Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 403: : Leaders, are there really subsidies?


   "Chen Yu is simply a genius."

   Under a series of people's doubts, finally, someone discovered the truth.

   It turns out that Huanyu Mall has even integrated some of the home appliance stores in third- and fourth-tier cities into one.

   "This trick is too powerful, we immediately follow."

  Ma Yun's eyes exude an astonishing light.

  While everyone was still in the first and second tier cities, Huanyu Technology put the battlefield in the third and fourth tier cities.

   You should know that most of these third- and fourth-tier cities are small counties, and some even go deep into rural areas.

   Don’t look at these small stores, but when the number is large, the amount he adds up is terrifying.

   Just like Huanyu Mall, there are more than 4,000 and nearly 5,000 partners, let alone 500 million in sales. If you are well prepared, it is possible to break 700 million in sales.

   Of course, it is precisely because these third- and fourth-tier small cities are too small, so small that some home appliance chain giants did not put their eyes there at all, so this also gave Huanyu Mall a chance to overtake on a curve. With the support of these third- and fourth-tier home appliance stores, Huanyu Mall can mix well even without Yongle.

   Of course, it would be better if the first and second lines and the third and fourth lines can be connected.

   "Zhaoxi, you immediately set up a group of local promoters and send them to third- and fourth-tier cities, even in rural areas."


   The so-called local promoters are actually offline entity promotion specialists.

   Same as the promoter of Huanyu Mall.

   In general, local promotion specialists like this are only available in the physical industry, and Internet companies rarely do it.

  Because the promotion cost is too large, the number of people mobilized is too large, and the efficiency is much worse than that of online promotion.

   But e-commerce is a different Internet.

   Although he belongs to the Internet field, he goes deep into the entity.

   Whether it is a seller, a buyer, or a product, he is closely connected with offline.

   Even if the promotion cost is high, it must be won.

   Of course, Huanyu Mall has already won more than 4,000, and Ali and the others are already behind.

   But China is so big, there are tens of thousands of home appliance stores in China.

   Even Huanyu Mall may not be able to take all tens of thousands of home appliance stores.

   Even if Ali is one step behind, there are still many stores waiting for them to cooperate.

   Moreover, Ali at this time has a greater advantage than Huanyu Mall.

   This advantage is the cooperation between Gome and Suning.

   I don’t know that it was stimulated by the sales of Huanyu Mall.

   or because they don’t have much experience in the Internet.

   The second wave of promotion in Huanyu Mall has just ended, and Gome and Suning have reached a cooperation with Ali.

   First and second tier markets have emerged.

   The third- and fourth-tier markets are also being formed.

   Jack Ma believes that with this action, one month later, their Ali will definitely compete with Huanyu Mall.


"Government subsidies."

   "Sannong construction."

   "State support?"

   "What is this and what?"

   Looking at a lot of flyers with various slogans, some leaders of the relevant departments were dumbfounded?

   They originally only received reports from the masses that Huanyu Mall was suspected of promoting false advertisements.

   Of course, the reporter has no definite evidence.

   They generally ignore such reports without evidence.

   However, the relevant departments cannot be so casual.

   Even if no one reported it, they felt that Huanyu Mall’s sales of hundreds of millions a day were a bit fake.

   For this, they collected evidence specially.

   Upon investigation, they found various leaflets.

   There is something written on the flyer.

   Anyway, it is to induce users to consume under the banner of the country.

   "We don't seem to have subsidies in this area."

   "We don't have it here, but it's hard to say that some local governments may introduce them."

   "Why don't you contact me."

   "Okay, let me contact other local governments."

   Even though such slogans are false, some of their leaders have never heard of state subsidies.

   But in a rigorous manner, no one can guarantee that the local government will not issue such subsidies.

   I contacted the relevant departments across the country again.

   In the end, it is concluded that there is no home appliance support in this area, and the local government does not have subsidies in this area.

   "This is probably more than just suspected false advertising."

   A leader above is extremely serious.

  If some fakes were made on sales, of course it would be considered a violation, but this is not particularly serious.

   But if you deceive consumers under the banner of the country and encourage them to buy goods, this is serious.

   "Go, let's go to Huanyu Mall in person."

   The next day.

   Huanyu Mall ushered in dozens of leaders of relevant departments.

   Chen Yu originally thought that these leaders were for investigation. When the situation was wrong, Chen Yu asked Zhang Jianming to quietly ask Zeng Xiang, who was with him.

