried about our electronics. The VIP charging model for comics will affect their sales of paper comics."

The manga industry in Japan is a large-scale industry.

The annual sales of Japanese paper manga are also extremely scary.

However, the emergence of Yunman has introduced a new way of reading and buying comics.

Before, everyone used to read comics through offline paper purchases, but now there is a new option.

They can pay online and read online.

This is the same as paying online to watch the web.

However, the Japanese people like manga, even less.

"So, Yunman's VIP charging model has been recognized by the Japanese people?"

"Many people in Japan say that electronic VIP payment is more convenient and easier to follow. On the contrary, it takes a long time to buy paper books offline."

"This looks like good news."

Chen Yu smiled comfortedly.

At the same time, Chen Yu also thought that in his previous life, in 2017, sales of electronic comics in Japan had surpassed that of paper comics.

At that time, sales of Japanese electronic comics in 2017 were 171.1 billion yen, while paper comics were 166.6 billion yen.

However, although the model is correct, it has encountered difficulties for the current Yunman.

"Xu Liang, how is Yunman's situation now?"

"Because major studios and comic magazines have taken back a lot of copyrights, our traffic at Yunman has plummeted. We can only cooperate with some small comics studios, but these small comics studios are not well-known and their works are also It doesn’t have much popularity, and the quality is not as good as all kinds of classic comics. Our VIP membership fees are also declining rapidly..."

"This is a nuisance."

Although the model is correct, it is useless without classic comics.

For example, although the VIP payment model of Qidian Chinese Network is good, if there is no classic network, users will not buy it either. It's not that the readers are stingy, but your product is not good enough.

"Can you bring in manga writers like Kishimoto?"

Kishimoto Masashi is the author of Japanese Naruto.

Chen Yu meant to dig him to Yunman with a lot of money.

But Xu Liang shook his head: "It's basically impossible."

"A well-known manga writer like Kishimoto attaches great importance to the offline market, and he has already signed contracts with major companies, and the entire animation industry in Japan is very mature. We are just new recruits in the Japanese manga market. Nor will it come to us."

This is not a question of money.

Like these well-known cartoonists, money is no longer worrying.

What they want to see is that their comics can sell well all over the world.

And this can only be done by a Japanese comic industry company.

"Is there no solution?"

"Yes, yes, but it's not particularly obvious for the time being."

Xu Liang said: "We have opened the original comics backstage. In addition to signing contracts with some comic studios, ordinary comic authors can also upload their own comics. However, most of the comics recently performed very generally and did not cause any problems. The public paid too much attention, and there were no violent works."

Japan has a mature manga industry, and capable manga authors have long been successful offline.

And there is not much strength, even if the work is put on the Internet, not many people watch it.

This is different from the domestic network.

The Internet is a new type of literature, and he has not appeared offline.

As soon as the online platform appeared, powerful domestic authors appeared instantly.

Just like the starting point now, in addition to super gods like [The World's No. 1 White], there have also recently been three young people like the Tang family, I eat Xihong Persimmon, Blood Rainbow... These are some very powerful authors. .

"However, you can rest assured, Mr. Chen. Although there are no violent works in the original manga for the time being, it has attracted the interest of many Japanese manga authors. Maybe most of the paintings here are average, but there are always some that perform well. I expect that in one year, our original comics will be able to see initial results."

Although Xu Liang said so, Chen Yu shook his head.

He naturally knew that Liang Xu made sense.

But Chen Yu, who knows more about this model, knows that it takes time.

As Xu Liang said, one year later... if one year later, their pear mp3 will be on the street.

But Chen Yu also knew that this kind of thing could not come in a hurry.

Content construction takes time.

Even if it is the starting point to dominate the entire online culture arena in the previous life, it has been used for several years.

In the end, a group of talented and talented authors slid freely at the starting point and created a new world.

"Okay, Xu Liang, I have worked hard in Japan, keep working hard."

"Chen, don't worry, I assure you that if Yunman doesn't do it, I won't go back to China."

"If you don't go back to your country, it seems that you will be happy to stay in Japan."

"Mr. Chen, did I mean that?"

"Just kidding with you, don't explain, just explain..."

Hanging up, Chen Yu thought about locking alone.

He has some headaches.

Looking at it this way, Yunman in Japan hasn't started doing it so quickly for the time being.

This has a greater impact on Pear mp3.

Of course, if it was just a pear mp3, Chen Yu would not have such a headache.

Pear mp3 can sell the best in Japan, even if it can't sell, there are domestic markets to support it.

He did not insist on occupying the Japanese market.

Mp3 can't handle Japan, there will be smart phones in the future.

However, Yunman and Lizi mp3 are an important part of Chen Yu's layout in Japanese electronic payment.

Have to think of a way.

For several days, Chen Yu didn't think of a way.

Even Chen Yu called and chatted with the editor-in-chief of the starting point, and they felt that they could only rely on time to build content.

After all, it is impossible for a genius manga writer to appear all at once.

If you want violent money content, it is impossible to accumulate without time.


"Dabai, Dabai, here you are."

"It's big, big, big, not big."

"Da Bai..."

Dididi, dozens of messages in the YY message.

When Chen Yu clicked it, it was sent by an enthusiastic reader "Zuo Yanchen".

Speaking of this reader, it is quite interesting.

This reader named "Zuo Yanchen" said that he was a fan of Chen Yu. Not only did he like Chen Yu's writing, but he also drew comics for the Internet written by Chen Yu. It turned out that Chen Yu felt that what "Zuo Yanchen" said was false, but as a result, the first drawing was actually passed on YY.

"I'm going, you don't learn manga, do you?"

"That's right, I just learn manga."

"Awesome, amazing. I didn't expect that there are so many geniuses among my readers."

"How is it, how is it painted?"

"very nice."

"Thank you, thank you Dabai for the compliment, then I am going to keep serializing it for you? However, Dabai, I am just a poor student and I have no money to buy the copyright of your comics."

"It's okay, it won't be published anyway, you can serialize it, no money."

In 2003, the domestic comics market basically had no market.

There is also a Japanese comic market.

Of course, this is slowly changed after 2010.

Since this super hard-core fan likes painting so much, let him do it.

"Thank you so much."

"You're welcome, I have to thank you, you serialize me, but also to increase my popularity."

"It's okay, it's okay, as your fan, I would love to see it."

After "Zuo Yanchen" finished speaking, he was very excited to send a message to the readers of "The World's No. 1 White".

"Everyone, today I uploaded the comics of "Legendary World: Fantasy Reality" in the circle. This is the first drawing, and will be updated in a week in the is a connection, please ask for flowers..."

Zuo Yanchen posted a link in the group, and soon, a group of book friends entered the circle one after another.

"I rely on, talent."

"This painting skill is very powerful."

"Yes, yes, I thought there were no cartoons in China, but I didn't expect domestic cartoon authors to draw so well."

"Let me say that it is not worse than a Japanese manga writer."

"Yes, much better than they paint."

"There's more, there's more, please update..."

Chen Yu also joined the excitement, read the comments of many readers, and liked "Zuo Yanchen" from time to time.

However, when Chen Yu was about to close the circle, Chen Yu suddenly thought of something: "What if you put the comics drawn by Zuo Yanchen for yourself on the Yunman platform...?"

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