Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 567: :Investment in wps

"Mr Chen."

"Seeking general, I have heard of the name for a long time."

Chen Yu and Qiu Bojun met in Qiu Bojun's office.

A few brief polite words, both of them are staring at each other.

For Qiu Bojun, Chen Yu in front of him in just a few years has surpassed everything he had done in the past ten years.

More importantly, the gap between Jinshan and Huanyu Technology is getting wider and wider.

Even, there is almost no comparability anymore.

Similarly, for Chen Yu, Chen Yu also recalled Qiu Bojun's IT career in his mind.

It should be said that Qiu Bojun is the first batch of IT professionals in China.

In the IT industry, he started his career much earlier than many people.

His products, Kingsoft Internet Security, Kingsoft PowerWord, Kingsoft Typing, and wps were all the rage.

It's a pity that Jinshan's glory came too early, and it didn't really reflect his value at all.

After the rise of the domestic Internet industry, Jinshan has fallen.

The previous life Qiu Bojun chose to retire after Penguin acquired Jinshan and left the IT arena.

So far, there is not much news about Qiu Bojun.

"It should be because I have heard about your name, President Chen, for a long time."

The two of them had a lot of thoughts in their minds, and asked Bojun to speak, "Mr. Chen, can you help me answer a few questions?"


Chen Yu looked at Qiu Bojun in confusion.

I don't know why he would ask like this.

However, thinking of the current situation of Jinshan, Chen Yu also understands.

"Please, you say?"

"Do you think Kingsoft Internet Security still has a chance in the future?"

The first one that Qiu Bojun asked directly was Kingsoft Drug Tyrant.

In terms of anti-virus software, Kingsoft Internet Security is one of Kingsoft’s core businesses.

But unfortunately, this business was forced by the man in front of him to make the market plummet.

Although there is still a certain market share, Qiu Bojun vaguely feels that sooner or later Kingsoft Internet Security will be forced by their 360 to have no retreat.


With little consideration, Chen Yu answered this question as soon as it came up.

After 360 comes out, there will be only one domestic anti-virus software market in the future. There will be no more Kingsoft, no more Jiangmin, and no more Rising.

"Of course, there are still some opportunities for the enterprise-level golden mountain."

Chen Yu told the truth.

Qiu Bojun's heart sank, and did not argue with Chen Yu, and continued to ask: "Then what do you think of Xishanju?"

"Xishanju is an excellent game production company, but not necessarily an excellent game operating company."

Chen Yu is also telling the truth.

"Mr Chen is outspoken?"

"Since Mr. Qiu asked, if I don't tell the truth, this is my fault."

"Thanks a lot."

Qiu Bojun was not angry.

Chen Yu's ability to directly point out their shortcomings is not a bad thing for Jinshan.

"What do you think of the Joyo we invested in?"

Joyo is a b2c e-commerce website.

From the perspective of e-commerce development, whether it is b2c or c2c, he didn't make much money in the initial stage.

Not to mention, Joyo has some difficulties with the money-burning competition model provoked by Huanyu Mall in this world.

Chen Nian and Lei Jun, founders of, including investor Jinshan, are all interested in making a move.

And currently there is a very good target for receiving the plate.

Amazon from the United States.

But despite this, Qiu Bojun is very optimistic about the domestic e-commerce market.

If you sell Joyo now, you may lose your chance to enter the e-commerce market in the future.

But if you don't sell it, Joyo, which has burned out its money, is also not an opponent of Huanyu Mall.

This makes Qiu Bojun seem very hesitant.

" can't match Ali and Huanyu Mall. It's better to sell it to Amazon."

"Mr Chen received the news?"

"How could I not know such a big news."

"How much do you think Joyo is worth?"

"Amazon may bid about $70 million, but you can insist on $100 million."

In the past, Amazon's purchase price for Joyo was $75 million.

Amazon's offer to Joyo is similar in this life.

"Of course, if Amazon feels that it is too high, I can help you raise the price."

Chen Yu likes to do such a good thing.

"Thanks a lot."

Qiu Bojun thanks again.

In the industry, Chen Yu has a nickname called the prince of bidding.

Before 3721 they participated, and they sold for tens of millions of dollars.

After Blizzard's World of Warcraft Chen Yu ran to raise the price again, pitting NetEase.

Now Chen Yu wants to act as the prince of bidding.

Of course, some people may say that since they know that Chen Yu is here to raise the price, just ignore him.

But in fact, if you do this, the loss is even greater.

If you don't buy it, Universal Technology may really make a bid.

Whether it is 3721, or Blizzard’s World of Warcraft, including the current Joyo.

Huanyu Technology has a reason for acquisition, and if they acquire it, it will be a huge threat to others.

Therefore, even if you know that Chen Yu is raising the price, you have to enter this pit.

This is why Qiu Bojun thanked Chen Yu again.

Although Chen Yu's helping them raise prices may not necessarily be helping Jinshan, but hitting Amazon is also beneficial to Huanyu Technology.

"still have a question……"

Asked a few questions in a row, Qiu Bojun felt a little bit in his heart.

But the more he had a bottom in his heart, the colder Qiu Bojun felt.

It seems like the building is about to fall in the golden mountain of Novosibirsk.

This business is going to die, and that business is going to be sold. Even if it is a barely passable online game business, the best is to make some spare money. In addition to these, Jinshan has a core business.

This business is the office software business-wps.

Once wps has created brilliant results.

Even when Microsoft's office was in the domestic market, it was defeated by wps.

But then as the office got better and better, almost no one cares about wps.

Now that wps is the core business of Kingsoft, it is already extremely embarrassing.

You know, wps can no longer make any money for Jinshan, not only can't make money, but also lose money.

That is, no money is made, and there is no market yet. WPS can be said to be the most miserable business of Kingsoft...none of them.

"What I want to ask about is wps?"

"It seems Mr. Chen has already guessed it."

"It's not a guess, in fact, this time I am here for wps."

Chen Yu said why he came to see Qiu Bojun.

"Come for wps?"

Qiu Bojun has some doubts: "Mr Chen is also interested in office software?"


Chen Yu nodded: "I hope to invest in your company's wps."


Qiu Bojun was a little surprised: "Mr. Chen should know our wps market share."

"I know has a market share of less than 1%."

"Then President Chen is still considering buying shares?"

"I just want to say that this is temporary. In fact, I think wps has done a good job. As long as you change the gameplay, change the packaging, and change the publicity method, it will become popular."

This is Chen Yu's truth.

In Chen Yu's heart, he always thought.

In fact, the core business of Kingsoft is not drug tyrants, not Xishanju, not e-commerce, but wps.

Because only wps can compete with Microsoft office.

And, the previous wps successfully did this.

In 2019, wps accounted for 45% of the domestic market, which is a miracle.

If Chen Yu came to operate, he would definitely have a market share of more than 50%.

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