   Zeng Xiang is the head of the industry and commerce sector in Hangzhou, because the headquarters of Huanyu Mall is in Hangzhou, and he has had several dealings with Zeng Xiang. Zeng Xiang is very optimistic about Internet e-commerce, and he also takes care of Huanyu Mall.

   "Zeng game, what's the situation?"

   "Mr. Zhang, if you ask me, I want to ask you."

   "We don't understand either."

   "Let me ask you, did you fake the last promotion?"

   "Once the game, how dare we."

   Zhang Jianming was a little baffling: "Don't you know, we cooperated with third- and fourth-tier small home appliance stores, and then we set such a sales record."

   "Then the head of the General Administration must come to you for roll call?"

   "This is not asking you Zeng Ju, how do we ordinary people know. Zeng Ju, what do the leaders of the General Administration mean?"

   "I don't know, but the attitude seems very strict. If you do something and confess earlier, I can also intercede with you."


   Zhang Jianming opened his mouth and smiled extremely wryly.

   Where does he know what they did?

   "Mr. Chen, it seems to be looking for trouble."

   Zhang Jianming whispered to Chen Yu.

   "Look for trouble."

   Chen Yu also frowned.

   Although Chen Yu asked himself that he didn't do any illegal means, it would be a headache if he came to make trouble.

   "Did you ask clearly?"

   "Just now, I asked Zeng Ju in a low voice, but Zeng Ju was not quite clear, and told us to confess and be lenient."

"I go."

   Chen Yu vomited: "Frankly, he didn't steal one or two, he did business legally, so what else can he confess?"

   "Okay, don't ask anymore, anyway, we'll find out."

   Take three deep breaths, Chen Yu didn't think much.

  Since the head of the General Administration hadn't spoken at this time, he didn't guess any more, and accompanied them to tour the entire Huanyu Mall.

   "I want to ask, what kind of website is your Huanyu Mall?"

   After visiting for a long time, "Liu Xinqian," the leader of the General Administration of the People's Republic of China, suddenly asked.

   "Leader, our Huanyu Mall is an e-commerce website based on the Internet. Simply put, it is selling goods through the Internet."

   "In reality, there are physical stores selling goods, why do you want to sell them online?"

"That's it. In theory, physical stores generally do not require e-commerce. But because e-commerce is a platform on the Internet, it can save a lot of manpower and material resources, and ultimately reduce the cost of users buying goods. Promote user consumption and improve economic development."

"On the other hand, e-commerce can concentrate information resources so that all competitors can obtain first-hand information, which can promote the competitiveness of enterprises. At the same time, e-commerce breaks the barriers of time and space and provides more combinations for various social economies. It can optimize the country’s economic and industrial structure."

"Of course, because of the Internet properties of e-commerce, there will be a lot of exchanges between sellers and buyers in e-commerce transactions, which can also feed back the most real needs of consumers to merchants, and enterprises and merchants can also respond to users’ feedback. Among them, it provides products that are more suitable for consumers and reduces many unnecessary wastes."

   Although I don’t know what the leader wants to do.

   But for the leader's question, Chen Yu still answered very carefully.

   "Listen to you, has e-commerce greatly helped the country's economy?"

   "At present, there may not be much impact because the entire e-commerce scale is not large, but if it develops and grows, e-commerce will have a huge boost to the economy."

"well said."

   Liu Qianxin applauded to Chen Yu.

   just changed the subject: "Then Huanyu Mall is subsidized by the state?"

   "State subsidies?"

   Chen Yu was extremely puzzled: "No."

   So far, he has never received state subsidies.

   At most, there are some reductions in taxation.

   But this is not the same as subsidies.

   "Are the leaders of the General Administration here to send warmth today?"

   At this thought, Chen Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

   It doesn't seem to be troublesome, that's good, that's good.

   "Leader, do you have a policy recently?"


   Liu Qianxin snorted, but he said in his heart: "You really want to subsidize it."

   "I ask you, what's the matter with you under the banner of state subsidies?"

   "Are we under the banner of state subsidies?"

   Chen Yu wondered when he was under the banner of state subsidies.

   "Leader, is there any misunderstanding in this?"

   Chen Yu didn't understand what the leader was doing, and asked.

   "Why, I don't dare to admit it, let's take a look at this."

   While talking, Liu Qianxin asked his assistant to take out a lot of flyers from his bag: "I really want to hear your explanation."

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