Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 451: :Dual SIM

"Now I feel the power of Chen Yu."

The sales record of 1 million mobile phones in two weeks has caused a sensation in the entire domestic mobile phone industry.

Of course, this is not to say that no one can exceed such a figure.

Bird sold 20 million units a year, which is also a terrifying record.

Nokia is also much better than the current Tianyu mobile phone.

However, everyone knows that Tianyu mobile phone has just been launched.

He has no brand.

There is no technology.

He even just rolled out the market channel.

However, within two weeks, they caught up with the market where others have taken root for decades.

"President Duan, we?"

Jin Zhijiang and others have some shame.

They broke up with Chen Yu before, rushing to make their own mobile phones.

It's good now, their design drawings have just been designed, and their mobile phones are already selling well.

This speed is terrifying to think about.

"Don't us... Failure is nothing, Chen Yu can be considered a vivid lesson for you today."

Duan Yongping said nothing, and left.


However, the hot sales of Tianyu mobile phones on this side, although many mobile phone manufacturers are shocked, it is not completely without strategies to deal with it.

After all, it is a group of bigwigs who have been in the domestic electronics industry for decades.

After they inspected and studied Tianyu mobile phones, they discovered the uniqueness of Tianyu mobile phones.

Sink the low-end market.

In other words, it is sinking the ultra-low-end market.

Prior to this, the domestic mobile phone market also had low-end mobile phones, and even the low-end mobile phone market sold quite well.

But no matter how low-end it was before, the price of a mobile phone was around 1,000 yuan.

Is the price around 1,000 yuan expensive?

Of course not expensive.

Many people can still afford it.

But, speaking of it, 1,000 yuan is quite expensive.

Many people are still reluctant to buy.

Even, there are many people who have no money to buy.

But if the price is reduced to about 500 yuan, the sales volume that bursts out in an instant will be terror.

If you didn't want to buy it before, you will definitely have an idea to buy it now.

Can’t afford it before, but 500 yuan?

Of course, this is not a big deal, it's even more awesome.

If there was no consumer demand before, there will be a demand for purchase at this time.

Such as student groups, middle-aged and elderly groups, and housewives?

The crowd covered by this piece is even more terrifying than the mainstream crowd who originally bought mobile phones.

This is why Tianyu mobile phones can sell 1 million units in just two weeks.

"From now on, we will adjust the production line."

"500 mobile phones are still profitable, and the volume is large, which is much more profitable than our original mobile phones."

"Contact the major parts suppliers immediately..."

Almost the first time, the major mobile phone manufacturers started their actions.

They are ready to compete with Tianyu mobile phones for the ultra-low-end market.

You can sell it for 499 yuan, and I can sell it for 499 yuan.

Moreover, if that time comes, they will have even more advantages.

After all, they had branded before, and Tianyu Mobile had never heard of it before.


"Mr. Chen, major mobile phone manufacturers have adjusted their production lines and are ready to compete with us."

Tianyu's actions cannot be concealed from major mobile phone manufacturers, and the actions of major mobile phone manufacturers are naturally not hidden from Tianyu.

Wu Kai received the news immediately and reported to Chen Yu.


Chen Yu nodded: "We had expected this situation a long time ago."

With the sales figure of 1 million units sold by Tianyu mobile phones in two weeks, every manufacturer will be very excited.

Naturally, they will certainly mimic the way of Tianyu mobile phones.

Moreover, this model defense is not difficult at all.

Because in this, there are no technical difficulties at all.

In addition, they are making mobile phones themselves, as long as they adjust the production line.

"Since they have come in, then we will also fine-tune our products."

The so-called fine-tuning is not to adjust the entire production line, but to be the same as before.

As for the adjustment, it is the speaker, which is commonly known as the speaker.

All previous mobile phones, including Tianyu mobile phone speakers, have relatively low sound.

This is normal.

The mobile phone is used for making calls, and it is also used to listen to the ears, so there is no need for much sound.

Even if the loudspeaker is turned on, the sound is not particularly loud, and it can only be heard by one person at most.

And this listening has to be in a quiet environment.

If it is in a noisy place, it is basically difficult to hear clearly.

This was considered normal by everyone before.

However, Chen Yu didn't think so much.

How can the voice be too small to attract users?

If the speaker doesn't blow up the street, how can we let everyone buy a mobile phone?


What Chen Yu is fine-tuning now is to raise the original speaker sound to the height of a Walkman.

Do not……

The sound is louder than that of a Walkman.

"Wu Kai, please contact our speaker supplier."


Wu Kai acted immediately.

On the other side, Zhou Yifei also reported to Chen Yu: "Our research institute is basically ready to be built."

"What scientific researchers are there."

"It's mainly the domestic universities, and some researchers have been dug into the waveguide...For the time being, only one or two foreign researchers have been invited."

"It's okay for now."

Chen Yu nodded.

The strength of Tianyu mobile phone is not very strong, so it is naturally impossible to attract so many scientific research talents.

It is already very good to be able to recruit a group of people to do research.

However, what Chen Yu wants to study now is not particularly awesome.

It's okay to have these talents.

For example, the first product that Chen Yu asked them to research was dual card standby.

This technology is not difficult and does not require top talent.

As long as these researchers work together for a period of time, he can study it out.

But Chen Yu is not in a hurry.

After all, the technology of dual card dual standby is just a kind of creativity.

However, although the dual card dual standby technology is not strong, it is very practical.

Especially for China, dual card dual standby is simply a weapon for attracting money.

Of course, in addition to these, Chen Yu still has a lot of research and development talents.

Such as resistive screens and electrofusion screens.

Another example is the chip.

Communication Technology.

Camera photography technology.

Battery technology.

Display technology... etc.

It's just that each of these technologies is not so Not to mention chip technology, just camera technology, which stumps countless mobile phone manufacturers.

This not only involves the camera hardware, but also involves a series of processing for the light source, exposure, and so on. Not the top talent in the industry, it is impossible to make a decent finished product.

Even if it is researched out, in addition to these top talents, it will take a long period of time for research and development.

Of course, some can be done not only by researching and developing by yourself.

If chip technology is just immersed in oneself, it may not be better than others in 100 years.

At the same time as research and development, a series of methods are also needed for acquisition, cooperation... etc.

Fortunately, Chen Yu is now starting.

As long as Chen Yu is given time, Chen Yu can develop this series of technologies and products.

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