Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 487: : The Internet is amazing! ! !

With the arrival of Gao Ji and He Tingbo, Chen Yu did not dig into the wall in such a hurry.

Both are big singles, and they have a lot of time to stay in Huanyu Technology.

On Gao Ji's side, Chen Yu asked Zhang Jianming to chat with Gao Ji from time to time.

On He Tingbo's side, Chen Yu personally came.

"Chief Gao, it's hard work, hard work."

"Mr. Zhang, it's not hard, not hard at all."

"Come on, drink water."

"Thanks a lot."

As an old fried dough stick, Zhang Jianming speaks very well, and in a few days he became familiar with Gao Ji.

"Mr. Zhang, your Huanyu Technology's various businesses are really huge."

If you don't come to Huanyu Technology, Gao Ji just thinks that Huanyu Technology is a very powerful Internet company.

They have a lot of traffic and many users.

But after he really came to Huanyu Technology, Gao Ji can be regarded as a behemoth who understands how Huanyu Technology is.

Just talk about online games, millions of people online at the same time are scary.

Not only that, but instant messaging has tens of millions of active users every day.

I can't imagine how Huanyu Technology attracted these users at the time.

Of course, to Gao Ji's sigh, Zhang Jianming was very calm and said that although the Internet has a large number of users, the competition is huge. There are hundreds of game companies in China, instant messaging also has competition, and search engines, Baidu is still the industry's first.

However, it is said that, but Zhang Jianming does not occasionally mention the profitability of their Huanyu Technology.

"Chief Gao, the network architecture depends on you. In a few months, we have a new game to be launched."

"Devil domain?"

"Well, it's this one."

"Mr. Zhang, how many simultaneous online records do you expect Demon Domain to break in the first three months?"

"Maybe, there is too much competition in the market now, and games are not as easy to do as before. Estimated to be around 1 million."


Gao Ji was dumbfounded.

When did you use millions as a unit with online games?

He is clear.

These 1 million are online at the same time, and it is estimated that Huanyu Technology will generate billions of dollars in profit.

They can compete with Huawei just for an online game.

What's more, Huanyu Technology has several such games.

Moreover, Huanyu Technology is more than just online games.

However, despite thinking so, Gao Ji also knows that this is just Huanyu Technology.

I really think that online games are easy to do, it's impossible.

But there are a lot of games on the market that don't even have 10,000 simultaneous online.

"Yes, for our portal, the traffic may be relatively large next month."

"Huanyu Portal?"

"Well, next month, President Chen may launch an offensive against Xinlang in the portal area, and the network speed must be guaranteed."

"Mr. Zhang, you can rest assured that we, Huawei, will personally redesign the entire architecture for you. The speed is definitely not worse than Xinlang, or even faster."

"that's great."

Zhang Jianming nodded happily, but after a while, he shook his head again.

"Mr. Zhang, what's the matter?"

Seeing Zhang Jianming a little depressed, Gao Ji asked without understanding.

"It would be great if we at Huawei had a skilled person like Mr. Gao."

Zhang Jianming sighed intentionally or unintentionally.

"President Zhang is polite, Huanyu Technology is also full of talents."

"What kind of talents, our Huanyu Technology is short of talents like Mr. Gao."

Zhang Jianming continued: "To tell you something, our head hunter, Mr. Chen, was prepared to go outside to dig out a skilled man. The condition given is an annual salary of 3 million + dividends."

"3 million + dividends?"

Gao Ji was extremely shocked.

This salary, even if Huawei has always felt that the salary is high, it is extremely shocking.

"This is only the first three years. After three years, President Chen made it clear that the salary level will be doubled again."

"A few times more."

"In fact, salary is the second best thing, Chief Worker Gao, do you know what is the most tempting thing here?"

"What is it?"

"It is he who will witness the growth of China's Internet together with Huanyu Technology."

"Witness the growth of China's Internet?"

"I think so, don't laugh, Chief Engineer Gao. In Huanyu Technology, he can reach the most domestic netizens. In Huanyu Technology, he can build the fastest Internet network in the world. In Huanyu Technology, he will create a high-speed Fast and convenient the world's largest virtual community...It can be said that the future of Huanyu Technology is a microcosm of China's Internet."

That said, Gao Ji was completely blinded.

At that moment, he said something in his mind.

What if I join Huanyu Technology?

The series of what Zhang Jianming said in front of him is constantly appearing in front of him.

"Have you recruited?"

He pursed his lips, Gao Ji asked.

"The headhunter has recommended a few people, but Mr. Chen didn't like it, he's still looking for it."

"Such a high salary is almost at the level of a CEO, and it's really hard to find."

Gao Ji struggled a bit inside.

"Hey, interrupt Mr. Gao to work, you are busy, you are busy, I will talk to you later."

Halfway through the conversation, Zhang Jianming shut up.

Digging people is a technical job.

How can you get on as soon as you come.

Then you have to boil the frog in warm water, and you have to take it slowly.

A few days later, Zhang Jianming came to Gao Ji again.

Of course, coming to Gao Ji is not a pure chat, as Zhang Jianming said, everything is work communication.

"Chief Gao, this business is our circle business."

"I know this, and I have used circles."

“It’s good to have used it before. At that time, this circle business was just a forum for our music business. Unexpectedly, it has become the largest forum in the country.”

"It is said that more than 1 million circle channels have been opened."

"This is the number from the previous few months, and now it is more than 2 million circle channels."

"Why so many?"

"Who knows, in addition to the mainstream circles, many people like to create chaotic circles. Of course, this is not the strangest. The strangest thing is that these chaotic circles are also played by so many people."

"The Internet is amazing."

"Yes, sometimes we have some rhythms that cannot keep up with them. However, the focus is not on this, but the focus is on the amount of posts. At the beginning of our circle, we followed the concept of simplicity and speed. Although we started to do It’s here, but now the daily number of posts has exceeded 50 million, making the entire internet speed a bit slower."

"50 million posts a day?"

"Yes, I don't think it will take long. The number of posts per day will exceed 100 million."

"100 million, this..."

Gao Ji kept tapping his tongue.

Although it has always been known that there are many users of Huanyu Technology.

But when it comes to specific things such as the number of posts, it is extremely scary.

What is the concept of 100 million posts a day?

Gao Ji had never thought about it before.

But now, he understands that this is a concept almost the same as astronomical numbers.

However, as a technical expert, Gao Ji still said: "Mr. Zhang, don't worry, I will definitely help you reorganize the circle database."

"Then thank you Mr. Gao."

"Don't don't don't, this is what I should be."

"That's OK, Mr. Gao, you continue, I will come to you next time."

"Okay, Mr. Zhang, go slowly."

After finishing speaking, Gao Ji was immersed in the work again.

At the same time, he secretly made up his mind that he must build Huanyu Technology into the fastest Internet company in China.

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